Non-Degree Courses
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The courses listed below may have prerequisites and/or require an override from the department. These are indicated where applicable; please check the course listings for details. The sections listed below are for the Spring 2025 semester.
- ECED 501: Developmental Pathways of Diverse Learners, Birth-Adolescence (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13090): Dvlp Pthwy Div Lrnr: Brth-Adol
- Section 600 (CRN 20768): Dvlp Pthwy Div Lrnr: Brth-Adol
- Section 601 (CRN 20771): Dvlp Pthwy Div Lrnr: Brth-Adol
- Section DL1 (CRN 13092): Dvlp Pthwy Div Lrnr: Brth-Adol
- Section P01 (CRN 19437): Dvlp Pthwy Div Lrnr: Brth-Adol
- ECED 502: Foundations of Language and Literacy for Diverse Young Learners, Birth-Age 5 (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13093): Found Lang/Lit Birth to Age 5
- Section DL1 (CRN 13095): Found Lang/Lit Birth to Age 5
- ECED 504: Engaging Families of Diverse Young Learners (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13099): Engaging Fam Diverse Yng Lrnrs
- Section 002 (CRN 13100): Engaging Fam Diverse Yng Lrnrs
- Section P01 (CRN 19435): Engaging Fam Diverse Yng Lrnrs
- ECED 513: Integrating Social Studies Across the Content Areas for Diverse Young Learners (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13106): Social Studies Giv Yng Lrnrs
- ECED 516: Science for Diverse Young Learners (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13108): Science for Diverse Yng Lrnrs
- Section DL1 (CRN 13110): Science for Diverse Yng Lrnrs
- EDAT 510: Introduction to Assistive Technology (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13116): Intro to Assistive Technology
- EDAT 521: Augmentative Communication (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13118): Augmentative Communication
- EDAT 524: Universal Design for Learning (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13120): Universal Design for Learning
- EDCI 597: Special Topics in Education (1-6 credits)
- Section SA1 (CRN 17670): Special Topics in Education
- EDCI 621: Introduction to Gifted and Talented Learners (3 credits)
- Section 6H1 (CRN 21217): Intr Gifted/Talented Lrn
- EDCI 623: Supporting the Social Emotional Needs of Gifted Learners (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13141): Social Emot Needs-Gifted Lrn
- EDCI 624: Advanced Assessment and Evaluation of Gifted Learners (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13142): Adv Asses/Eval Gift Lrn
- EDCI 644: Mathematics Learning and Assessment (K-8) (3 credits)
- Section 6M1 (CRN 20252): Math Lrng and Assessment (K-8)
- Section 6M6 (CRN 20824): Math Lrng and Assessment (K-8)
- Section 6M9 (CRN 20299): Math Lrng and Assessment (K-8)
- EDCI 671: Innovations in STEM Teaching (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13143): Innovations in STEM Teaching
- EDEP 653: Culture and Intelligence (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13152): Culture and Intelligence
- Section P01 (CRN 19695): Culture and Intelligence
- EDEP 822: Advanced Learning, Motivation, and Self-Regulation (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 21026): Adv Lrng/Motiva/Self Regu
- Section 002 (CRN 21025): Adv Lrng/Motiva/Self Regu
- EDLE 615: Managing Financial and Human Resources for Independent Schools (3 credits) – Requires override approval from department
- Section DL1 (CRN 13168): Manag Fin&Humn Res/Indep Schls
- EDLE 620: Organizational Theory and Leadership (3 credits) – Requires override approval from department
- Section 601 (CRN 21068): Org Theory and Ldrshp Devel
- Section 602 (CRN 21387): Org Theory and Ldrshp Devel
- Section DL1 (CRN 13169): Org Theory and Ldrshp Devel
- EDLE 634: Contemporary Issues in Education Leadership (3 credits)
- Section 601 (CRN 21069): Contemp Issues in Ed Lrdshp
- Section DL1 (CRN 13170): Contemp Issues in Ed Lrdshp
- EDLE 636: Adult Motivation and Conflict Management in Education Settings: A Case Study Approach (3 credits)
- Section 601 (CRN 21070): Motivation and Conf Mgmt in Ed
- Section 602 (CRN 21092): Motivation and Conf Mgmt in Ed
