Bean, Mandy

Dr. Mandy K. Bean
PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Associate Professor
Elementary Education PK-6
Phone: (703) 993-5253
Fax: (703) 993-2013
Email: abean5 (
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Thompson Hall 1406
4400 University Dr.
MS 4B4
Fairfax, VA 22030
A former elementary school teacher for 14 years in Virginia and North Carolina, I am currently an Associate Professor of Education at George Mason University. My main focus is preparing students to become Elementary Education teachers. I teach courses on K-6 Social Studies methods, Fine Arts integration, Child Development, Foundations of Education, and Curriculum and Management, among many others. I am also Senior Co-Editor of School-University Partnerships (SUP), a research journal of the National Association for Professional Development.
Elementary Curriculum and Methods
Social Studies Education
Project Based Learning
Arts Integration
Professional Development Schools
Parker, A. K., Parsons, S., Groth, L., Bean, A., Slattery, C. (2020). George Mason University’s Elementary Education PDS Program: Structures for shared governance, reflection and collaboration. In E. Garin and R. Burns (Eds.) The NAPDS Nine Essentials in Action: Cases of Professional Development Schools. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Glazier, J., & Bean, A. (2018). The promise of experiential education in teacher education: transforming teacher beliefs and practices. Teaching Education, 1-17.
- Special Topics in Early Childhood Education (ECED 497)
- Curriculum and Methods of Teaching in Elementary Education (EDCI 544)
- Methods of Teaching Social Studies and Integrating Fine Arts in the Elementary Classroom (EDCI 554)
- Research and Assessment in Elementary Education (EDCI 559)
- Special Topics in Education (EDCI 597)
- Internship in Education (EDCI 790)
- Foundations of Education (EDUC 542)
- Children, Family, Culture, and Schools, 4-12 Year Olds (EDUC 543)
- Foundations of Elementary Education (ELED 342)
- Children's Literature for Teaching in Diverse Settings (ELED 358)
- Methods of Teaching Social Studies and Integrating Fine Arts in the Elementary Classroom (ELED 454)
- Internship in Elementary Education (ELED 490)
- Children, Family, Culture, and Schools, ages 4-12 Years (ELED 543)
- Introduction to Elementary Methods and Management (ELED 544)
- Methods of Teaching Social Studies and Integrating Fine Arts in the Elementary Classroom (ELED 554)
- Internship in Elementary Education (ELED 790)