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Dr. Sujin Kim is a transnational scholar and teacher educator in Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse and Exceptional Learners Program in the College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University. Her main research interest includes content-language integrated education for multilingual learners, translanguaging/transmodalising pedagogy, and critical discourse studies in education.

Currently, Dr. Kim serves as the principal investigator of two externally funded grant projects:

Projects ACE-STEM and TTS aim to enhance equitable education for diverse learners by building teachers' knowledge base and instructional capacity in content classrooms through cutting-edge theories and evidence-based pedagogical practices. 

Research Interests
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
  • Translanguaging/ Transmodalising Pedagogy
  • Multiliteracies/ New Media Literacy 
  • Immigrant Youth Identity Work
  • Qualitative Research Methods/ Critical Discourse Analysis
Recent Publications

Gu, D., & Kim, S. (2025). Critical discourse analysis of the terminology and definitions of multilingual learners across US policies vs. the WIDA ELD standards. Education Policy Analysis Archives 33(18), 1-22.

Park, J. Y., Kim, S., & Chen, X. (2024). Measurement invariance of the teachers’ awareness scale in content-integrated education for multilingual learnersFrontiers in Education, 9, 1-6.

Ramos, K. A., Kim, S., Chen, X., Langston, E., & Graville, C. (2024). Empowering upper elementary multilingual learners in science using infographics. In Tavares, V. (Ed.), Empowering language learners in a changing world through pedagogies of multiliteracies (pp. 207-228). Palgrave Macmillan.

Kim, S., Park, J., & Zhao, M. (2024). Content teachers’ beliefs and attitudes toward working with multilingual learners through integrative approaches. Frontiers in Education, 9, 1-14.  

Dorner, L. M., & Kim, S. (2024). Language brokering from childhood to emerging adulthood: A study of citizenship becoming through a transliteracies framework. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, 23(3), 409-423.

Kim, S., & Park, J. (2024). Critical awareness toward content-language integrated education for multilingual learners (CA-CIEML): A survey study about teachers’ ideological beliefs and attitudes. Language Awareness.

Song, Kim. H., Schultz, L., Child, G., Kim, S., & Dorner, L.M. (2023). Midwestern inservice teachers’ raciolinguistic mindsets and pedagogies for EBLs: Whose equity and excellence are we seeking? TESOL Quarterly.

Dorner, M. L., Kim, S., Bonny, E., & Montes, I.C. (2023). Using critical discourse analysis to challenge and change educational practice and policy. In M. D. Young, & S. Diem (Eds.), Handbook on critical approaches to education research. Rouledge.

Kim, S. (2023). Intersectional positionalities across gender, race, ethnicity and immigrant status in qualitative interviews. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

Kim, S. (2021). Transmodalising pedagogy: Developing STEM disciplinary literacy for young emergent bilingual learners. Bilingual Research Journal.

Kim, S., & Choi, S. (2021). Teachers’ perceptions and practices of translanguaging for emergent bilinguals in U.S. multilingual classrooms. Translation and Translaguaging in Multilingual Contexts.

Kim, S. (2021). An autoethnography of trans-perspective development through translanguaging research and practice. In R. Jain, B. Yazan, & S. Canagarajah (Eds.), Transnational identities and practice in English language teaching: Critical inquiries from diverse practitioners. Multilingual Matters.

Song, K., Kim, S., & Preston, L. (2021). "No difference between African American, Immigrant, or White Childrens! They are all the same": Working toward developing teachers' raciolinguistic attitudes towards ELs." International Journal of Multicultural Education, 23(1), 47-66.

Kim, S., Dorner, L. M., & Song, K. H. (2021). Conceptualizing community translaguaging through a family literacy projectInternational Multilingual Research Journal, 15(4), 293-316.

Kim, S., & Dorner, L. (2021). School board and district responses to demographic change: Competing discourses of equity, competition, and communityJournal of Language, Identity, and Education, 20(4), 255-270. 

Kim, S., Ramos, K. A., Chung, H., & Choi, S. (2020). Integrating critical multiliteracies pedagogy in ESL/EFL teachingJournal of English Learner Education, 11(1), 54-82.

Kim, S., & Suh, J. (2020). Transmodalising for equitable mathematics instruction in multilingual classroomTeaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics, 11(2), 35-42.

Slapac, A., & Kim, S. (2020). Creating culturally and linguistically responsive classroom communities in language immersion schools. In C. A. Huertas-Abril (Ed.), International perspectives on modern developments in early childhood education (pp. 77-94)Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Slapac, A., Kim, S., & Coppersmith, S.A (2020). Preparing and enriching linguistically and culturally responsive educators through professional development. In A. Slapac & S.A. Coppersmith (Eds.), Beyond language learning instruction: Transformative supports for emergent bilinguals and educators (pp. 282-302). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Coppersmith, S., Song, K. H., & Kim, S. (2019). In-service and pre-service teachers’ perceptions of transformation and observed classroom teaching practices to become linguistically and culturally responsive content teachersJournal of Transformative Learning, 6(2), 7-26.

Bonney, E., Dorner, L. M., Trigos-Carrillo, L., Song, K. H., & Kim, S. (2019). Developing inclusive and multilingual family literacy events at diverse schools. In E. R. Crawford & L. M. Dorner (Eds.), Educational leadership of immigrants: Case studies in times of change. New York: Routledge.

Song, K. H., Kim, S., & Zhao, Y. (2019). Manifesting multi-dimensional creativity in a technology-mediated online TESOL practicum courseTESOL Journal.

Kim, S. & Song, K. H. (2019). Designing a community translanguaging space within a family literacy projectThe Reading Teacher, 73(3), 267-279.

Kim, S. (2018). Migrant youth identity work in transnational mediascape: A case study of what it means to be Korean for migrant adolescentsJournal of Asian Pacific Communication, 28(2), 281-302. 

Kim, S., Song, K. H., & Coppersmith, S. (2018). Creating an interactive virtual community of linguistically and culturally responsive content teacher-learners to serve English learnersContemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(2), 442-466. 

Kim, S.(2018). “It was kind of a given that we were all multilingual”: Transnational youth identity work in digital translanguaging. Linguistics and Education, 43, 39-52.

Dorner, L., Kim, S., Floros, A., & Mujanovic, M. (2017). “Everybody kind of looked at me like I was from Mars:” Preparing educators through qualitative service-research projectsInternational Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 30(7), 669-687.

Kim, S., & Slapac, A. (2015). Culturally responsive, transformative pedagogy in the transnational era: Critical perspectivesEducational Studies, 51(1), 17-27.

Slapac, A., & Kim, S.(2014). Intercultural conversationsKappa Delta Pi Record, 50(1), 36-40.

Kim, S., & Dorner, L. M. (2014). “Everything is a spectrum:” Korean migrant youth identity work in the transnational borderland. In S. Spyrou, & M. Christou (Eds.), Children and borders(pp. 277-294). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kim, S., & Dorner, L. M. (2013). “I won’t talk about this here in America:” Sociocultural context of Korean English learners’ emotion speech in English. L2 Journal, 5(2), 43-67.

Other Information


Ph.D. Education, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Dissertation: Korean migrant youth identity work in the transnational social field: A link between identity, transnationalism, and new media

M.A. English language and literature, Seoul National University, South Korea

B.A. English language and literature, Seoul National University, South Korea