Slocum, Sue
Dr. Susan Slocum
PhD, Clemson University
Sport and Recreation Studies
The Center for the Study of Sport and Leisure in Society
Tourism and Events Management
Phone: (703) 993-4260
Fax: (703) 993-2025
Email: sslocum (
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Krug Hall 213A
4400 University Dr.
MS 4D2
Fairfax, VA 22030
Dr. Susan L. Slocum specializes in sustainable economic development through tourism and policy implementation at the regional and national level. Working with communities to enhance backward linkages between tourism and traditional industries, Dr. Slocum has worked with rural communities in the United States, the UK, Belarus, and with indigenous populations in emerging tourism destinations in Tanzania. In particular, she is interested in balancing policy development and integration to provide a more bottom-up form of planning within tourism destinations and has approached sustainable tourism from a contemporary view which includes the addition of institutional reform and social justice. Dr. Slocum has worked at the University of Bedfordshire and at Utah State University.
Fulbright Scholar 2019-2020
Currently serves on the Board of Directors for Visit Fairfax
Currently serves on the Editorial Board for Tourism Planning and Development
Currently serves on the Editorial Board for Event Management
Currently serves on the Advisory Board for Annali del Turismo
Currently serves as the Regional Editor for North America for International Journal of Tourism Policy
Currently serves as the a Content Editor (Tourism, Culture, and Heritage) for Sustainability
Academic Program Coordinator for Tourism and Events Management program (2016-2020)
Advisory Board Member for the Dulles Chapter of the Virginia Resaurant, Lodging, and Travel Association (2016-2019)
Nominated for the Teaching Excellence Award in 2016
Sustainable Tourism Development Rural Planning and Policy
Community-based Destination Branding/Marketing Development and Poverty Reduction
Sustainable Agricultural Development Food Tourism/Agritourism
12. Slocum, S.L. (2023). Inclusion in Tourism: Understanding Institutional Discrimination and Bias (Ed.). London, Routledge.
11. Slocum, S.L., Wiltshire, P., and Read, J. (2022). Tourism Transformations in Protected Area Gateway Communities (Eds.). Wallingford, UK, CABI.
10. Ingram, L.J., Tarkó, K., & Slocum, S.L. (2022). Women, leisure and tourism: Self-actualization and empowerment through the production and consumption of experience (Eds.). Wallingford, UK, CABI.
9. Ingram, L., Slocum, S.L., & Cavaliere, C.T. (2020). Neolocalism and Tourism: Understanding a Global Movement (Eds.). Oxford, UK, Goodfellow Publishers.
8. Slocum, S.L., Aidoo, A., & McMahon, K. (2020). The Business of Sustainable Tourism Development and Management. London, Routledge.
7. Slocum, S.L. & Klitsounova, V. (2020). Tourism Development in Post-Soviet Nations: From Communism to Capitalism (Eds.). Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave MacMillan.
6. Slocum, S.L. & Curtis, K (2018). Food and Agricultural Tourism: Theory and best practice. London,Routledge.
5. Slocum, S.L., Kline, C. & Cavaliere, C.T. (2017). Craft Beverages and Tourism, Volume 2: Environmental, Societal, and Marketing Implications (Eds.), Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave MacMillan.
4. Kline, C., Slocum, S.L. & Cavaliere, C.T. (2017). Craft Beverages and Tourism, Volume 1: The Rise of Breweries and Distilleries in the United States (Eds.), Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave MacMillan.
3. Slocum, S.L. & Kline, C. (2017). Linking Urban and Rural Tourism: Strategies in Sustainability (Eds.), Wallingford, UK, CABI.
2. Curtis, K., Slocum, S.L. & Allen, K. (2016). Farm and Food Tourism: Exploring Opportunities. Utah State University Extension Curriculum, Agribusiness 12-10-15.
