Miller, Angela

Dr. Angela Miller
PhD, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Associate Professor
Research Methodology, PhD in Education
Academic Program Coordinator, Research Methodology
Educational Psychology
Phone: (703) 993-5590
Fax: (703) 993-3678
Email: amille35 (
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
West Building 2104
4400 University Dr.
MS 6D2
Fairfax, VA 22030
Angela Miller is an Associate Professor in Research Methods and Educational Psychology. She earned her Interdisciplinary PhD in Mathematics & Statistics / Education in 2006 and her MA in Educational Research and Psychology in 2001, both from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. She also has a MA in French Language and Literature and a BA in French Language / Economics from the University of Kansas.
Her work is focused on the application of statistical analyses to social science research problems. Her research investigates students’ perceptions of their teachers and how these perceptions influence student motivation within the classroom context. She has published in journals such as Contemporary Educational Psychology, Journal of Educational Psychology, Teacher and Teacher Education, and Theory into Practice.
Dr. Miller primarily teaches doctoral-level courses in advanced statistics, but she also teaches master-level research methods classes. Some of these classes include Hierarchical Linear Modeling (EDRS 830), Quantitative Methods in Educational Research (EDRS 811), and Problems and Methods in Education Research (EDRS 810).
Dr. Miller was awarded the George Mason University Faculty Teaching Excellence award in 2017.
Before George Mason, Dr. Miller was an Assistant Professor in Educational Psychology from 2006 – 2008 at the University of Kentucky and a Research Assistant Professor from 2008 – 2012 in the Research Design and Analysis (RDA) unit of the Life Span Institute at the University of Kansas. Her K-12 teaching experience includes one year teaching middle school in Plano, Texas and six years teaching high school in North Kansas City, Missouri.
Dr. Millers research focuses on student motivation in the classroom context and has two main themes: (a) the impact of teacher behaviors and classroom characteristics on student motivation, specifically examining these factors from the student perspective and (b) the associated methodological issues with nested data (e.g. students with classrooms) and using student perception data to characterize the classroom environment.
(* denotes current or former student; ^ denotes methodological contribution only)
Biscardi, L. M.*, Miller, A. D., & Stroiney, D. A. (2024). Self-efficacy, effort, and performance perceptions enhance psychological responses to strength training in national collegiate athletic association division I athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 38(5), 898-905.
Gerasimova, D.*, Miller, A. D., & Hjalmarson, M. (2023). Conceptual and procedural teaching: Does one teaching approach moderate the relationship between the other teaching approach and algebra achievement? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 114(2), 181-198.
^Burke, A. A.*, ^Guthrie, B. M.*, Magee, M.*, Miller, A. D. & Jones, M.T. (2023) Revisiting the assessment of strength, power, and change of direction in collegiate football athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 37(8), 1623-1627.
Vomund, J.* & Miller, A. D. (2022) “Don’t smile until December”: bad advice based on the either-or fallacy. Theory into Practice. Advance online publication.
Klee, H. K.*, Miller, A. D., & Buehl, M. (2022). Mathematics anxiety, self-concept, and self-efficacy: A multidimensional Scaling Consideration of Measures. Journal of Experimental Education. Advance online publication.
Klee, H. K*, Buehl, M. M., & Miller, A. D. (2021). Strategies for alleviating students’ math anxiety: Control-value theory in practice. Theory into Practice. Advance online publication. https://doi:10.1080/00405841.2021.1932157
Brophy, N.*, Broeckelman-Post, M., Nordin, K.*, Miller, A. D., Buehl, M. M., & Vomund, J.* (2021). Pandemic pedagogy: Elements of online supportive course design. Journal of Communication Pedagogy, 5,64-83. https://doi:10.31446/JCP.2021.2.07
- Directed Inquiry in Educational Psychology (EDEP 798)
- Thesis in Educational Psychology (EDEP 799)
- Research Project: Analyzing your Data and Disseminating Findings (EDEP 824)
- Introduction to Applied Quantitative Analysis (EDRS 220)
- Educational and Psychological Measurement (EDRS 531)
- Education Research (EDRS 590)
- Advanced Topics in Education (EDRS 797)
- Problems and Methods in Education Research (EDRS 810)
- Quantitative Methods in Educational Research (EDRS 811)
- Advanced Applications of Quantitative Methods (EDRS 821)
- Hierarchical Linear Modeling (EDRS 830)
- Structural Equation Modeling (EDRS 831)
- Special Topics in Research Methods (EDRS 897)
- Independent Study for the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (EDUC 897)
- Advanced Internship in Education (EDUC 994)
- Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (EDUC 998)
- Doctoral Dissertation Research (EDUC 999)
- Research Experience I (KINE 890)