Dabbagh, Nada

Dr. Nada Dabbagh
PhD, The Pennsylvania State University
Division Director, Division of Learning Technologies
Learning Design and Technology
Learning Technologies Design Research
Phone: (703) 993-4439
Fax: (703) 993-2722
Email: ndabbagh (@gmu.edu)
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Thompson Hall 1402
4400 University Dr.
MS 5D6
Fairfax, VA 22030
Nada Dabbagh is Professor and Director of the Division of Learning Technologies in the College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University. She holds a Ph.D. in Instructional Systems Design from The Pennsylvania State University and a Masters of Science in Math Methodology and Operations Research from Columbia University. Dr. Dabbagh teaches courses in instructional design, digital pedagogy, and design research in the Learning Design and Technology (LDT) masters program and the Learning Technologies Design Research (LTDR) PhD specialization. She also teaches in the Chief Learning Officer (CLO) Executive Development Program. In 2003, Dr. Dabbagh received the George Mason University Teaching Excellence award, Mason’s highest recognition for faculty members who demonstrate exceptional skill in and commitment to their teaching practice. Prior to joining the Mason faculty, Dr. Dabbagh served on the faculties of the Computer Science Department at The Pennsylvania State Universtiy and the Department of Reading, Special Education, and Instructional Technology at Towson University.
Dr. Dabbagh‛s research is steeped in the learning sciences specifically as this relates to learning at the intersection of pedagogy and technology with the goal of understanding the techno-social affordances of learning systems design. She is currently examining the design of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) and the impact this has on personal and professional development. Additional research areas include online learning, interaction design, problem-based learning, and supporting self-regulated learning in technology mediated learning environments.
Dr. Dabbagh has an extensive publication record which includes six books and over 100 research papers and book chapters. She has presented her research at over 100 scholarly venues participating as keynote and invited speaker at local, regional, national, and international conferences. Dr. Dabbagh has facilitated numerous learning technology design projects which led to the award winning Learning Asset Technology Integration Support Tool or LATIST and the TechSelect Decision Aide mobile application. Her L&D projects and products have been funded by the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Labor (Mine Safety and Health Administration), U.S. Army Simulation and Training Technology Center (Defense Acquisition University), U.S. Department of Education, and the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) among other national and international organizations.
Dr. Dabbagh‛s research areas include:
- online learning
- personal learning environments (PLEs)
- pedagogical ecology of technology mediated learning tasks (digital pedagogy)
- affordance based design/interaction design
- case problem generation and representation in problem based learning
- supporting student self-regulation in online and blended learning
- Fake, H., & Dabbagh, N. (2023). Designing personalized learning experiences: A framework for higher education and workforce training. New York, N.Y.: Routledge.
- Dabbagh, N., Howland, J., & Marra, R. (2019). Meaningful online learning: Integrating strategies, activities, and learning technologies for effective designs. New York, N.Y.: Routledge.
- Moallem, M., Woei, H., & Dabbagh, N. (Eds.) (2019). Wiley handbook of problem-based learning. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
- Dabbagh, N. & Fake, H. (2024). Convergence Challenges of PLEs with Higher Education. In Y. Sun and X. Xiaoshu (Eds.), The Development of Personal Learning Environments in Higher Education: Promoting Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learner Autonomy (pp. 51-69), Routledge.
- Dabbagh, N. (2023). The pedagogical ecology of learning technologies: A learning design framework for meaningful online learning. In A. Badran and E. Baydoun (Eds.), Higher Education in the Arab World: E-Learning and Distance Education (pp. 25-51), Springer Nature.
- Gregg, A., & Dabbagh, N. (2023). Engineering online learning: From resistant follower to innovative leader. In A. Johri (Ed.), International Handbook of Engineering Education (pp. 479-500), Routledge.
- Dabbagh, N. (2021). Aligning learning design principles with problem design principles to foster critical thinking skills in PBL. In Scholkmann, A., Telléus, P. K., Ryberg, T., Hung, W., Andreasen, L. B., Kofoed, L. B., Christiansen, N. L. S., & Nielsen, S. R. (Eds.), Transforming PBL Through Hybrid Learning Models: Timely Challenges and Answers in a (Post)-Pandemic Perspective and Beyond (pp. 175-179). Aalborg Universitetsforlag. International Research Symposium on PBL.