1. Slocum, S.L., Kline, C., & Holden, A. (2015). Scientific Tourism: Researchers as Travellers (Eds.), London, Routledge.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
38. Slocum, S.L. (2023). Airbnb and cannabis trafficking. Journal of Qualitative Studies in Tourism, 3(2), 133–148.
37. Slocum, S.L. (2022). Airbnb Host’s Perspectives on Climate Change: Wildfire Threats to Rural Tourism. Sustainability, 14, 15874.
36. Slocum, S.L. (I2022). Social equity and Airbnb: A response to litigation pressures. Tourism Cases.
35. Curtis, K., & Slocum, S.L. (2022). Firm Resiliency Post- Economic Shock: A Case Study of Rural Wineries during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 53(1), 11-18.
34. Curtis, K., & Slocum, S.L. (2021). Rural Winery Resiliency and Sustainability through the Covid-19 Pandemic. Sustainability, 13(18), 10483.
33. Slocum, S.L. (2021). Resource constrained DMOs, neoliberalism, and community innovation in Belarus. Tourism Planning and Development, 1-15.
32. Slocum, S.L., Drugova, T., & Curtis, K. (2021). The Influence of Social Norms on Sustainable Consumption Behaviors: The Unique Ethos of Renaissance festivals as a Moderator of Sustainability. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 30 (6), 1423-1437.
31. Nyberg, J., Pe’eri, S., Slocum, S.L., Rice, M., Komwa, M., & Sun, D. (2021). Planning and preparation for cruising infrastructure: Cuba as a case study. Sustainability, 13, 1951.
30. Read IV, J. B., Slocum, S.L., Daniels, M.J., & Wiggins, B.P. (2021). Tourists’ Non-Compliant Behaviours in Antarctica: An Assessment of Adherence to Pro-Environmental Guidelines. Tourism in Marine Environments, 16 (1), 21-29.
29. Slocum, S.L., McDowell, J., & Huang, Y.K. (2020). Location-Dependency and Sociodemographics on Sustainable Festival and At-Home Behaviors. Anatolia, 31 (3), 466-478.
28. Slocum, S.L. (2020). The Routledge Handbook of Gastronomic Tourism. Hospitality & Society, 10(1), 107-109.
27. Curtis, K., Bradshaw, M., Slocum, S.L. (2020). The Importance of Culinary Experiences in Destination Loyalty. Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, 4, 67-79.
26. Slocum, S.L., Huang, Y.K., & McDowell, J. (2020). Understanding Renaissance Faire Travel Participation: An assessment of leisure loyalty frameworks. Journal of Event Management, 24 (2), 347–360.
25. Slocum, S.L., Dimitrov, D.Y., & Webb, K. (2019). The Impact of Neoliberal Academic Policies on Higher Education Tourism Programs: Meeting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in the next generation. Tourism Management Perspectives, 30, 33-42
24. Slocum S.L., Jin, N., Cho, I.S. (2018). Willingness to Pay for Sustainable Food in the Meeting Planning Sector. Culinary Science & Hospitality Research, 24 (7), 153-161.
23. Jin, N., Lee, S., Slocum, S.L. & Merkebu, J (2018). Examining the healthy food consumption in fullservice restaurants: quality or non-quality cues? Journal of Foodservice Business Research, 21 (4), 394-419.
22. Slocum, S.L., Knollenberg, W., & Kline, C. (2018). Understanding demand for sustainable initiatives of the MICE industry. Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism, 3 (1), 17-30.
21. Slocum, S.L., & Curtis, K. R. (2017). Food Tourism Entrepreneurship: Farm Shops in the UK. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 48 (2), 35-51.
20. Curtis, K., Slocum, S.L., Teegerstrom, T., Bishop ,C., & Landis, M. (2017). Innovative Food Tourism Development Strategies for Sustainability on American Indian Reservations. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 48 (1), 46-53.
19. Slocum, S.L. (2017). Operationalising both Sustainability and Neo-liberalism in Protected Areas: Implications from the USA’s National Park Service’s Evolving Experiences and Challenge. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25 (12), 1848-1864.
