CEHD Student Guide
As a student in the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) at George Mason University, you have access to a variety of resources and services to support your success.
However, we know it can be challenging to find what you need when you need it. Use this guide to quickly find important policies and resources to help you maximize your higher education experience!

Communication Policy
Communication Policy
All George Mason students are responsible for knowing the content of university communication sent via email, so activate your George Mason (Office 365) email as soon as possible, check it regularly, and use it to communicate with anyone at George Mason.
Stay Connected with CEHD
Follow us for consistent reminders about important dates, events, employment and scholarship opportunities, and student news!

Important Policies
Academic Policies
All George Mason students are responsible for adhering to our Academic Standards and all policies listed in the University Catalog. We have included some key student policies here for your convenience. For a comprehensive list of policies and more information on each particular policy listed below, search the online catalog using the policy codes at the end of each entry (for example, AP 6.8.2). You may also find forms associated with corresponding policies here.
- Academic Policies
- Academic Load (AP.1.2)
- Course Add (AP.1.3.2)
- Course Drop (AP.1.3.2)
- Course Repeat (AP.1.3.4)
- Course Withdrawal (AP.1.5)
- Permission to Study Elsewhere (AP.1.4.2)
- Grading Policies
- Incomplete Grades (AP.3.3)
- Graduate Student Policies
- Academic Standing (AP.6.6)
- Bachelor’s/Accelerated Master’s Degree (AP.6.7)
- Graduate Certificate Programs (AP.6.8)
- Permission to Re-Enroll (AP.6.4.3)
- Time Limit (AP.6.9.2)
- Undergraduate Student Policies
- Academic Standing (AP.5.2)
- Leave of Absence (AP.1.8)
- Selective Withdrawal (AP.1.5.1)
- Registration and Attendance Policies
- Leave of Absence/Re-Enrollment (AP.1.8)
- Registration (AP.1.3)
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Appeals of Academic Procedures
- Privacy of Student Records (FERPA)
- Course Substitutions/Waivers (See your academic advisor)
- Change of Program (See your academic advisor)
Expectations for Professional Behavior in CEHD: Dispositions
Throughout a student’s program of study in the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) at George Mason University, the student is expected to demonstrate behaviors that reflect positive dispositions, which are the thoughts, habits, and associated actions that underlie professional responsibility. In CEHD, dispositions are integral to the student’s program of study, professional identity, and engagement within George Mason, their professional field of practice, and the broader community.
The CEHD Student Statement of Commitment to Professional Behaviors outlines expectations for all CEHD students with regard to professional dispositions. In receiving and/or signing this document during program onboarding or college orientation, students agree to uphold the CEHD Commitments (fostering collaboration and building community, promoting justice and equity, and advancing research-informed practice) and demonstrate appropriate behaviors that will reflect positively on George Mason, CEHD, their program, and themselves. Ongoing reflection and assessment of dispositions are part of the student’s educational process as an opportunity for growth, further development, and proficiency.
To learn about the dispositions review process, read the “Professional Dispositions” section of our Policies and Procedures webpage.
Important Dates and Deadlines
As a George Mason student, you are expected to adhere to university and CEHD-specific deadlines. To stay up-to-date each semester, view the academic calendar listed by the University Registrar.

CEHD Resources
CEHD Offices and Contacts
CEHD Student and Academic Affairs (SAA)
2300 Thompson Hall
703-993-2080 | cehdsaa@gmu.edu
Advocates for the success of CEHD students from orientation to graduation by providing academic support, opportunities for student engagement, and resources to promote retention, belonging, and overall well-being.
CEHD Advising
Visit this webpage for a list of advisors/program contacts within the college.
CEHD Admissions
1700 Thompson Hall | 703-993-2892
Provides information and support to prospective CEHD students.
CEHD Office of Inclusive Excellence (OIE)
Contact Form
Advances the college in research, teaching, and service through inclusive excellence while creating an affirming, safe and welcoming space for all individuals through sustainable recruitment and retention efforts, support, and training.
CEHD Teacher Preparation
2200 Thompson Hall
Content Area Review questions and updates: endorse@gmu.edu
Field Experience questions: fieldexp@gmu.edu
Internship questions: internsh@gmu.edu
Licensure questions: edlicen@gmu.edu
Pre-Education Advising: preteach@gmu.edu
Provides pre-education advising, content area advising, placement of students for field experiences, licensure of education preparation students, and CPR and licensure testing resources for students who are working toward their teaching license.
Engagement Opportunities
Students in the College of Education and Human Development have access to a myriad of engagement opportunities. Learn more below!
- Stay in-the-know on important dates, events, job and scholarship opportunities by subscribing to the Student Success Blog! Scroll to the bottom of the home page and fill out the “Subscribe” form with your Mason email and first and last name to get our blog posts straight to your inbox!
- Join a CEHD Student Organization to meet peers in your program!
- Join the College of Education and Human Development group on Mason360 for details about upcoming college events. We look forward to seeing you there!
