Suh, Jennifer

Dr. Jennifer M. Suh
PhD, George Mason University
Center Co-Director, Center for Outreach in Mathematics Professional Learning and Educational Technology
Mathematics Education Leadership , PhD in Education
Elementary Education PK-6
Mathematics Specialist Leadership
Phone: (703) 993-9119
Fax: (703) 993-3643
Email: jsuh4 (
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Thompson Hall 2203
4400 University Dr.
Fairfax, VA 22030
Jennifer Suh is a Professor of Mathematics Education in the Graduate School of Education, College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University. Dr. Suh teaches mathematics methods courses in the Elementary Education Program and mathematics leadership courses for the Mathematics Specialist Masters and PH.D Programs. She directs the Center for Outreach in Mathematics Professional Learning and Educational Technology, COMPLETE, a joint center between the College of Education and the College of Science. Her research focuses on: Implementing Lesson Study to develop pedagogical mathematics knowledge across the continuum from pre-service teachers to mathematics teacher leaders; Building children's development of mathematical meaning through math modeling and representational fluency; Promoting equitable access to 21st century skills through problem-based learning encouraging creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration for diverse student populations. Through formal and informal educational outreach, Dr. Suh enjoys working with schools, communities teachers and parents to show how math can be useful in solving real world problems and be enjoyable to teach and learn. Dr. Suh teaches mathematics courses in the Mathematics Education Leadership and Elementary Education programs. Dr. Suh is also the PDS University Facilitator at Westlawn Elementary School in Falls Church, Virginia. As a University Facilitator, she supervises teacher interns who are in the Professional Development School Program.
Dr. Suh teaches mathematics courses in the Mathematics Education Leadership and Elementary Education programs. Dr. Suh is also the PDS University Facilitator at Westlawn Elementary School in Falls Church, Virginia. As a University Facilitator, she supervises teacher interns who are in the Professional Development School Program.
She received her Ph.D. in Mathematics Education Leadership with a specialization in instructional technology from George Mason University in 2005, her Masters in Teaching and her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Virginia in 1994. Prior to working in higher education, Dr. Suh was an elementary classroom teacher for 11 years working in Virginia and for the Department of Defense Dependent Schools in Seoul, Korea. Currently, she teaches the Elementary Mathematics Methods courses for prospective teachers and Research in Mathematics Education for the Mathematics Specialist Masters and PH.D Programs.
Leading Research Practice Partnerships and Networked Improvement communities with school districts
- Engaging in Research with Mathematics Teachers and Coaches
- Lesson Study to Unpack Math Learning Trajectories
- Mathematical Modeling in Elementary Grades
- Promoting Equitable Teaching Practices
- Designing STEM PBL to promote 21st century skills
Mathematics teacher development, in particular using lesson study to develop pedagogical mathematics knowledge.
Childrens development of mathematical meaning and models to build understanding and representational fluency, with a focus on diverse populations of students.
Adaptive Learning Environments to Promote 21st Century Skills: Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration in STEM Education
Mathematics Teacher Development -Developing Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Dr. Suh's current research focuses on effective methods in developing elementary mathematics teachers pedagogical and content knowledge. She has conducted research with elementary teachers on lesson study and explored the use of mathematical models using physical and virtual manipulatives as means to develop pedagogical mathematics knowledge. She continues to work with pre-service and in-service teachers who "relearn" the fundamental mathematics by mathematical knowledge mapping, multiple representations & models, and meaningful problem solving activities.
Childrens development of mathematical meaning and models to build understanding and representational fluency with diverse student populations
Her other research efforts focus on effective methods in building representational fluency, that is allowing students to translate or reinterpret a mathematical idea from one mode of representation to another: from real life experiences, manipulative models, pictorial representations, written symbols and spoken words. Dr. Suhs research examines how students use multiple representations of mathematics concepts to build flexibility and mathematical proficiency, particularly with diverse populations of students.
