Groth, Lois

Dr. Lois A. Groth
PhD, University of Maryland
Elementary Education PK-6
Phone: (703) 993-2139
Fax: (703) 993-2013
Email: lgroth (
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Thompson Hall 1806
4400 University Dr.
MS 4B3
Fairfax, VA 22030
Dr. Lois Groth is a Professor in the Graduate School of Education. She joined the faculty in January 2000. As a faculty member of the Elementary Education Program, Dr. Groth teaches literacy methods and action research. Dr. Groth is the University Facilitator for the Professional Development Schools at Daniels Run Elementary and Westgate Elementary.
- Early literacy instruction
- Comprehensive literacy programs
- Critical reflection
- Teacher inquiry
Brown, E.L.; Groth, L.A., Parker, A; Laurits, E.; O’Brien, C. (2022) Pathways to Partnership: How a Differentiated Approach Sustained PDS Efforts During Times of Uncertainty. Special Themed Issue: School University Partnerships 15(1), 1-13.
Groth, L.A. (2021). Using SPACE wisely. In Quinzio-Zafran, J.M. and Wilkens, E.A. The New Teacher’s Guide to Overcoming Common Challenges: Curated Advice from Award-Winning Teachers. NY, NY: Routledge.
Groth, L.A. and Morrison, K. (2020). George Mason University and Daniels Run Elementary School PDS Partnership: Growing Collaborative Inquiry. School-University Partnership.
Parker, A.K., Parsons, S., Groth, L.A., Bean, A., Slattery, C. (2020). George Mason University’s Elementary Education PDS Program: Structures for shared governance, reflection and collaboration. In E. Garin and R. Burns (Eds.) The NAPDS Nine Essentials in Action: Cases of Professional Development Schools. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Parker, A.K.; Groth, L.A.; & Byers, C.C. (2019). Designing and implementing site-based courses in elementary teacher preparation. The New Educator 15(2), 130-155.
Zenkov, K.; Parsons, S.; Parker, A.K.; Brown, E.L.; Groth, L.A.; Pytash, K. & Pellegrino, A. (2019). From project-based clinical interventions to collaborative inquiries: Partnership pathways to field-based teacher education. In Hodges, T.E. & Baum, A.C. (Eds.) Handbook of research on field-based teacher education Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Literacy Teaching and Learning in Diverse Elementary Classrooms I (ELED - 555)
- Internship in Elementary Education (ELED - 790)
- Reading Development, Processes, Assessment, and Pedagogy (ELED - 411)
- Internship in Elementary Education (ELED - 490)
- Clinical Experience: Theory to Practice Integration II (ELED - 391)
- Internship in Elementary Education (Non-licensure) (ELED - 495)
- Assessment and Differentiation (EDCI 545)
- Literacy Teaching and Learning in Diverse Elementary Classrooms I (EDCI 555)
- Literacy Teaching and Learning in Diverse Elementary Classrooms II (EDCI 556)
- Research and Assessment in Elementary Education (EDCI 559)
- Special Topics in Education (EDCI 597)
- Internship in Education (EDCI 790)
- Professional Development in Elementary, Literacy, and Secondary Education (EDPD 502)
- Introduction to Education: Teaching, Learning and Schools (EDUC 200)
- Special Topics in Education (EDUC 597)
- Workshop in Education (EDUC 600)
- Advanced Internship in Education (EDUC 994)
- Children's Literature for Teaching in Diverse Settings (ELED 258)
- Children's Literature for Teaching in Diverse Settings (ELED 358)
- Clinical Experience: Theory to Practice Integration I (ELED 390)
- Emergent and Early Literacy (ELED 410)
- Writing Development, Processes and Pedagogy (ELED 412)
- Literacy Teaching and Learning in Diverse Elementary Classrooms II (ELED 556)
- Research and Assessment in Elementary Education (ELED 559)