- Section 603 (CRN 21093): Motivation and Conf Mgmt in Ed
- Section DL1 (CRN 13171): Motivation and Conf Mgmt in Ed
- EDPO 603: Conflict and Consensus: Education, Interest Groups and Advocacy (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13178): Conflict and Consensus
- EDRD 501: Literacy in Fine Arts, Health, and Physical Education (3 credits)
- Section 6L1 (CRN 20459): Literacy in Arts, Health, & PE
- Section DL1 (CRN 13182): Literacy in Arts, Health, & PE
- EDRD 619: Disciplinary Literacy (3 credits)
- Section 6L1 (CRN 20426): Disciplinary Literacy
- Section DL1 (CRN 18714): Disciplinary Literacy
- Section DL2 (CRN 18715): Disciplinary Literacy
- Section DL3 (CRN 18716): Disciplinary Literacy
- EDRD 628: Word Analysis: Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling for K-12 Learners (3 credits)
- Section 6L1 (CRN 20463): Word Analysis K-12 Learners
- Section 6L8 (CRN 20543): Word Analysis K-12 Learners
- EDRS 590: Education Research (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13367): Education Research
- Section P01 (CRN 19454): Education Research
- EDRS 620: Quantitative Inquiry in Education (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 12974): Quantitative Inquiry in Educat
- Section P01 (CRN 19448): Quantitative Inquiry in Educat
- EDRS 630: Educational Assessment (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 18747): Educational Assessment
- Section DL1 (CRN 13194): Educational Assessment
- Section P01 (CRN 19724): Educational Assessment
- EDSE 501: Introduction to Special Education (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13218): Intro to Special Education
- Section 611 (CRN 20044): Intro to Special Education
- Section 615 (CRN 21565): Intro to Special Education
- Section 6S1 (CRN 20055): Intro to Special Education
- Section 6S2 (CRN 20057): Intro to Special Education
- Section 6S3 (CRN 21219): Intro to Special Education
- Section 6V1 (CRN 21566): Intro to Special Education
- Section DL1 (CRN 13219): Intro to Special Education
- EDSE 502: Classroom Management and Individualized Behavior Supports (3 credits)
- Section 689 (CRN 20107): Classrm Mgt Indiv Behvr Supprt
- Section 690 (CRN 20108): Classrm Mgt Indiv Behvr Supprt
- Section 691 (CRN 20109): Classrm Mgt Indiv Behvr Supprt
- Section 692 (CRN 20098): Classrm Mgt Indiv Behvr Supprt
- Section DL1 (CRN 13370): Classrm Mgt Indiv Behvr Supprt
- EDSE 503: Language Development and Reading (3 credits)
- Section 689 (CRN 20110): Language Dev and Reading
- Section 691 (CRN 20058): Language Dev and Reading
- Section 6V1 (CRN 20617): Language Dev and Reading
- Section DL1 (CRN 13361): Language Dev and Reading
- EDSE 517: Computer Applications for Special Populations (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13220): Computer Appl Spec Popul
- Section 002 (CRN 13221): Computer Appl Spec Popul
- Section 611 (CRN 20039): Computer Appl Spec Popul
- Section 6V1 (CRN 20827): Computer Appl Spec Popul
- Section DL1 (CRN 13222): Computer Appl Spec Popul
- EDSE 533: Assessment and Program Planning for Adapted Curriculum (3 credits)
- Section 6U1 (CRN 20083): Assmnt/Prgm Planng Adapt Curr
- Section 6Y1 (CRN 20096): Assmnt/Prgm Planng Adapt Curr
- Section DL1 (CRN 13223): Assmnt/Prgm Planng Adapt Curr
- EDSE 534: Communication and Severe Disabilities (3 credits)
- Section 6U1 (CRN 20084): Communicatn Severe Disab
- Section 6Y1 (CRN 20097): Communicatn Severe Disab
- Section DL1 (CRN 13224): Communicatn Severe Disab
- EDSE 540: Characteristics of Students with Disabilities who Access the General Curriculum (3 credits)
- Section 692 (CRN 20062): Char Stud Disab Access Gen Cur
- Section DL1 (CRN 13373): Char Stud Disab Access Gen Cur
- EDSE 544: Adapted Instructional Methods and Transition for Secondary Learners (3 credits)
- Section 685 (CRN 20037): Adapt Instr Meth/Trans Sec Lrn
- Section 687 (CRN 20036): Adapt Instr Meth/Trans Sec Lrn
- EDSE 547: Characteristics of Students with Severe Disabilities (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 19241): Characteristics Severe Disab
- Section 6U1 (CRN 20085): Characteristics Severe Disab
- Section 6Y1 (CRN 20066): Characteristics Severe Disab
