ARDR Collaborative

What is ARDR?
The Anti-Racist and Decolonizing research (ARDR) Collaborative supports the advancement of research methodologies and the administration of the ARDR concentration of the CEHD Research Methods graduate certificate.
What is ARDR's Mission?
Our Mission is...
"To create space for and nurture a collaborative of resistant knowledge creator to disrupt institutions, structures, and mechanisms of inequity and injustice, and reclaim social inquiry to advance justice and peace."
What good work do we hope to foment in the world?
Our Vision is...
- To stop cultural genocide
- To sustain democracy, humanity and promote peace
- To save the species and protect the land
- To end oppression and marginalization of Black, Indigenous, immigrant and other People of Color
- To advance critical research and take action
- To promote solidarity and community cohesiveness
Faculty Advisors
ARDR Advisory Board
Kat Bell
Maria J. Bermudez
Amy Best
Dr. Lauren B. Cattaneo
Khaseem Davis
Hatim El-Hibri
Chrystal George-Mwangi
Robert Graham
Jhumka Gupta
Shekila Melchior
Manjusha Nair
Shauna Rigaud
Ricardo Sanchez
ARDR Planning Committee
Amanda Corso
Eden Langston
Erin Fay
Dr. Leslie La Croix
Shaunda Thompson
Sophia Wells-Williams
ARDR Affiliates
If you are struggling to find someone in your field, department, or discipline who can act as a sounding board, research partner, or mentor, consider contacting some of our affiliates – people at Mason who have taken our workshops and have self-identified as affiliates.
Susan Allen
Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution -
Supriya Baily
CEHD, International Education, Research Methods -
Michelle Buehl
CEHD, Educational Psychology, Research Methods -
Meagan Call-Cummings
Giovanni Dazzo
Research Methods -
Dr. Daniel Ferguson
Grace Francis
CEHD, Special Education -
Sharrell Hassell-Goodman
Higher Education -
Dr. Emily S. Ihara
Peggy King-Sears
CEHD, Special Education -
Dr. Leslie La Croix
Rebecca Leung
Social Work -
Angela Miller
CEHD, Educational Psychology, Research Methods -
Keith Renshaw
Psychology -
Amanda Torres
If you would like to be added to this list and are dedicated to helping lift others in this effort, please contact Marvin Powell or Bethany Letiecq.