- Dabbagh, N., & Castaneda, L. (2020). Beyond personalization: The PLE as a framework for lifelong learning. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(6), 3041-3055.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-020-09831-z
- Fake, H., & Dabbagh, N. (2020). Personalized learning within online workforce learning environments: Exploring implementations, obstacles, opportunities, and perspectives of workforce leaders. Technology, Knowledge, and Learning. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10758-020-09441-x
- Zgheib, G., & Dabbagh, N. (2020). Social Media Learning Activities (SMLA): Implications for design. Online Learning, 24(1), 50-66. https://doi.org/10.24059/olj.v24i1.1967
- Dabbagh, N. (April 2024). The Personal Learning Environment: A Student-Centered Approach that Supports a Techno-Social Digital Transformation in Higher Education. The Arab Academy of Sciences, Higher Education in the Arab World: E-Learning and Distance Education Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, April 19-20, 2024.
- Dabbagh, N. (February 2024). Erasing the In-Person vs. Online Learning Dichotomy: Providing a 360-Degree Digital Experience. The 16th annual Transforming the Teaching & Learning Environment virtual conference, February 5 – 16, 2024.
- Dabbagh, N. (May 2023). The Pedagogical Ecology of Learning Technologies: ChatGPT’s Role. International Research Training School (IRTS). Western University, Ontario, Canada.
- Dabbagh, N. (October 2023). Submission for successful publication – Perspectives from the IJPBL editors. PBL 2023 Conference, Montevideo, Uruguay, PANPBL Association.
- Dabbagh, N. (November 2022). The Pedagogical Ecology of Learning Technologies: A Learning Design Framework for Meaningful Online Learning. The Arab Academy of Sciences, Higher Education in the Arab World: E-Learning and Distance Education Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, November 11-12, 2022.
- Dabbagh, N. (February 2020). Trends in instructional design and the training industry. Association for Talent Development (ATD) Metro Chapter Instructional Design CoP, Arlington Virginia.
- Dabbagh, N. (May 2019). Engineering personalized learning experiences. The role of Personal Learning Environments in the learning ecosystem. Inaugural IEEE ICICLE Conference on Learning Engineering. May 20-23, 2019, George Mason University, Arlington Virginia.
- Dabbagh, N. (October 2018). Learner driven Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) and the PLE ecosystem. Association for Talent Development (ATD) Metro Chapter Instructional Design CoP, Arlington Virginia.
- Project PLE - http://projectple.com/our-story-4/
- Video of Dr. Dabbagh keynoting on the topic of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) at the 2013 South By Southwest EDU conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGVbrML_bW0
- Learning Asset Technology Integration Tool (LATIST) - http://latist.gmu.edu/
- TechSelect Mobile Version - https://mason.gmu.edu/~ndabbagh/cehdclass/Resources/TechSelectApp6.2/TechSelectApp6.2/index.html
- TechSelect Mobile Version Video - https://www.dropbox.com/s/776usv26zv1i230/TechSelectApp5.28.mp4
- Cognitive Affordances of Technologies Scale (CATS) - https://mason.gmu.edu/~ndabbagh/cehdclass/Resources/IDKB/CATS.html
- The Instructional Design Knowledge Base (IDKB) - https://mason.gmu.edu/~ndabbagh/cehdclass/Resources/IDKB/
- e-Learning Design Applications (EDIT 575)
- Exploring Trends and Professional Identity in the Learning Design and Technology Field (EDIT 601)
- Exploring Career Opportunities in the Learning Design and Technology (LDT) Field (EDIT 701)
- Advanced Instructional Design (EDIT 730)
- Analyzing the User Experience in Learning Design and Technology (EDIT 732)
- Learning Technologies and Strategies for Innovation (EDIT 750)
- Project Development Practicum I (EDIT 791)
- Project Development Practicum II (EDIT 792)
- Advanced Topics in Education (EDIT 797)
- Nature and Process of Design (EDIT 801)
- Cognition and Technology: A Multidisciplinary Approach (EDIT 802)
- Design-Based Research (EDIT 803)
- Emerging Trends in Learning Technologies (EDIT 895)
- Independent Study for the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (EDUC 897)
- Advanced Internship in Education (EDUC 994)
- Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (EDUC 998)
- Doctoral Dissertation Research (EDUC 999)