18. Slocum, S.L. (2016). Editable Identities: Food as cultural heritage (book review). Hospitality & Society, 6(3), 289–291.
17. Curtis, K., & Slocum, S.L. (2016). The Potential Impacts of Green Certification Programs Focused on Food Waste Reduction on the Tourism Industry.Journal of Food Distribution Research, 47 (1), 6-11.
16. Curtis, K., & Slocum, S.L. (2016). The Role of Sustainability Certification Programs in Reducing Food Waste in Tourism. Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture, 11 (1), 1-7.
15. Slocum, S.L. (2015). Understanding Tourism Support for a Craft Beer Trail: The Case of Loudoun County, Virginia. Tourism Planning and Development, 13 (3), 292-309.
14. Slocum, S.L. (2015). Rural Tourism: An international Perspective (book review). Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 8 (1), 94-96.
13. Slocum, S.L., & Curtis, K.R. (2015). Assessing Sustainable Food Behaviours of National Park Visitors: Domestic / on vocation Linkages, and their Implications for Park Policies. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 24 (1), 153-167.
12. Slocum, S.L. (2015). The Viable, Equitable and Bearable in Tanzania. Journal of Tourism Management Perspectives, 16, 92-99.
11. Kline, C., & Slocum, S.L. (2015). Neoliberalism in Ecotourism? The New Development Paradigm of Multinational Projects in Africa. Journal of Ecotourism, 14 (2&3), 99-112.
10. Lee, S., & Slocum, S.L. (2015). Understanding the Role of Local Food in the Meeting Industry: An Exploratory Study of Meeting Planners’ Perception of Local Food in Sustainable Meeting Planning. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 6 (1), 45-60.
9. Slocum, S.L. & Lee, S. (2015). Sustainability and Events: Case Study Approaches to ‘Green’ ICT Implementation. Journal of Information Technology and Tourism, 4, 347-362 .
8. Slocum, S.L. & Kline, C. (2014). Rural and Regional Resilience: Opportunities, Challenges and Policy Messages for North Carolina’s Sustainable Tourism Agenda. Anatolia, 25 (3), 403-416.
7. Slocum, S.L & Everett, S (2013). Industry, Government, and Community: Power and Leadership in a Resource Constrained DMO. Tourism Review, 69 (1), 47-58.
6. Curtis, K.R., Ward, R., Allen, K. & Slocum, S.L. (2013). Impacts of Community Supported Agriculture Program Participation on Consumer Food Purchases and Dietary Choice. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 44 (1), 42-51.
5. Everett, S. & Slocum, S.L. (2013). Food and Tourism, an Effective Partnership? A UK based review. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 21 (6), 789-809.
4. Slocum, S.L & Clifton, J. (2012). Understanding Community Capacity through Canal Heritatage Development: Sink or Swim. International Journal of Tourism Policy, 4 (4), 356-374.
3. Slocum, S.L. & Backman, K. (2011). Understand Government Capacity in Tourism Development as a Poverty Alleviation Tool: A Case Study of Tanzanian Policy Makers. Tourism Planning and Development, 8 (3), 281-296.
2. Slocum, S.L., Robinson, K. & Backman, K. (2011). Tourism Pathways to Prosperity: Perspectives on the Informal Economy in Tanzania. Tourism Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 16 (1), 43-55.
1. Slocum, S.L. (2011). Responsible Tourism: An Overland Example. The Omani Journal of Applied Sciences, 3 (1), 26 – 49.
Peer Reviewed Book Chapters
41. Slocum, S.L. (Accepted). Politics and Identity: Place branding, tourism, and future challenges. In Kladou & Usakli (Eds.) Understanding Place and Destination Branding. Edward Elgar Publishing.