- Section DL1 (CRN 13225): Characteristics Severe Disab
- EDSE 557: Foundations of Language and Literacy for Individuals with Severe Disabilities (3 credits)
- Section 6U1 (CRN 20065): Found Lang & Lit Severe Disab
- Section 6Y1 (CRN 20086): Found Lang & Lit Severe Disab
- Section DL1 (CRN 13226): Found Lang & Lit Severe Disab
- EDSE 615: Cortical and Cerebral Visual Impairment (3 credits)
- Section 6V1 (CRN 20618): Cortical/Cerebral Vis Impairmt
- Section 6Y1 (CRN 20087): Cortical/Cerebral Vis Impairmt
- EDSE 619: Principles and Procedures of Behavior Analysis (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13230): Principles and Procedures ABA
- Section 002 (CRN 13231): Principles and Procedures ABA
- Section 004 (CRN 21108): Principles and Procedures ABA
- Section 005 (CRN 21496): Principles and Procedures ABA
- Section DL1 (CRN 20500): Principles and Procedures ABA
- EDSE 620: Supporting the Behavior and Sensory Needs of Individuals with Autism (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13232): Behav & Sensory: Indiv Autism
- Section DL1 (CRN 13233): Behav & Sensory: Indiv Autism
- EDSE 627: Assessment (3 credits) – Requires override approval from department
- Section 690 (CRN 20043): Assessment
- EDSE 634: Characteristics of Individuals with Autism (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13245): Charact Indivs with Autism
- Section DL1 (CRN 13246): Charact Indivs with Autism
- EDSE 635: Interventions for Individuals with Autism (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 18698): Intervent Indivs with Autism
- Section DL1 (CRN 19251): Intervent Indivs with Autism
- EDSE 636: Supporting Communication and Literacy for Individuals with Autism (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 18699): Comm/Lit for Indiv with Autism
- Section DL1 (CRN 19252): Comm/Lit for Indiv with Autism
- EDSE 641: Instructional Strategies for Reading and Writing (3 credits) – Requires override approval from department
- Section 686 (CRN 20042): Inst Strat Read and Writing
- Section 688 (CRN 20099): Inst Strat Read and Writing
- Section DL1 (CRN 18735): Inst Strat Read and Writing
- EDSE 643: Instructional Strategies for Math (3 credits) – Requires override approval from department
- Section 685 (CRN 20041): Instruct Strat for Math
- Section 687 (CRN 20054): Instruct Strat for Math
- Section 688 (CRN 20034): Instruct Strat for Math
- Section DL1 (CRN 13374): Instruct Strat for Math
- EDSE 661: Curriculum and Methods: Severe Disabilities (3 credits) – Requires override approval from department
- Section 6U1 (CRN 20100): Curr/Meth: Severe Disabilities
- Section 6Y1 (CRN 20089): Curr/Meth: Severe Disabilities
- Section DL1 (CRN 13255): Curr/Meth: Severe Disabilities
- EDSE 662: Consultation and Collaboration (3 credits) – Requires override approval from department
- Section 686 (CRN 20040): Consultation and Collaboration
- Section DL1 (CRN 13375): Consultation and Collaboration
- EDSE 669: Individualized Supports and Specialized Care of Students with Severe Disabilities (3 credits) – Requires override approval from department
- Section 6U1 (CRN 20064): Indv Supprt Spec Care Sev Disb
- Section 6Y1 (CRN 20090): Indv Supprt Spec Care Sev Disb
- Section DL1 (CRN 13258): Indv Supprt Spec Care Sev Disb
- EDUC 501: Human Development and Learning (3 credits)
- Section 6A1 (CRN 19996): Human Development and Learning
- Section DL1 (CRN 13268): Human Development and Learning
- EDUC 502: Curriculum and Instruction – Teaching All Learners (3 credits)
- Section 6A1 (CRN 20303): Curriculum & Instruction PK-12
- Section DL1 (CRN 13269): Curriculum & Instruction PK-12
- EDUC 503: Assessment of and for Learning (3 credits)
- Section 6A1 (CRN 20304): Assessment of and for Learning
- Section DL1 (CRN 13270): Assessment of and for Learning
- EDUC 504: Foundations of Education (3 credits)
- Section 6A1 (CRN 19997): Foundations of Education
- Section DL1 (CRN 13271): Foundations of Education
- EDUC 505: Classroom and Behavior Management in PreK-12 Classrooms (3 credits)
- Section 6A1 (CRN 20251): Classrm and Behavior Mgmt PK12
- Section DL1 (CRN 13272): Classrm and Behavior Mgmt PK12