Adaptive Learning Environments to Promote 21st Century Skills: Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration in STEM Education
Dr. Suh continues her research in leveraging best practices to promote a responsive learning environment to promote 21st century Skills: Creativity, Critical thinking, Communication and Collaboration. Her recent work in STEM education has involved Lesson Study focused around the design of lessons integrating interdiscplinary topics to promote real world contexts in STEM learning.
Suh, J. M. & Seshaiyer, P. (In Press). Co-designing and implementing PBL through Mathematical Modeling in STEM contexts. In Mahnaz, M. & N. Dabbagh (Eds). Handbook of Problem Based Learning. Wiley Publishing.
Suh, J.M. & Dockery, K. (In press). Inspiring teachers across the professional continuum through collaborative coaching and Lesson Study. In Nancy Gallavan & Putney, L.G. (Eds.), ATE Yearbook Building upon Inspiration and Aspirations with Hope, Courage, and Strength in Teacher Education.
Suh, J. M., Birkhead, S., Baker, C., Frank, T., & Seshaiyer, P. (2017). Leveraging Coach-Facilitated Professional Development to Create Teacher Social Networks for Enhancing Professional Practice. In M. Boston & L. West (Eds.), Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education: Reflective and Collaborative Processes to Improve Mathematics Teaching. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Suh, J.M., Weiss, A., King, L. & Fulginiti, K. (2017). Implementing instructional rounds and Lesson Study to support the development of teacher candidates’ Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching. In R. Flessner & D. Lecklider (Eds.). Case Studies of Clinical Preparation in Teacher Education.
Suh, J.M. (2016). Ambitious teaching: Designing practice-based assignments for integrating virtual manipulatives into mathematics lessons. In P. Moyer-Packenham (Ed.), Mathematics Education Digital Era: International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Virtual Manipulatives, 301-321.
Suh, J. M., Sprague, D.R. & Baker, C.K. (2016). Transforming mathematics teacher knowledge in the digital age through iterative design of course-based projects. In Niess, M., Driskell, S., & Hollenbrands, K. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Transforming Mathematics Teacher Education in the Digital Age, 190-214
Brown, B. L, Suh, J.M., Parsons, S. A., Parker, A. K., & Ramirez, E.M. (2015). Documenting teacher candidates’ professional growth through performance assessment. Journal of Research in Education, 25 (1), 35-47.
Suh, J.M., King, L.A., & Weiss, A. (2014). Co-Development of Professional Practice at a Professional Development School through Instructional Rounds and Lesson Study. In D. Polly, Heafner, T., Chapman, M. & Spooner, M., (Ed.), Professional Development Schools and Transformative Partnerships. 177-189.
Samaras, A. P., Karczmarczyk, D, Smith, L, Woodville, L, Harmon, L, Nasser, I., Parsons, S., Smith, T., Borne, K., Constantine, L., Roman Mendoza, E., Suh, J., & Swanson, R., (2014). The shark in the vitrine: Experiencing our practice from the inside out with transdisciplinary lenses. Journal of Transformative Education
Suh, J. M. & Seshaiyer, P. (2014). Examining teachers’ understanding of the mathematical learning progression through vertical articulation during Lesson Study. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 1-23.
Suh, J. M. & Seshaiyer, P. (2014). Developing Strategic Competence by Teaching Using the Common Core Mathematical Practices, Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education, 77-87.
Samaras, A. P. with Karczmarczyk, D, Smith, L, Woodville, L, Harmon, L, Nasser, I., Parsons, S., Smith, T., Borne, K., Constantine, L., Roman Mendoza, E., Suh, J., & Swanson, R., (2014). A pedagogy changer: Transdisciplinary faculty self-study. Perspectives in Education, 32 (2), 117-135.
Suh, J. M. & Seshaiyer, P. (2014). Examining teachers’ understanding of the mathematical learning progression through vertical articulation during Lesson Study. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 1-23.