40. Slocum, S.L., & Ingram, L. (203). From Jim Crow to Black Lives Matter: A history of racism and tourism in the USA. In Slocum, S.L. (Ed.), Inclusion in tourism: Understanding institutional discrimination and bias (pp. 62-77) . London, Routledge.
39. Slocum, S.L. & Read IV, J.B. (2022). Conclusion. In Slocum, S.L., Wiltshire, P., & Read, J. (Eds), Tourism Transformations in Protected Area Gateway Communities (pp. 181-186). Wallingford, UK, CABI.
38. Daniels, M.J. & Slocum, S.L. (2022). Sustainable tourism initiatives and impediments: The National Mall as an urban gateway community. In Slocum, S.L., Wiltshire, P., & Read, J. (Eds), Tourism Transformations in Protected Area Gateway Communities (pp. 169-180). Wallingford, UK, CABI.
37. Slocum, S.L, & Lee, S. (2022). Electronic Information Search and Destination Satisfaction: A comparison of website and social media pre-trip planning. In Gursoy, D., Pratap, R., & Kaurav, S. (Eds.), Handbook on Tourism and Social Media (pp. 22-37). Cheltenham, U.K., Edward-Elgar Publishing
36. Slocum, S.L. (2022). History and identity: Female vendors at a Renaissance Festival. In Ingram, L.J., Tarkó, K., & Slocum, S.L. (Eds.), Women, leisure and tourism: Self-actualization and empowerment through the production and consumption of experience (pp. 47-57). Wallingford, UK, CABI.
35. Ingram, L., Slocum, S.L., & Tarkó, K. (2022). Introduction: Women as Producers and Consumers of Leisure. In Ingram, L.J., Tarkó, K., & Slocum, S.L. (Eds.), Women, leisure and tourism: Self-Actualization and empowerment through the production and consumption of experience (pp. 1-12), Wallingford, UK, CABI
34. Slocum, S.L. (2021). Regulation. In Buhalis, D. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
33. Slocum, S.L. (2021). Social Capital Management. In Buhalis, D. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
32. Slocum, S.L. (2021). Placemaking through Food: Creating the Tourist Experience. In Scherf, K. (Eds.) Creative Tourism and Sustainable Development in Smaller Communities (pp. 191-207). Calgary, Canada, University of Calgary Press.
31. Slocum, S.L. (2020). Conclusion. In Ingram, L., Slocum, S.L, & Cavaliere, C. (Eds.) Neolocalism and Tourism: Understanding A Global Movement (pp. 227-240). Oxford, UK, Goodfellow Publishers.
30. Curtis, K., Bradshaw, M., & Slocum, S.L. (2020). Tourism in the Intermountain West: The Role of Food and Agritourism in Neolocalism. In Ingram, L., Slocum, S.L, & Cavaliere, C. (Eds.) Neolocalism and Tourism: Understanding A Global Movement (pp. 185-207). Oxford, UK, Goodfellow Publishers.
29. Slocum, S.L. & Ingram, S.L. (2020). Sustainability and Neolocalism: Complementary ideologies. In Ingram, L., Slocum, S.L, & Cavaliere, C. (Eds.) Neolocalism and Tourism: Understanding A Global Movement (pp. 17-34). Oxford, UK, Goodfellow Publishers.
28. Slocum, S.L. (2020). Governance and Neolocalism: Guiding the creative process. In Ingram, L., Slocum, S.L, & Cavaliere, C. (Eds.) Neolocalism and Tourism: Understanding A Global Movement (pp. 208-226). Oxford, UK, Goodfellow Publishers.
27. Slocum, S.L. (2020). Sustainable Wedding Venues: Dr. Norman E. Borlaug World Food Prize Hall of Laureates, Des Moines, Iowa. In Daniels, M., & Wosicki, C., Wedding Planning and Management: Consultancy for Diverse Clients (pp. 114-115). London, Routledge.