- EDUC 511: Child and Adolescent Development in Global Contexts (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13274): Child/Ado Dev Global Contexts
- EDUC 537: Introduction to Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Learners (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13275): Cultural Ling Diverse Lrnrs
- ELED 543: Children, Family, Culture, and Schools, ages 4-12 Years (3 credits) – Requires override approval from department
- Section 003 (CRN 20382): Child, Fam, Culture, School
- MATH 614: Rational Numbers and Proportional Reasoning for K-8 Teachers (3 credits)
- Section 6M1 (CRN 20254): Rational Numb/Propor Reaso K-8
- Section 6M6 (CRN 20253): Rational Numb/Propor Reaso K-8
- Section 6M9 (CRN 20255): Rational Numb/Propor Reaso K-8
The School of Education offers courses that are specifically designed for teachers who currently hold a provisional license. Check out these professional studies courses specific to your area of licensure here.
The core courses in the professional studies series are below, and you may check when a course is offered in the Graduate Courses for Educators section above or by selecting a course:
- EDUC 501: Human Development and Learning (3 credits)
- EDUC 503: Assessment of and for Learning (3 credits)
- EDUC 504: Foundations of Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 506: Foundations of Literacy (3 credits)
- EDRD 619: Disciplinary Literacy (3 credits)
- ECED 401: Developmental Pathways of Diverse Learners, Birth-Adolescence (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 12929): Dvlp Pthwy Div Lrnr:Brth-Adol
- Section DL1 (CRN 13091): Dvlp Pthwy Div Lrnr:Brth-Adol
- ECED 402: Foundations of Language and Literacy for Diverse Young Learners, Birth-Age 5 (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 12930): Found Lang/Lit Birth to Age 5
- Section DL1 (CRN 13094): Found Lang/Lit Birth to Age 5
- ECED 404: Engaging Families of Diverse Learners, Birth – Grade 6 (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 12932): Engag Fam of Div Lrnrs, B-Gr6
- Section 002 (CRN 12933): Engag Fam of Div Lrnrs, B-Gr6
- ECED 413: Integrating Social Studies Across the Content Areas for Diverse Young Learners (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13105): Social Studies Div Yng Lrnrs
- ECED 416: Science for Diverse Young Learners (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 12938): Science for Div Yng Lrnrs
- Section DL1 (CRN 13109): Science for Div Yng Lrnrs
- EDAT 410: Introduction to Assistive Technology (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13117): Intro to Assistive Technology
- EDAT 421: Augmentative Communication (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13119): Augmentative Communication
- EDEP 350: Perspectives on Achievement Motivation (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13151): Achievement Motivation
- EDSE 115: American Sign Language (ASL) I (4 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13196): American Sign Language I
- Section 002 (CRN 13197): American Sign Language I
- Section 003 (CRN 13198): American Sign Language I
- Section DL1 (CRN 13200): American Sign Language I
- Section DL2 (CRN 13201): American Sign Language I
- Section DL3 (CRN 13358): American Sign Language I
- EDSE 116: American Sign Language (ASL) II (4 credits) – Requires override approval from department
- Section 001 (CRN 13202): American Sign Language II
- Section 002 (CRN 13203): American Sign Language II
- Section 003 (CRN 13204): American Sign Language II
- Section 004 (CRN 13205): American Sign Language II
- Section DL1 (CRN 13206): American Sign Language II
- EDSE 201: Introduction to Special Education (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13207): Introduction Special Education
- EDSE 203: Disability in American Culture (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 12984): Disability in American Culture
- EDSE 241: Characteristics of Students with Disabilities who Access the General Curriculum (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 12986): Char Stud Disab Access Gen Cur