Suh, J. M. & Seshaiyer, P. (2014). Developing Strategic Competence by Teaching Using the Common Core Mathematical Practices, Annual Perspectives in Mathematics Education, 77-87.
Samaras, A. P. with Karczmarczyk, D, Smith, L, Woodville, L, Harmon, L, Nasser, I., Parsons, S., Smith, T., Borne, K., Constantine, L., Roman Mendoza, E., Suh, J., & Swanson, R., (2014). A pedagogy changer: Transdisciplinary faculty self-study. Perspectives in Education, 32 (2), 117-135.Suh, J. M. & Seshaiyer, P. (2013). Mathematics Practices that Promote 21st Century Skills: Informing Practice. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 19(3), 132–137.
Suh, J.M., Seshaiyer, P., Moore, K., Green, M., Jewell, H., & Rice, I. (2013). Being an Environmentally Friendly Engineer. Teaching Children Mathematics, 20(4), 261-263.
Moyer-Packenham, P.S., Salkind, G., Bolyard, J.J., & Suh, J.M. (2013) Effective Choices and Practices: Knowledgeable and Experienced Teachers’ Uses of Manipulatives to Teach Mathematics, Online Journal of Educational Research, 2(2), 18-33.
Smith, T. M., Seshaiyer, P., Peixoto, N., Suh, J. M., Bagshaw, G., & Collins, L. K. (2013). Exploring Slope with STAIRS & STEPS. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 18(6), 370–377.
Suh, J. M., & Fulginiti, K. (2012). “Situating the Learning” of Teaching: Implementing Lesson Study at a Professional Development School. School-University Partnerships, 5(2), 24–37.
Suh, J. M. & Seshaiyer, P. (2012). Modeling ten-ness using technology. Teaching Children Mathematics, 18(9), 574-579.
Moyer-Packenham, P.S. & Suh, J.M. (2012). Learning Mathematics with Technology: The Influence of Virtual Manipulatives on Different Achievement Groups. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 31(1).
Seshaiyer, P., Suh, J.M. & Freeman, P.W. (2011). Unlocking the locker problem through technology. Teaching Children Mathematics, 18(5), 322-325.
Suh, J.M., Graham, S., Ferranone, T., Kopeinig, G. & Bertholet, B. (2011). Developing persistent and flexible problem solvers with a growth mindset. In D. J. Brahier, (Ed.), Motivation and Disposition: Pathways to Learning Mathematics, NCTM 2011 Yearbook, Reston, NCTM.
Suh, J. M. & Fulginiti, K.L. (2011). Using technology to understand rate of change. Teaching Children Mathematics, 18(1), 56-58.
Suh, J.M. & Fulginiti, K.L. (2010). Developing mathematical potential in underrepresented populations through problem solving, math discourse and algebraic reasoning. Sense Publication,
Suh, J. M. & Parker, J. (2010). Developing reflective practitioners through Lesson Study with pre-service and in-service teachers. AMTE monograph. VII. Mathematics Teaching: Putting Research into Practice at All Levels. Associations of Mathematics Teacher Educators, 125-140.
Suh, J.M. (2010). Leveraging cognitive technology tools to expand opportunities for critical thinking on data analysis and probability in elementary classrooms. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 29(3), 289-302.
Suh, J.M. (2010). Tech-knowledgy for diverse learners [Technology Focus Issue]. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School in Mathematics Education, 15(8), 440-447.
Suh, J. M., & Fulginiti, K. (2009). Building collective knowledge using pedagogical content tools and problem solving. Proceedings of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (pp. 5-177-184). ISBN# 972-960-243-652-3
Suh, J. M., Johnston, C. & Doud, J. (2008). Enhancing mathematics learning in a technology rich environment. Teaching Children Mathematics, 15(4), 235-241.
Hjalmarson, M. & Suh, J. M. (2008). Developing mathematical pedagogical knowledge by evaluating instructional materials. Inquiry into Mathematics Teacher Education. AMTE Monograph V, 97-107.