26. Klitsounova, V., & Slocum, S.L. (2020). Introduction. In Slocum, S.L. & Klitsounova, V. (Eds.) Tourism Development in Post-Soviet Nations: From Communism to Capitalism (pp. 1-11). Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave MacMillan.
25. Slocum, S.L. & Klitsounova, V. (2020). Conclusion. In Slocum, S.L. & Klitsounova, V. (Eds.) Tourism Development in Post-Soviet Nations: From Communism to Capitalism (pp. 207-218). Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave MacMillan.
24. Slocum, S.L., & Klitsounova, V. (2019). Rethinking Tourism in Belarus: The Opening of a Rural Economy. In Wiltshier, P., & Clarke, A. (Eds.), Community Based Tourism in the Developing World (pp. 67-80), Taylor and Francis.
23. Coberly, E. & Slocum, S.L. (2018). Research Methodology Choice in Serious Leisure in Renaissance Festival Tourism. In Nunkoo, R. (Eds.) Handbook of Research Methods in Tourism and Hospitality Management (pp. 428-440). Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar.
22. Slocum, S.L. (2017). Rural Planning and Development for Tourism. In Lowry, L. (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism (pp. 1044-1047). London, Sage Publications.
21. Slocum, S.L. (2017). Research Tourism. In Lowry, L. (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism (pp. 1024-1025). London, Sage Publications.
20. Slocum, S.L. (2017). Triple Bottom Line. In Lowry, L. (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Travel and Tourism (pp. 1360-1361). London, Sage Publications.
19. Slocum, S.L. (2017). Introduction. In Slocum, S.L, Kline, C., & Cavaliere, C. (Eds.) Craft Beverages and Tourism, Volume 2 - Environmental, Societal, and Marketing Implications (pp. 1-8), Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave MacMillan.
18. Slocum, S.L. (2017). Developing Social Capital in Craft Beer Tourism Markets – Loudoun County, Virginia. In Slocum, S.L, Kline, C., & Cavaliere, C.. (Eds.) Craft Beverages and Tourism, Volume 2 - Environmental, Societal, and Marketing Implications (pp. 83-100). Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave MacMillan.
17. Curtis, K., Bosworth, R., & Slocum. S.L. (2017). Drink Tourism: A Profile of the Intoxicated Traveler. In Slocum, S.L, Kline, C., & Cavaliere, C. (Eds.) Craft Beverages and Tourism, Volume 2 - Environmental, Societal, and Marketing Implications (pp. 119-140), Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave MacMillan.
16. Slocum, S.L, Kline, C., & Cavaliere, C. (2017). Conclusion. In Slocum, S.L, Kline, C., & Cavaliere, C. (Eds.) Craft Beverages and Tourism, Volume 2 - Environmental, Societal, and Marketing Implications (pp. 213-223), Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave MacMillan.
15. Slocum, S.L. & Curtis, K.R. (2017). The Urban-rural Tourism Relationship: A Case of Suburban Farm Shops, In Slocum, S.L. & Kline, C. (Eds.) Urban-Rural Tourism: strategies in sustainability (pp. 82-93). Wallingford, UK, CABI.
14. Slocum, S.L. (2016). Craft Beer Case Study: Loudoun County, Virginia. In Everett, S. Food and Drink Tourism: Principles and practice (p. 297), London, Sage.
13. Slocum, S.L. (2015). Community Agency. In: Cater, C.I. and Garrod, B. (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Sustainable Tourism (p. 90). Wallingford, UK, CABI.
12. Slocum, S.L. (2015). Community Capacity. In: Cater, C.I. and Garrod, B. (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Sustainable Tourism (pp. 93-94). Wallingford, UK, CABI.
11. Slocum, S.L. (2015). Community Resilience. In: Cater, C.I. and Garrod, B. (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Sustainable Tourism (p. 99). Wallingford, UK, CABI.
10. Slocum, S.L (2015). Local Food: Greening the Tourism Value Chain. In Reddy, V. and Wilkes, K. (Eds.) Tourism in the Green Economy (pp. 242-254), London, Routledge.