- EDSE 341: Language Acquisition and Reading and Writing Development (3 credits) – Requires override approval from department
- Section 001 (CRN 12987): Language Acquis & Rdg/Wrtg Dev
- EDSE 351: Technology Integration for Specialized Instruction (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13359): Tech Integration Spec Instruct
- EDSE 353: Individualized Behavior Supports (3 credits)
- Section 002 (CRN 21310): Individualized Behav Supports
- EDSE 361: Characteristics of Students with Severe Disabilities (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13215): Characteristics Severe Disab
- EDSE 443: Instructional Strategies for Math (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 12989): Instructional Strategies Math
- EDSE 451: Transition and Self-Determination (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 12990): Transition Self-Determination
- EDSE 463: Curriculum and Methods in Severe Disabilities (3 credits)
- Section DL2 (CRN 21605): Curric & Methods Severe Disab
- EDUC 200: Introduction to Education: Teaching, Learning and Schools (3 credits)
- Section 002 (CRN 13265): Intro to Education
- Section DL1 (CRN 13264): Intro to Education
- ELED 242: Foundations of Elementary Education (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13003): Foundations in Elem Ed
- Section 003 (CRN 19677): Foundations in Elem Ed
- ELED 257: Integrating Technology in PreK-6 (3 credits)
- Section 005 (CRN 13005): Integrating Technology
- Section DL1 (CRN 13004): Integrating Technology
- Section DL3 (CRN 20804): Integrating Technology
- ELED 258: Children's Literature for Teaching in Diverse Settings (3 credits)
- Section 002 (CRN 13006): Child Lit/Tching Div Settings
- Section DL1 (CRN 13283): Child Lit/Tching Div Settings
- Section DL2 (CRN 13284): Child Lit/Tching Div Settings
- Section DL3 (CRN 13285): Child Lit/Tching Div Settings
- Section DL4 (CRN 13286): Child Lit/Tching Div Settings
- Section DL5 (CRN 13287): Child Lit/Tching Div Settings
- Section DL6 (CRN 13288): Child Lit/Tching Div Settings
- Section DL7 (CRN 13289): Child Lit/Tching Div Settings
- RECR 100: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Intro (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 13038): Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu:Intro
- RECR 101: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Intermediate (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 13039): Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu:Intermedia
- RECR 102: Judo: Introduction (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 13040): Judo:Introduction
- RECR 106: Krav Maga: Introduction (1 credit)
- Section 002 (CRN 19908): Krav Maga:Introduction
- RECR 107: Krav Maga: Intermediate (1 credit)
- Section 002 (CRN 20417): Krav Maga:Intermediate
- RECR 108: Self Defense: Introduction (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 13043): Self Defense:Introduction
- Section 003 (CRN 19936): Self Defense:Introduction
- Section 004 (CRN 19909): Self Defense:Introduction
- RECR 109: Self Defense: Intermediate (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 13045): Self Defense:Intermediate
- RECR 110: Tae Kwon Do: Introduction (1 credit)
- Section 002 (CRN 20792): Tae Kwon Do:Introduction
- RECR 111: Tae Kwon Do: Intermediate (1 credit)
- Section 002 (CRN 20793): Tae Kwon Do:Intermediate
- RECR 113: Fencing (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 13326): Fencing
- RECR 118: Cardio Conditioning (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 13327): Cardio Conditioning
- RECR 119: Fitness Walking (1 credit)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13328): Fitness Walking
- Section DL2 (CRN 13329): Fitness Walking
- Section DL3 (CRN 13330): Fitness Walking
- RECR 120: Weight Training/ Body Conditioning (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 13331): Weight Training/Body Condtning
- Section 005 (CRN 21053): Weight Training/Body Condtning
- Section 006 (CRN 21054): Weight Training/Body Condtning
- RECR 137: Trap and Skeet Shooting: Intro (2 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13334): Trap and Skeet Shooting: Intro