Suh, J. M. & Jamieson, S. (2008). Collaborative mentoring: Establishing a mathematics teaching & learning community through Lesson Study. NCTMs Empowering Mentors of Mathematics, NCTM.
Suh, J. M., Johnston, C., Mills, M., & Jamieson, S. (2008). Promoting decimal number sense and representational fluency. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 14(1), 44-50.
Suh, J. M. (2007). Developing "Algebra -"rithmetic" in the elementary grades. Teaching Children Mathematics, 14(4), 246- 250.
Suh, J. M. (2007). Tying it all together: Building mathematics proficiency for all students. Teaching Children Mathematics, 14(3), 163-169.
Scaptura, C., Suh, J. M., & McHaffey, G. (2007). Masterpieces to mathematics: Using art to teach fraction, decimal, and percent equivalents. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 13(1), 24-28.
Suh, J. M., & Moyer-Packenham, P. S. (2007). Developing students representational fluency using virtual and physical algebra balances. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching. 26 (2), 155-173.
- Web Site: Home Page
- Selection of publications:
Assistant Director for the Mathematics Education Center, George Mason University
The Center provides research opportunities for students interested in advanced degrees in Mathematics Education, Instructional Technology, and Educational Research. The Centers research activity serves as a laboratory where advanced graduate students enrolled in GMU programs participate in the ongoing research of the faculty. Students learn first-hand how to conduct educational research by participating in study design, instrument development, data collection, data analysis, manuscript preparation, and research presentations.
Co-Director for a joint center between the College of Science and the College of Education and Human Development-COMPLETE, George Mason University
COMPLETE: Center for Outreach in Mathematics Professional Learning & Educational is a mathematics partnership between George Mason University (GMU) and school divisions in Northern Virginia (Alexandria, Falls Church City, Fairfax County, Loudoun County, Manassas City and Prince William County) to provide professional development for mathematics teachers in grades K-8.
- School of Education
- Division of Advanced Professional Teacher Development and International Education
- Division of Elementary, Literacy, and Secondary Education
- PhD in Education
- Elementary Education PK-6
- Mathematics Specialist Leadership
- Center for Outreach in Mathematics Professional Learning and Educational Technology
- Mathematics Education Center
- Integrating Technology in Elementary Classrooms: Mathematics (EDCI 547)
- Mathematics Methods for the Elementary Classroom (EDCI 552)
- Mathematics Learning and Assessment (K-8) (EDCI 644)
- Curriculum Development in Mathematics Education (EDCI 645)
- Mathematics Education Leadership for School Change (EDCI 646)
- Research in Mathematics Teaching (EDCI 666)
- Internship in Mathematics Education (EDCI 702)
- National and International Leadership Issues in Mathematics Education (EDCI 725)
- State and Local Leadership Issues in Mathematics Education (EDCI 726)
- Internship in Education (EDCI 790)
- Mathematics Education Curriculum Design and Evaluation (EDCI 856)
- Preparation and Professional Development of Mathematics Teachers (EDCI 857)
- Mathematics Education Research Design and Evaluation (EDCI 858)
- Current Issues in Mathematics and STEM Education Research (EDCI 859)
- Internship in Educational Leadership (EDLE 791)
- Special Topics in Education (EDUC 896)
- Independent Study for the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (EDUC 897)
- Advanced Internship in Education (EDUC 994)
- Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (EDUC 998)
- Doctoral Dissertation Research (EDUC 999)
- Mathematics Methods for the Elementary Classroom (ELED 452)
- Mathematics Methods for the Elementary Classroom (ELED 552)
- Special Topics in Mathematics (MATH 600)
- Number Systems and Number Theory for K-8 Teachers (MATH 610)
- Algebra and Functions for K-8 Teachers (MATH 613)
- Rational Numbers and Proportional Reasoning for K-8 Teachers (MATH 614)