Baker, Pamela

Dr. Pamela H. Baker
EdD, Bowling Green State University
Associate Professor
Special Education, Advanced Studies in Teaching and Learning
Division Director, Special Education
Helen A. Kellar Institute for Human disAbilities
Special Education: General Curriculum
Phone: (703) 993-1787
Fax: (703) 993-3681
Email: pbaker5 (
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Finley Building 208C
4400 University Dr.
MS 1F2
Fairfax, VA 22030
As a full-time faculty member at George Mason University, I have taught a variety of special education courses, mentored graduate student research projects, and studied ways to facilitate the responsible inclusions of learners with special needs. Prior to making the move to higher education with an Ed.D. in Leadership Studies, I was the coordinator of a day treatment center for students with behavioral disorders in Newport News, VA. Our program supported students from six different school districts. Even though I enjoyed my time in administration, my heart has always been in the classroom. My masters degree is in the areas of Learning Disabilities and Emotional/Behavioral Disorders. I have taught students with special needs in a variety of settings from inclusive to self-contained, mostly grades 6-12. I have also taught math in the general education setting at both the middle and high school levels as General Mathematics was my initial licensure area. My undergraduate background is Psychology.
- Responsible Inclusion of Individuals with Disabilities
- Preparation of Teachers and Administrators
- Effective Interventions in both Classroom and Extracurricular Settings
*Preston-Smith, S., King-Sears, M. E., Evmenova, A. S., & Baker, P. H. (2020). What do high school students think about co-teaching in science classrooms? Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 25(1), 29-42. doi: 10.18666/LDMJ-2020-V25-I1-10107
Weiss, M. P., Regan, K. S., & Baker, P. H. (2020). Supporting provisionally-licensed teachers using eCoaching in a distributed internship. Technology and Teacher Education Journal, 13, 52-75.
Dixon, M., Anderson, A., Baker, R. E., Baker, P. H., Esherick, C. (2019). Management in sport for development: Examining the structure and processes of a sport diplomacy initiative. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 19, 268-292.
Baker, R. E., Baker, P. H., Atwater, C., & Esherick, C. (2018). U.S. sport diplomacy in Latin America and the Caribbean: A programme evaluation. Journal of Sport for Development, 6(10), 71-85.
*McElwee, C. B., Regan, K., Baker, P. H., & Weiss, M. P. (2018). Preservice special education teachers' perceptions: The influence of university coursework, context, and relationships, during the clinical teaching experience. Teacher Educators’ Journal, 11, 91-104.
*Wolf, J. J., & Baker, P. H. (2018). Alopecia Areata: Factors that impact children and adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research, 1-20. doi:10.1177/0743558418768248
Baker, R. E., Baker, P. H., Atwater, C., & *Andrews, H. (2015). Sport for development and peace: A program evaluation of a sport diplomacy initiative. International Journal for Sport Management and Marketing, 16, 52-70.
Baker, R. E., Baker, P. H., Evmenova, A., & *Hayes-Harris, L. (2015). Perceptions of international sport exchange participants regarding inclusive sport. International Journal of Sport Management, 16, 417-436.
King-Sears, M. E., & Baker, P. H. (2014). Comparison of teacher motivation in middle schools that have and have not achieved AYP. ISRN Education, Article ID 790179, 12 pages. doi:10.1155/2014/790179
Regan, K., Evmenova, A., & Baker, P. (2014). Supporting instructors in online learning environments: Addressing the challenges. In P. Lowenthal, C. York, & J. Richardson (Eds.), Online learning: Common misconceptions, benefits, and challenges (pp. 1-15). Hauppauge, New York: NOVA Publishers.
Murray, M., Baker, P. H., & Straka, L. & Murray-Slutsky, C. (2014). Educational strategies in Autism Spectrum Disorders. In C. Murray-Slutsky & B. Paris (Eds.), Exploring the spectrum of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders: Intervention strategies (pp. 497-518). Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.
*Wolf, J. J., & Baker, P. H. (2012). Another use for Seuss: Reading for social skills. Preventing School Failure, 56(3), 172-179.
Regan, K., Evmenova, A, Baker, P. H., Jerome, M. K., Spencer, V., Lawson, H., & Werner, T. (2012). Experiences of instructors in online learning environments: Identifying and regulating emotions. Internet and Higher Education, 15, 204-212.
Baker, P. H., & Murray, M. (2011). Building community partnerships: Learning to serve while learning to teach. The School Community Journal, 21(1), 113-127.
*Evmenova, A. S., Behrmann, M. M., Mastropieri, M. A., Baker, P. H., & Graff, H. J. (2011). The effects of video adaptations on comprehension of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Special Education Technology, 26(2), 39-54.
Baker, P. H., Murray, M., Murray-Slutsky, C., & Paris, B. (2010). The faces of Autism. Educational Leadership, 68(2), 40-45.
Baker, P. H., & Bon, S. C. (2010). Principals, special education, and hiring. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 14(3), 221-225.
- Qualitative Methods in Educational Research (EDRS 812)
- Introduction to Special Education (EDSE 201)
- Classroom Management and Applied Behavior Analysis (EDSE 402)
- Introduction to Special Education (EDSE 501)
- Classroom Management and Individualized Behavior Supports (EDSE 502)
- Special Education Research (EDSE 590)
- Special Topics in Education (EDSE 597)
- Interventions for Individuals with Autism (EDSE 635)
- Consultation and Collaboration (EDSE 662)
- Creating a Collaborative Culture (EDSE 703)
- Leadership in Special Education Administration (EDSE 743)
- Comprehensive Topics in Special Education: Trends and Issues (EDSE 782)
- Internship in Special Education (EDSE 790)
- Final Portfolio (EDSE 792)
- Leading Change in Special Education and Disability Policy (EDSE 843)
- Independent Study for the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (EDUC 897)
- Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (EDUC 998)
- Doctoral Dissertation Research (EDUC 999)