- RECR 141: Basketball: Introduction (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 19612): Basketball: Introduction
- RECR 145: Volleyball: Introduction (1 credit)
- Section K01 (CRN 20132): Volleyball: Introduction
- RECR 151: Badminton: Introduction (1 credit)
- Section K01 (CRN 20133): Badminton: Introduction
- RECR 152: Pickleball (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 13335): Pickleball
- Section K01 (CRN 20134): Pickleball
- RECR 155: Tennis: Introduction (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 13336): Tennis: Introduction
- RECR 161: Scuba Diving: Basic (2 credits)
- Section 002 (CRN 13337): Scuba Diving: Basic
- RECR 163: Swimming: Intermediate (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 13338): Swimming: Intermediate
- RECR 181: Meditation: Introduction (1 credit)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13339): Meditation: Introduction
- Section DL2 (CRN 13340): Meditation: Introduction
- RECR 182: Pilates: Introduction (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 13048): Pilates: Introduction
- Section 002 (CRN 13049): Pilates: Introduction
- Section 003 (CRN 13050): Pilates: Introduction
- Section 004 (CRN 13051): Pilates: Introduction
- Section 005 (CRN 13052): Pilates: Introduction
- Section 007 (CRN 13053): Pilates: Introduction
- Section DL1 (CRN 13341): Pilates: Introduction
- Section DL2 (CRN 13342): Pilates: Introduction
- RECR 183: Pilates: Intermediate (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 13054): Pilates: Intermediate
- Section DL1 (CRN 13343): Pilates: Intermediate
- RECR 184: Tai Chi: Introduction (1 credit)
- Section 002 (CRN 13055): Tai Chi: Introduction
- RECR 186: Yoga: Introduction (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 13056): Yoga: Introduction
- Section 002 (CRN 13057): Yoga: Introduction
- Section 003 (CRN 13058): Yoga: Introduction
- Section 004 (CRN 13059): Yoga: Introduction
- Section 005 (CRN 13060): Yoga: Introduction
- Section 006 (CRN 13061): Yoga: Introduction
- Section 007 (CRN 13062): Yoga: Introduction
- Section 008 (CRN 13063): Yoga: Introduction
- Section 009 (CRN 13064): Yoga: Introduction
- Section DL1 (CRN 13344): Yoga: Introduction
- Section DL2 (CRN 13345): Yoga: Introduction
- RECR 187: Yoga: Intermediate (1 credit)
- Section 001 (CRN 13065): Yoga: Intermediate
- Section DL2 (CRN 13346): Yoga: Intermediate
- TOUR 110: Professionalism and Civility (1 credit)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13546): Professionalism and Civility
- Section DL2 (CRN 13547): Professionalism and Civility
- TOUR 190: Wedding Planning (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13548): Wedding Planning/Management
- Section DL2 (CRN 13549): Wedding Planning/Management
- TOUR 200: Introduction to Tourism Management (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13566): Introduction to Tourism Mgt
- TOUR 210: Global Understanding through Travel and Tourism (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13550): Glob Underst-Travel/Tour
- Section DL2 (CRN 13551): Glob Underst-Travel/Tour
- Section DL3 (CRN 20873): Glob Underst-Travel/Tour
- Section DL4 (CRN 21490): Glob Underst-Travel/Tour
- TOUR 220: Introduction to Event Management (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13552): Introduct to Events Management
- TOUR 230: Introduction to Hospitality Management (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13509): Intro Hospitality Management
- TOUR 311: Women and Tourism (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13555): Women and Tourism
- ATEP 120: First Aid and Emergency Care (2 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13455): First Aid/Emergency Care
- Section 003 (CRN 13457): First Aid/Emergency Care
- Section DL1 (CRN 13458): First Aid/Emergency Care
- Section DL2 (CRN 13459): First Aid/Emergency Care
- Section DL3 (CRN 20787): First Aid/Emergency Care
- ATEP 201: Medical and Scientific Terminology (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13460): Medical Scientific Terminology
- Section DL2 (CRN 13461): Medical Scientific Terminology
- ATEP 300: Functional Anatomy (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13437): Functional Anatomy