Funding Opportunities
Many students across George Mason and within our college receive some kind of financial aid. In addition to financial aid opportunities provided at the university level, CEHD students have access to:
- CEHD scholarships
- Awards, loans, and external scholarships related to CEHD programs
- CEHD-funded research assistantships (for PhD students)

University Resources
Emergency Services
CALL 911 if you are experiencing a medical emergency or are in a life-threatening situation, please contact 911 directly, and clearly state your location (on campus or off campus) for an immediate response.
CALL 703-993-2810 to request assistance from George Mason Police.
George Mason Police & Public Safety
24 Hours, 7 Days a Week: (703) 993-2810
Request a safety escort, report a crime, or report a safety concern.
Student Support and Advocacy Center (SSAC)
Standard Business Hours, Monday – Friday
(703) 993-3686 | ssac@gmu.edu
Request support services for a personal crisis (such as financial difficulties, food insecurity, or any personal safety concern).
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Standard Business Hours, Monday – Friday
(703) 993-2380 | after-hours support options
Connect with a counselor for support when experiencing emotional distress.
Housing and Residence Life
Provides on-campus housing services and community enrichment programming.
Mason Student Services Center (MSSC)
The central resource for information and solutions related to registration, enrollment, financial aid, billing, academic records and other student support services.
New Student and Family Programs (Undergraduate)
New Student and Family Programs hosts undergraduate and transfer orientation, and provides helpful information for any students who are new to Mason. Take a look at one of their new student checklists for a strong start to your college career.
Off-Campus Student Services
Coordinates academic and social engagement opportunities to specifically meet the needs of students living off-campus and assists those seeking off-campus living. Maintains a database of local apartments, townhouses, and rooms to rent.
Parking Services
Issues permits, provides information, and enforces parking policies for all Mason parking areas.
Transportation Services
Provides a full range of transportation services including Mason shuttles, carpool/vanpool options, bicycle programs, Zipcar, and area public transportation information.
Academic Support
Communication Center
Supports students and faculty through one-on-one coaching focused on developing communication skills. Provides a safe place for students to receive feedback, ask questions, and have conversations about their own public, interpersonal, and group communication.
Communication Center (Undergraduate)
Offers free appointments and resources for students taking COMM101.
Information Technology Services (ITS)
Offers students a wide range of technology and support including computer labs, media editing spaces, course tools, classroom support, and training resources.
Learning Resource Center
Connects George Mason’s multilingual students to services and resources to improve their English language and academic skills.
Learning Services
Provides a variety of experience-based learning opportunities, such as tutoring, goal setting with an academic coach, and time management workshops, through which students may address a wide range of academic concerns.
LinkedIn Learning at Mason
Offers a free and unlimited online training library of more than 4,000 videos and courses on a broad range of subjects to Mason students, faculty, and staff. Access the website 24/7 using your Mason NetID and Patriot Pass password.
Math Tutoring Center (Undergraduate)
Offers free walk-in assistance for 100- and 200-level math courses.
Reserved Graduate Writing Spaces (Graduate)
Graduate students who are in good standing with the University and University Libraries may use dedicated quiet spaces for thesis and dissertation work
Assists scholars in creating presentations, research posters, and other final projects with a focus on design and layout considerations.
Student Success Coaching
Helps students transition to college, make the most of their student experience, and work through their own definition of success while at Mason. regardless of their major. Undergraduate students are assigned a success coach upon entry to Mason, and graduate students are able to make appointments with success coaches.
University Libraries
Offer a host of services tailored to undergraduate students (textbooks, data services, study rooms, and workshops) and graduate students (research, dissertation and thesis services, subject databases, digital scholarship center, interlibrary loans, and writing spaces).
Writing Center
Offers free writing support, face-to-face tutoring, online tutoring, workshops, and weekly write-ins. The Writing Center website offers a wide range of help with common writing challenges.
Career-Readiness and Experiential Learning
Career Services
Assists students with career exploration, job and internship search, and graduate school preparation.
Global Education Office (GEO)
Discover study abroad opportunities for students in the College of Education and Human Development, explore Mason Korea, and learn more about study abroad scholarships.
Graduate Student Life (Graduate)
Supports the success of graduate students by providing social and professional development opportunities, connecting graduate students to campus resources, and advocating for graduate student needs.
Mason’s job search platform for on-campus, part-time, work-study, internship, and full-time jobs. You can find thousands of opportunities in Handshake at any time.
Honor Committee (Office of Academic Integrity)
Leadership opportunity for students to serve on a committee which reviews student honor code violations.
Leadership Education and Development Office (LEAD)
Provides leadership training, resources, services, and recognition to empower students to create positive change.
Office of Community Engagement and Civic Learning (CECiL)
Offers programming, work-study, and fellowship opportunities for students interested in community involvement while receiving funding or credit.
