Education Courses
Education (EDUC) Courses
- EDUC 200: Introduction to Education: Teaching, Learning and Schools (3 credits)
- EDUC 301: Educating Diverse and Exceptional Learners (3 credits)
- EDUC 302: Human Growth and Development (3 credits)
- EDUC 372: Human Development, Learning, and Teaching (3 credits)
- EDUC 422: Foundations of Secondary Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 501: Human Development and Learning (3 credits)
- EDUC 502: Curriculum and Instruction – Teaching All Learners (3 credits)
- EDUC 503: Assessment of and for Learning (3 credits)
- EDUC 504: Foundations of Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 505: Classroom and Behavior Management in PreK-12 Classrooms (3 credits)
- EDUC 506: Foundations of Literacy (3 credits)
- EDUC 511: Child and Adolescent Development in Global Contexts (3 credits)
- EDUC 512: Teaching Elementary Social Studies in International Schools (3 credits)
- EDUC 513: Teaching Elementary Math in International Schools (3 credits)
- EDUC 514: Teaching Elementary Science in International Schools (3 credits)
- EDUC 516: Language Across the Elementary International School Curriculum (3 credits)
- EDUC 518: Military-Connected Youth (1 credit)
- EDUC 520: Elementary Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in International Schools (3 credits)
- EDUC 522: Foundations of Secondary Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 537: Introduction to Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Learners (3 credits)
- EDUC 542: Foundations of Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 543: Children, Family, Culture, and Schools, 4-12 Year Olds (3 credits)
- EDUC 545: Teaching Science and Engineering Practices (3 credits)
- EDUC 547: Scientific Inquiry and the Nature of Science (3 credits)
- EDUC 592: Effective Collaboration for Teaching Diverse Learners in Secondary Social Studies (3 credits)
- EDUC 595: Perspectives on Exceptl Tching (3 credits)
- EDUC 597: Special Topics in Education (1-6 credits)
- EDUC 598: Directed Reading, Research, and Individual Projects (1-6 credits)
- EDUC 606: Education and Culture (3 credits)
- EDUC 608: Teacher Leadership for Professional Learning (3 credits)
- EDUC 612: Inquiry into Practice (2 credits)
- EDUC 613: How Students Learn (3 credits)
- EDUC 614: Designing and Assessing Teaching and Learning (2 credits)
- EDUC 615: Educational Change (2 credits)
- EDUC 616: Teaching with Generative AI (3 credits)
- EDUC 621: Teaching and Learning in the International Baccalaureate Programme (3 credits)
- EDUC 622: Curriculum Development across IB Programs (3 credits)
- EDUC 623: Models and Strategies for Teaching and Learning in IB Schools (3 credits)
- EDUC 624: Assessment and Learning in IB Schools (3 credits)
- EDUC 626: Inquiry into Action: IB Teachers, Learners, and Schools (3 credits)
- EDUC 627: Contemporary Issues and Trends in IB (3 credits)
- EDUC 628: Curriculum for IB Leadership (3 credits)
- EDUC 647: Critical Reflective Practice (1 credit)
- EDUC 649: Critical Dialogue in Education (1 credit)
- EDUC 651: Critical Theories and Pedagogies (3 credits)
- EDUC 653: Technology and Learning (3 credits)
- EDUC 655: Teacher Research Methods (3 credits)
- EDUC 657: Teaching for Democracy and Social Justice (3 credits)
- EDUC 659: Teacher Leadership (1 credit)
- EDUC 661: Teacher Empowerment and Policy (1 credit)
- EDUC 663: Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (3 credits)
- EDUC 665: Teacher Inquiry in Practice I (3 credits)
- EDUC 667: Teacher Inquiry in Practice II (3 credits)
- EDUC 669: Teaching and Learning in Practice (3 credits)
- EDUC 672: Human Development and Learning: Secondary Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 674: Assessing Learning and Teaching in the Secondary School Classroom (3 credits)
- EDUC 675: Research in Secondary Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 797: Advanced Topics in Education (1-6 credits)
- EDUC 800: Ways of Knowing (3 credits)
- EDUC 801: Seminar for Teaching in Teacher Education (1 credit)
- EDUC 802: Leadership Seminar (3 credits)
- EDUC 803: Teacher Preparation and Professional Development (3 credits)
- EDUC 804: Seminar for Supervision in Teacher Education (1 credit)
- EDUC 815: Research Inquiries in International Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 825: Gender, Education and Schooling (3 credits)
- EDUC 845: Multilingual Learners With Diverse Educational Needs (3 credits)
- EDUC 850: The Study of Teaching (3 credits)
- EDUC 851: Research on Teacher Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 852: Technology and Teacher Development (3 credits)
- EDUC 853: Global Perspectives in Teacher Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 854: Working in Schools: Spanning Boundaries/Expanding Roles (3 credits)
- EDUC 855: Critical Perspectives in Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 856: Critical Praxis in Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 860: STEM Education Research and Policy (3 credits)
- EDUC 861: Critical Studies in Education Capstone (3 credits)
- EDUC 865: Curriculum Theory and Practice (3 credits)
- EDUC 870: Education Policy: Process, Context, and Politics (3 credits)
- EDUC 871: Advanced Policy Issues in Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 872: Social Science Research and Education Policy (3 credits)
- EDUC 873: Education Policy: Comparative and International Perspectives (3 credits)
- EDUC 874: The Achievement Gap (3 credits)
- EDUC 875: Contemporary and Emerging Issues in Education Policy (3 credits)
- EDUC 876: Teacher Development and Education Policy (3 credits)
- EDUC 877: Teacher Policy in Historic Perspective (3 credits)
- EDUC 878: Intercultural Competence: Theory and Research Application to International Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 879: Critical Perspectives in Language and Second Language Acquisition Research for Global Settings (3 credits)
- EDUC 880: Introduction to International Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 881: Seminar in Bilingual Education: Policy (3 credits)
- EDUC 882: Second Language Acquisition: Theory, Research, and Practice (3 credits)
- EDUC 883: Seminar in Sociocultural Theory (3 credits)
- EDUC 885: History of Education in the United States (3 credits)
- EDUC 886: School Reform in the United States: Politics and Policies (3 credits)
- EDUC 887: Neighborhood, Community, Education Policy (3 credits)
- EDUC 890: Doctoral Internship in Education (1-6 credits)
- EDUC 892: Social Justice and Equity in International Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 893: Seminar in Educational Anthropology (3 credits)
- EDUC 894: Seminar in Multicultural Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 896: Special Topics in Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 897: Independent Study for the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (1-6 credits)
- EDUC 994: Advanced Internship in Education (3 credits)
- EDUC 998: Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (1-6 credits)
- EDUC 999: Doctoral Dissertation Research (1-9 credits)