Baker, Courtney

Dr. Courtney K. Baker
PhD, George Mason University
Associate Professor
Academic Program Coordinator, Mathematics Specialist Leadership
Director, Mathematics Education Center
Phone: (703) 993-5081
Fax: (703) 993-2013
Email: cbaker (
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Thompson Hall 2504
4400 University Dr.
MS 1E8
Fairfax, VA 22030
Courtney K. Baker has been an educator and advocate for public education for over 20 years. Prior to academia, she worked as an elementary educator, mathematics coach, and professional learning facilitator. As an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at George Mason University Baker continues to share her passion for the teaching and learning of mathematics. In addition to serving as the Mathematics Education Leadership Academic Program Coordinator and the Director of the Mason Mathematics Education Center, she teaches graduate mathematics education courses for in-service teachers. Her research is centered on advancing the role of mathematics specialists and developing effective and influential mathematics leaders that help elevate critical consciousness and deconstruct systemic barriers and inequities.
Her recent book Proactive Mathematics Coaching: Bridging Content, Context, and Practice, was published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in August 2023. This book focuses on the Proactive Coaching Framework - a four-phase protocol that merges high-leverage teaching and coaching practices and supports intentional planning of coaching interactions.
Dr. Baker’s research agenda is centered in mathematics education and teacher development. Her specific research interests are:
- Development of mathematics specialists, coaches, and teacher leaders
- Self-study methodology
- Synchronous online teaching; specializing in leadership
- Design-based implementation research w/ district partnerships
- Model-eliciting activities
- STEM integration and problem-based learning
* Indicates graduate student; # indicates K-12 school partner
Peer-Reviewed Books
Baker, C. & Knapp, M. (2023). Proactive Mathematics Coaching: Bridging Content, Context, and Practice. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Peer-Reviewed Research Articles
Baker, C. K., Livers, S., Hjalmarson, M., Saclarides, E. S., Harbour, K., & Brown, K. (2024). Research publication and design trends in mathematics-specific teacher leadership: A systematic review. School Science and Mathematics.
Bolyard, J. J. & Baker, C. K. (2024). An examination of how content-specific leadership is negotiated: District-based mathematics specialists’ sense-making of their leadership role. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 1-20.
Baker, C., Hjalmarson, M., & Fennell, F. (2023). Advancing Research about Mathematics Specialists and Mathematics Teacher Leaders. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 15(1), 1-10.
Galanti, T., & Baker, C. (2023). Transforming assessment in online STEM Learning: Preparing teachers to integrate computational thinking in elementary classrooms. Contemporary Issues in Technology & Teacher Education, 23(4), 602-624.
Baker, C. K. & Edwards, K.* (2023). Embedding photovoice to transform a mathematics specialist course assignment: A self-study on developing mathematics teacher educator anti-racist pedagogical praxis. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 40, 1-23.
Baker, C. K., Hjalmarson, M. A., & Fennell, F. (2022). Mathematics specialists as school-based leaders: Adapting responsibilities to address shifts in teaching and learning. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 1-21.
Baker, C. K., Galanti, T. M.*, Kraft, T.*, Holincheck, N., Hjalmarson, M. A., & Nelson, J. (2022). Researchers as coaches: Developing mathematics teaching capacity using MEAs for STEM integration. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 1-21.
Baker, C. K., Saclarides, E. S., Harbour, K., Hjalmarson, M., Livers, S., & Edwards, K. C.* (2021). Trends in mathematics specialist literature: Analyzing research spanning four decades. School Science and Mathematics.
Baker, C. K. & Bitto, L. E. (2021b). Interrogating the tensions of becoming antiracist mathematics teacher educators via critical friendship and rehearsals. Studying Teacher Education, 1-18.
Baker, C. K. (2021). Learning to design effective professional development: The influence of integrating a coaching tool with an elementary mathematics specialist course assignment. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.
Baker, C. K., Jamieson, S.#, Paul, A.*, Kibler, S.*, Eaglen, A.*, & Kraft, T*. (2021). Developing equity-centered leadership knowledge and skills via lesson study in an online mathematics specialist program. Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations, 17(1), 45–52.
Baker, C. K., Ellington, A., & Haver., W. (2021). Mathematics teacher leadership preparation, mentorship, and service: Communities of practice through online modalities. Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Explorations, 17(1), 1–9.
Galanti, T. M.*, Baker, C. K., Morrow-Leong, K., & Kraft, T.* (2021). Enriching TPACK in mathematics education: Using digital interactive notebooks in synchronous online learning environments. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 18 (3), 345-361.
Baker, C. K. & Bitto, L. E. (2021a). Fostering a critical friendship between a program coordinator and an online adjunct to achieve reciprocal mentoring. Studying Teacher Education, 17(2), 188–207.
Bolyard, J. J. & Baker, C. K. (2021). Examining the practice of elementary mathematics specialists through narratives: Implications for professional learning and development. Professional Development in Education.
Hjalmarson, M. A. & Baker, C. K. (2020). Mathematics specialists as the hidden players in professional development: Researchable questions and methodological considerations. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 18(1), 51–66.
Baker, C. & Knapp, M. (2019). The decision-making protocol for mathematics coaching: Addressing the complexity of coaching with intentionality and reflection. Mathematics Teacher Educator, 7(2), 27–43.
Baker, C. & Hjalmarson, M. (2019). Designing purposeful interactions to advance synchronous learning experiences. International Journal of Web-based Learning and Teaching Technologies, 14(1), 1–16.
Baker, C. K., Galanti, T. M.*, Graham, J.#, Hayden, K.*, & Bailey, P. (2018). From book club to professional learning community: Empowering a network of mathematics specialists. School-University Partnerships, 11(4), 48–63.
Baker, C. K. & Galanti, T. M.* (2017). Integrating STEM in K-8 classrooms using model-eliciting activities: Responsive professional development for mathematics teacher leaders. International Journal of STEM Education, 4(10).
- College of Education and Human Development
- School of Education
- Division of Advanced Professional Teacher Development and International Education
- Mathematics Specialist Leadership
- Mathematics Education Center
- Elementary Education PK-6
- Center for Outreach in Mathematics Professional Learning and Educational Technology
- Research Methodology
- Mathematics Methods for the Elementary Classroom (EDCI 552)
- Mathematics Learning and Assessment (K-8) (EDCI 644)
- Curriculum Development in Mathematics Education (EDCI 645)
- Mathematics Education Leadership for School Change (EDCI 646)
- Research in Mathematics Teaching (EDCI 666)
- Internship in Education (EDCI 790)
- Mathematics Education Research on Teaching and Learning (EDCI 855)
- Mathematics Education Research Design and Evaluation (EDCI 858)
- Teaching Elementary Math in International Schools (EDUC 513)
- Doctoral Internship in Education (EDUC 890)
- Advanced Internship in Education (EDUC 994)
- Geometry and Measurement for K-8 Teachers (MATH 611)