Office of Student Scholarship, Creative Activities, and Research (OSCAR) (Undergraduate)
Supports undergraduate students who want to participate in a research or creative project. Connects students to opportunities, mentors, and project funding.
Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning (Graduate)
Provides teaching support to faculty and graduate students including annual Innovations in Teaching & Learning Conference, online teaching guides, and individual consultations to discuss teaching strategies and applying for academic positions.
Student Boards (Office of Student Conduct)
Involvement opportunity in the student conduct process to serve as a peer educator and mentor on student panels (the Community Adjudication Board and the Residential Adjudication Board) promoting safety, trust, accountability, and respect within our community and residence halls.
Student Involvement (SI)
Helps students get connected to Mason through campus-wide events, well-being initiatives, registered student organizations, student government, trainings, student advocacy, and personal interactions.
Student Media
Empowers students to exercise their First Amendment rights and creativity through the creation of newspapers, magazines, social media news outlets, radio, and more for the George Mason community.
Wellness and Belonging
Center for Culture, Equity, and Empowerment (CCEE)
Engages the various Mason constituents in awareness and exploration of the diversity of the campus community, identity development, and global and cultural competencies through a variety of programming.
Center for the Advancement of Well-Being
Provides well-being resources, certificate programs, research, and events. The center also runs the Mason Kindness Ambassadors program and CliftonStrengths assessment.
Contemporary Student Services (CSS)
Serves contemporary students by connecting them to resources, programming like “Gowns for Grads,” events, peer mentoring appointments, and hosting a “Contemporary Student Lounge.” Contemporary students may be adult learners, off-campus or transfer students, veteran or military affiliated, parents, or previously in the foster-care system.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Provides individual and group counseling, crisis counseling, workshops, and outreach programs, and supports students with learning differences. Services are confidential.
Dietitian (Mason Dining)
Assists students with general nutrition and wellness, healthy eating and meal planning, dietary concerns, and sports nutrition.
Disability Services
Fosters partnerships with students, faculty, and staff to create environments that are accessible, diverse, and inclusive. Provides documentation and verification for students needing special accommodations for classes.
Financial Support (Graduate)
Resources for graduate students pursuing financial aid in the form of:
- Assistantships, Lectureships, and On Campus Employment
- Grants, Fellowships, and Awards
- Financial Aid and Loans
- Conference Travel Funding
First-Gen+ Center
Supports students who are historically underrepresented in higher education and their allies while specifically centering college students who identify as first-generation, who identify as undocumented, have refugee status, and those who have families with limited income.
George Mason Center for Community Mental Health (CCMH)
Provides evidence-based, accessible, affordable, and culturally sensitive therapy and testing services to all ages in the Northern Virginia community. Services are provided on a sliding scale by students in behavioral health under the supervision of licensed clinicians. George Mason students and employees are eligible for three free telehealth therapy sessions through the Stepped Mental Health Care Program.
Graduate Student Life (Graduate)
Provides programs and initiatives that promote community-building, professional development, personal development, and diversity, equity, and inclusion for graduate students at George Mason. Houses the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA), the host of the Mason Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference.
International Programs and Services (OIPS)
Supports international students from admission to graduation with all aspects of campus life.
LGBTQ+ Resources Center
Provides direct services to LGBTQ+ students including advising, advocacy, counseling and referral, education and training, group and workshop facilitation, and leadership development.
Mason Recreation
Enriches student physical and holistic well-being at Mason through a variety of facilities, programs, and services including aquatics, fitness, intramural & club sports, outdoor adventures, and experiential learning programs. Membership is free for full-time students and available for part-time students for a small fee.
Military Services
Assists veterans, active duty servicemembers, guardsmen, reservists, and dependents in making a successful transition into the Mason community. Provides information about benefits, GI Bill, and Battle Buddies Program.
Patriot Pantry
Provides access to non-perishable food items, toiletries, and basic school supplies to students who are unable to afford them. Raises awareness about food insecurity and homelessness within the Mason student population.
Student Financial Aid
Answers questions regarding FAFSA, scholarships, Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements, and aid disbursements.
Student Health Services (SHS)
Provides healthcare, counseling, health education, insurance information, and prevention services to students. All students are eligible to see a provider whether they have insurance or not. There is no charge to see a healthcare provider; however, there are fees for some procedures, lab work, and medications.
Student Support and Advocacy Center (SSAC)
Offers students one-on-one support, interactive programming, and on- and off-campus resources to help students develop and maintain healthy lifestyles. Offers emergency housing support.
With TimelyCare, Mason students have access to a multitude of virtual mental health and well-being resources that are free and available 24/7. This includes on-demand talk therapy, health coaching, scheduled counseling, psychiatry, and self-care content.
Title IX Coordinator
Advises students about their rights, responsibilities, and resources under Title IX law, including responding to reports of sexual harassment and misconduct.
Women and Gender Studies Center
Educates the campus community about gender issues and issues of concern to women. Provides a safe psychological and physical space for people of all genders, races, sexualities, abilities, and religious backgrounds.