Kelly, Anthony Eamonn

Dr. Anthony E. Kelly
PhD, Stanford University
Educational Psychology
Phone: (703) 993-9713
Fax: (703) 993-2722
Email: akelly1 (
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Thompson Hall 2402
4400 University Dr.
MS 6D2
Fairfax, VA 22030
Anthony (Eamonn) Kelly was born in Galway City, Ireland. He earned a bachelors degree at St. Patricks College, Dublin, and earned three Masters degrees at California State University at Chico. He earned a Ph.D. at Stanford University in psychological studies in education and took a position at Rutgers University in New Jersey. After promotion to associate professor at Rutgers, he was a visiting scholar at UC Davis, and served at the National Science Foundation (1997-2000; 2006-2007). He is professor of educational psychology at George Mason University. Dr. Kelly is interested in the intersection of the creative space of innovative practices and where it meets the pruning function of research methods (i.e., design-based research). He is an active funded researcher, and was a Fulbright New Century Scholar (2009-2010) under the theme: "The university as an innovation driver and knowledge center for society." He also works to promote research intersecting mathematics cognition and cognitive neuroscience. His NSF SciSIP award (2009) explores the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) spending in education [Race to the Top]. His other NSF awards are on the learning needs of megacities [National Science Foundation (# 0904173] and learning and assessment in cyberinfrastructure [National Science Foundation (# 0816216 ]. He received an NSF award in 2010 to study the implementation of the US Department of Education High School Longitudinal Study. (#1104899), an NSF award in 2012: “Advancing an Online Project in the Assessment and Effective Teaching of Calculus" with co-PI Seppala in 2013. He received an NSF award: “BCC: Organizing Multi-disciplinary Communities to Conduct Data-intensive Research on Education and Learning.” He received an award in 2014 from NSF on: “Human subjects’ protections in the digital age.” He served as Senior Advisor at the National Science Foundation in the Education and Human Resources directorate ( September 2014-2018. He served as CEHD Associate Dean for Research from 2014-2018; and is Professor of Educational Psychology at CEHD/GMU.
- Kelly, A. E. (2017). Is learning data in the right shape? Journal of Learning Analytics, 4(2), 154–159.
- Kelly, A. E., and Garfinkle. S. (2017). Data privacy for pervasive technologies related to assistive environments. Special panel: The 10th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments. PETRA 2017
- Kelly, A. E., & Seppala, M. (2016). Changing policies concerning student privacy and ethics in online education. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 6(8). 652-655
- Kelly, A.E. (2015). Confidentiality, privacy, and Institutional Review Boards. Presidential Column, APS Observer
- Kelly, A. E. (2013). Theme guest editor. Special Issue: Research in Education Related to Teacher Accountability. Irish Educational Studies, 32(1).
- Kelly, A. E. (2014). Design-based Research in Engineering Education: Current State and Next Steps. In A. Johri & B. Olds (Eds). Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research.
- Sloane, F. C., Helding, B., & Kelly, A. E. (2014). 23 Longitudinal Analysis and Interrupted Time Series Designs. Handbook of Design Research Methods in Education: Innovations in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Learning and Teaching, 449.
- Kelly, A. E. (2011). Can cognitive neuroscience ground a science of learning? Educational Philosophy and Theory. Theme issue on educational neuroscience. 43(1), 17-23.
- Kelly, A. E. (Ed.) (2008). Reflections on the US National Mathematics Advisory Panel Report. [special issue], Educational Researcher, 37(9). Theme issue editor. AERA Press Announcement
- Kelly, A. E., Lesh, R., & Baek. J. (Eds.). (2008). Handbook of design research methods in education: Innovations in science, technology, mathematics and engineering learning and teaching. New York: Routledge.
- State and Local Leadership Issues in Mathematics Education (EDCI 726)
- Theories of Learning and Cognition (EDEP 550)
- Special Topics in Educational Psychology (EDEP 597)
- Applications of Educational Psychology in Developmental Contexts (EDEP 603)
- Human Development (EDEP 632)
- Directed Inquiry in Educational Psychology (EDEP 798)
- Thesis in Educational Psychology (EDEP 799)
- Sociocultural Processes in Learning, Instruction, and Motivation (EDEP 821)
- Educational and Psychological Measurement (EDRS 531)
- Education Research (EDRS 590)
- Qualitative Inquiry in Education (EDRS 621)
- Problems and Methods in Education Research (EDRS 810)
- Advanced Topics in Education (EDUC 797)
- Research and Scholarship in Education (EDUC 805)
- Special Topics in Education (EDUC 896)
- Doctoral Dissertation Research (EDUC 999)