9. Slocum, S.L., & Backman, K. (2015). Scientific Tourists: A Community’s Perspective into Research Travel Behaviours. In Slocum, S.L., Kline, C. and Holden, A. (Eds.) Scientific Tourism: Researchers as Travellers (pp. 99-116), London, Routledge.
8. Slocum, S.L., & Kline, C. (2015). Exploring the Travel Policies of Conservation and Development Professionals. In Slocum, S.L., Kline, C. and Holden, A. (Eds.) Scientific Tourism: Researchers as Travellers (pp. 51-65), London, Routledge.
7. Slocum, S.L., & Kline, C. (2015). Research as a Forefront to Tourism: Understanding the Travel Behaviours of Eco-researchers. In Slocum, S.L., Kline, C. and Holden, A. (Eds.) Scientific Tourism: Researchers as Travellers (pp. 33-49), London, Routledge.
6. Swanson, J., Kline, C., & Slocum, S.L. (2015). Exploring the Decision-making of the University SAVE market. In Slocum, S.L., Kline, C. and Holden, A. (Eds.) Scientific Tourism: Researchers as Travellers (pp. 66-79), London, Routledge.
5. Slocum, S.L., & Kline, C. (2015). Conclusion. In Slocum, S.L., Kline, C. and Holden, A. (Eds.) Scientific Tourism: Researchers as Travellers (pp. 181-186), London, Routledge.
4. Everett, S. & Slocum, S.L. (2013). Collaboration in Food Tourism: Developing Cross Industry Partnerships. In Hall, C.M. and Gössling, S. (Eds.) Sustainable Culinary Systems Local Foods, Innovation, and Tourism & Hospitality (pp. 205-222), London, Routledge.
3. Lacher, R.G. & Slocum, S.L. (2012). Souvenir Development in Peripheral Areas: Local Constraints in a Global Market. In Cave, J. (Eds.) Tourism and Souvenirs on the Margins: Global Perspectives (pp. 521-541), London, Routledge.
2. Slocum, S.L, Backman, K. & Baldwin, E. (2012). Independent Instrumental Case Studies Allowing for the Autonomy of Cultural, Social, and Business Networks in Tanzania. In Hyde, K., Ryan, C. and Woodside, A. (Eds.) Field Guide for Case Study Research in Tourism (pp. 521-541), U.K, Emerald Publishers.
1. Slocum, S. L. & Everett, S. (2010). Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Tourism: Food Tourism Initiatives: Resistance on the Ground. July 2010, in C.A. Brebbia (Eds.), The Sustainable World (pp. 745-757), WIT Press.
Book Reviews
3. Slocum, S.L. (2020). The Routledge Handbook of Gastronomic Tourism. Hospitality and Society, 10(1), 107-109.
2. Slocum, S.L. (2016). Editable Identities: Food as cultural heritage. Hospitality and Society, 6(3), pp. 289–291.
1. Slocum, S.L. (2015). Rural Tourism: An international perspective. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 8(1), pp. 94-96.
- Independent Study for the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (EDUC 897)
- Visitor Services (PRLS 533)
- Thesis Preparation (SRST 595)
- Independent Study in Sport and Recreation Studies (SRST 599)
- Seminar in Sport and Recreation Studies (SRST 796)
- Master's Project/Internship (SRST 798)
- Master's Thesis (SRST 799)
- Hospitality Tourism and Events Management Accounting (TOUR 214)
- Hospitality, Tourism, and Events Management Practicum (TOUR 241)
- Women and Tourism (TOUR 311)
- Ecotourism (TOUR 312)
- Sacred Spaces and Dark Tourism (TOUR 342)
- Wine and Food Tourism (TOUR 343)
- Special Topics (TOUR 480)
- Independent Study (TOUR 499)
- Special Topics in Hospitality, Tourism and Events Management (TOUR 598)