- Section 002 (CRN 13438): Functional Anatomy
- HEAL 110: Personal Health (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13297): Personal Health
- Section DL2 (CRN 13298): Personal Health
- Section DL3 (CRN 13299): Personal Health
- Section DL4 (CRN 20994): Personal Health
- Section DL5 (CRN 13300): Personal Health
- Section DL6 (CRN 21642): Personal Health
- HEAL 200: School and Community Safety (1 credit)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13302): School and Community Safety
- HEAL 220: Dimensions of Mental Health (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13303): Dimensions of Mental Health
- HEAL 230: Introduction to Health Behavior (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13304): Introductio to Health Behavior
- HEAL 250: Introduction to School Health (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13306): Introduction to School Health
- HEAL 310: Drugs and Health (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13307): Drugs and Health
- HEAL 325: Human Sexuality (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13308): Human Sexuality
- Section DL2 (CRN 13309): Human Sexuality
- Section DL3 (CRN 13310): Human Sexuality
- HEAL 327: Women's Health (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13311): Women's Health
- Section DL2 (CRN 13312): Women's Health
- HEAL 331: Men's Health (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13313): Men's Health
- Section DL2 (CRN 13314): Men's Health
- HEAL 351: Relationship Health (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13315): Relationship Health
- Section DL2 (CRN 13316): Relationship Health
- HEAL 372: Health Communication (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13317): Health Communication
- KINE 100: Introduction to Kinesiology (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13468): Introduction to Kinesiology
- Section 002 (CRN 13469): Introduction to Kinesiology
- KINE 200: Methods of Exercise Instruction (3 credits)
- Section 201 (CRN 13440): Lab for Lecture DL1
- Section 202 (CRN 13441): Lab for Lecture DL1
- Section 203 (CRN 13442): Lab for Lecture DL1
- Section 204 (CRN 19610): Lab for Lecture DL1
- Section DL1 (CRN 13470): Exercise Instruction
- KINE 310: Exercise Physiology I (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13444): Exercise Physiology I
- Section 003 (CRN 21583): Exercise Physiology I
- PHED 273: Net and Target Games (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13319): Net and Target Games
- PHED 274: Dance and Educational Gymnastics (3 credits)
- Section 002 (CRN 13320): Dance/Educ Gymnastics
- PHED 306: Psychomotor Learning (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 13321): Psychomotor Learning
- PHED 673: Motor Development for Special Populations (3 credits)
- Section DL1 (CRN 18729): Motor Devel for Special Popula
- SPMT 201: Introduction to Sport Management (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13494): Introduction to Sport Managmnt
- Section 002 (CRN 13495): Introduction to Sport Managmnt
- Section DL1 (CRN 13526): Introduction to Sport Managmnt
- SPMT 210: Foundations of Sport Coaching (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13496): Foundations of Sport Coaching
- SPMT 302: Philosophical and Ethical Dimensions of Sport (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13529): Phil/Ethic Dimensions of Sport
- SPMT 304: Sport, Culture, and Society (3 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 13530): Sport, Culture, and Society
- Section 002 (CRN 13531): Sport, Culture, and Society
- SPMT 320: Psychology of Sport (3 credits)
- Section 002 (CRN 20764): Psychology of Sport
- Section DL1 (CRN 13533): Psychology of Sport
- SRST 200: History of Sport and Leisure in America (3 credits)
- Section 002 (CRN 21246): History Sport/Leisure America
- Section DL3 (CRN 21491): History Sport/Leisure America
- SRST 598: Special Topics (1-6 credits)
- Section 001 (CRN 20769): Adv Event Tech Production
- Section 002 (CRN 21454): Equine Bsns Hntr/Jmpr Profesnl
- Section 003 (CRN 21455): Adolescnt Self-Regulation Comp