Park, Minkyung (Min)

Dr. Min Park
PhD, Texas A&M University
Associate Professor
Academic Program Coordinator, Tourism and Events Management
Sport and Recreation Studies
Phone: (703) 993-7194
Fax: (703) 993-3988
Email: mparka (
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Krug Hall 211E
4400 University Dr.
MS 4D2
Fairfax, VA 22030
Dr. Park is an Associate Professor in Tourism and Events Management. Her research interests span a wide spectrum, including human-machine interaction in the tourism and hospitality field, social and economic sustainability in tourism, ethical consumption, and consumer activism. She is deeply engaged in exploring the dynamic interplay between societal phenomina and tourism, with a focus on issues such as overtourism, social media, and the sharing economy. Dr. Park's expertise also extends to experiential education and generatioal cohorts. In addition to her recent works in these areas, she has conducted extensive research on tourism growth issues and visitor/destination management in urban areas and rural communities. Her collaborations with various national and international partners have resulted in active involvement in various research projects.
With over 90 publications including peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters, professional presentations, conference proceedings, and technical reports, Dr. Park is a prolific scholar. Her expertise in global and international tourism has earned her recognition, with media features in outlets such as CGTN, USA Today, Vocie of America-Russia.
Dr. Park's administrative roles within the Provost Office at George Mason University have been significant. She served as Acting Assistant Vice President for International Campus Operations and Dean of Administration at George Mason University Korea - Mason's international campus located in Incheon, South Korea. During her eight-year tenure, she oversaw the establishment and operation of the international campus, facilitated a multitude of fruitful collaborations with foreign educational institutions, directed summer study abroad programs to Mason, and established cooperative agreements and Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs).
In the 2022-2023 academic year, Dr. Park served as a Fulbright U.S. Scholar in Korea, further enhancing her academic and cultural exchange endeavors.
Prior to joining George Mason University in 2006, she held the position of research manager at the Maryland Office of Tourism Development. In this role, she played a pivotal role in managing various research projects and contributing to the creation of research analyses and technical reports.
Voice of America - Russia (Jan. 4, 2022). USA Today (November 10, 2021), LawnStarter (September 28, 2021), The George (May 3, 2021), Wallethub (March 9, 2021), MoneyGeek (March 21, 2024; March 14, 2024; Feb 2, 2022), CGTN (July 17, 2020; March 25, 2020; Feb. 20, 2020)
- International tourism
- Human-machine interaction in the tourism and hospitality field
- Tourism growth issues and sustainability
- Interplay of tourism with other societal phenomena (e.g., sharing economy, social media)
- Experiential education
- Destination management and visitor experience
- Social and cultural impacts of tourism
- Cultural and heritage tourism
- Globalization and Higher Education
- International Education
Daniels, M., & Park, M. (2024). Urban walkability and tour bus travel. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 47(September), 100789.
Park, M., & Jang, H. (2023). Motivations of tourism boycott differed by demographic variables: A case of “No Travel to Japan Campaign”. 이벤트컨벤션연구 (Event Convention Research), 51.
Park, M., & Daniels, M. (2022). The impact of tour bus cruising and idling on greenhouse gas emissions, Current Issues in Tourism.
Park, M., & Jones, T. (2021). Going virtual: The impact of COVID-19 on internships in tourism, events, and hospitality education. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education.
Jang, H., & Park, M. (2020). Social media, media, and urban transformation in the context of overtourism. International Journal of Tourism Cities, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 233-260.
Park, M. (2019). The sharing economy, regulations, and the role of local government. International Journal of Tourism Cities, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 158-174.
Daniels, M., Harmon L., Barrow M., Vese, R., & Brayley R.E., Park, M. (2019). Honor Flight: Recognition of preeminent-mature tourists. Annals of Tourism Research, 74(January): 95-107.
Park, M., Derrien, M., Geczi, E., & Stolowski, P.A. (2019). Grappling with Growth: Perceptions of development and preservation in faster- and slower-growing amenity communities. Society & Natural Resources.
Cicchetti, K., & Park, M. (2018). Student affairs and offshore branch campuses: A case study of practitioner experiences. Journal of College Student Development, 59 (2). doi:10.1353/csd.2018.0021.
Daniels, M., Harmon L., Barrow M., Vese, R., Park, M., & Brayley R.E. (2018). Spatial dynamics of tour bus transport within urban destinations. Tourism Management, 64 (February): 129-141.
Daniels, M., Harmon L., Barrow M., Park, M., & Brayley R.E., & Vese, R. (2015). Heritage tourism within a capital city: Symbolism and dissonance. Tourism Review International, 19: 1-18.
Schiller, A., & Park, M. (2014). The international Campus as prototype for international collaboration: South Koreas Incheon Global Campus. Global Partners in Education Journal, 4(1): 33-40.
Daniels, M. J., Park, M., Harmon, L. & Brayley, R. (2013). Bridging risk management perceptions and processes: The case of the National Mall & Memorial Parks. International Journal of Culture, Tourism, and Hospitality Research, 7(2).
Jang, E., Park, M., Park, H. (2012). Tourist’s appleal type for international tourism promotional photos of Korea. Korea Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research: Korea Tourism Research Association, 26(6): 23-38.
Park, M., & Oh, C-O. (2011). Exploring influential factors that explain the probability of visiting a destination: The case of state travel information inquiry groups. Tourism Analysis, 16 (6): 693-700.
Harmon, L., Daniels, M. J., Park, M., & Brayley, R. (2011). Is a nations front yard becoming a dumping ground? A critical analysis of greenspace within the United States National Mall & Memorial Parks. Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies, 17 (2): 269-291.
Park, M., & Stokowski, P.A. (2011). Casino gaming and crime: Comparisons among gaming counties and other tourism places. Journal of Travel Research, 50 (3): 289-302.
Park, J., Lee, G., & Park, M. (2011). Service quality dimensions perceived by film festival Visitors. Event Management, 15: 49 - 61.
Park, M., Daniels, M., Brayley, R., & Harmon, L. (2010). An analysis of service provision and visitor impacts using participant observation and photographic documentation: The National Cherry Blossom Festival. Event Management, 14 (2):167-182.
Park, M., Oh, H., & Park, J. (2010). Measuring the experience economy of film festival participants. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 10 (2): 35-54.
Park, M., & Stokowski, P. A. (2009). Social disruption theory and crime in rural communities: Comparisons across three levels of tourism growth. Tourism Management, 30 (6): 905-915.
- Cultural and Environmental Interpretation (PRLS 362)
- Global Perspectives in Sport (SPMT 440)
- Sport in the Global Marketplace (SPMT 551)
- Hospitality, Tourism, and Events Management Practicum (TOUR 241)
- Heritage and Cultural Tourism (TOUR 352)
- Cultural and Environmental Interpretation (TOUR 362)
- Destination Marketing and Management (TOUR 430)
- Career Preparation (TOUR 470)
- Hospitality, Tourism, and Events Management Internship (TOUR 490)
- Independent Study (TOUR 499)