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Anti-Racism Resources

This bibliography includes a list of journal articles, books and book chapters, videos, and online resources focusing on anti-racism, critical race theories, and decolonization.

Getting Started

The following article and book provide an excellent primer on anti-racism and anti-racist research methodologies.

  • Dei, G. (2005). Chapter One: Critical Issues in Anti-racist Research Methodologies: AN INTRODUCTION. Counterpoints, 252, 1-27.
  • Kendi, Ibram X. (2019). How to Be an Antiracist. One World.

Media Resources

Media Resources

Bell Hooks: Moving from Pain to Power I. YouTube.

Barnor Hesse - Raceocracy: How the Racial Exception Proves the Racial Rule. YouTube.

Critical Race Studies in Education Association. (2017). CRSEA Home.

Deggans, E. (Host). (2020, August 25). 'Not Racist' Is Not Enough: Putting In The Work To Be Anti-Racist. National Public Radio.

Givens, J.A. (2021, May 21). What’s Missing From the Discourse About Anti-racist Teaching. The Atlantic.

Institute in Critical Quantitative, Computational, & Mixed Methodologies. (2020). ICQCM Home.

Senna, D. (2021, August 3). Robin DiAngelo and the Problem With Anti-racist Self-Help. The Atlantic.

Kendi, I.X. (2021, July 9). There is No Debate Over Critical Race Theory. The Atlantic.

North, A. (2020, June 3). What it means to be anti-racist. Vox.

Rosario, I. (2020, June 6). This List Of Books, Films And Podcasts About Racism Is A Start, Not A Panacea. National Public Radio.

Race, Racism and Racial Justice Resources. New York Times.

Biewen, J. (Host). Seeing White. Scene on Radio.

Tools for Racial Justice.

Reading List: Anti-racism and Anti-racist Research

Anti-racism and Anti-racist Research

Ahadi, H.S., & Guerrero, L.A. (2020). Decolonizing your syllabus, an anti-racist guide for your college.

Ahmed, S. (2006). The Nonperformativity of Antiracism. Meridians, 7(1), 104-126.

Akamine, J.A., Risdon, N., Lamsma, M., Hambrick, A., Jun, A. (2019). Incorporating Anti-Racist Pedagogy in the College Classroom. Race & Pedagogy Journal, 3(2), 1-27.

Aptheker, H. (1992). Anti-racism in U.S. history: The first 200 years. Greenwood Press.

Davis, A. (2003). Are prisons obsolete? Seven Stories Press.

Kaba, M. (2021). We do this ‘til we free us: Abolitionist organizing and transforming justice. Haymarket Books.

Katz, J. (1978). White awareness: Handbook for anti-racism training. University of Oklahoma Press.

Kendi, Ibram X. (2019). How to Be an Antiracist. One World.

Lee, E., Menkart, D., & Okazawa (1998). Beyond heroes and holidays: A practical guide to K-12 anti-racist multicultural education and staff development. Network of Educators on the Americas.

Reading list: Critical Race Theories

Critical Race Theories and Critical Whiteness Studies

Bell, D. A. (1990). After we’re gone: Prudent speculations on America in a post-racial epoch. In R. Delgado and J. Stefancic (Eds.). (2000), Critical race theory: The cutting edge, 2nd edition (pp. 2-8). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Bergerson, A. A. (2003). Critical race theory and white racism: Is there room for white scholars in fighting racism in education? Qualitative Studies in Education, 16(1), 51-63.

Bernal, D. D. (2002). Critical Race Theory, Latino Critical Theory, and Critical Raced-Gendered epistemologies: Recognizing students of color as holders and creators of knowledge. Qualitative Inquiry, 8(1), 105-126.

Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. (2011). “The Invisible Weight of Whiteness: The Racial Grammar of Everyday Life in Contemporary America.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 35(2), 1–22. https://doi:10.1080/01419870.2011.613997.

Bonilla-Silva, E. (2003). Racism without racists: Color-Blind racism and the persistence of racial inequality in the United States. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Castleden, H., Sylvestre, P., Martin, D., & McNally, M. (2015). "I don't think that any peer review committee... would ever 'get' what I currently do": How institutional metrics for success and merit risk perpetuating the (re)production of colonial relationships in community-based participatory research involving indigenous peoples in Canada. International Indigenous Policy Journal, 6(4), 1.

Covarrubias, A., Nava, P. E., Lara, A., Burciaga, R., Vélez, V. N., & Solorzano, D. G. (2018). Critical race quantitative intersections: A testimonio analysis. Race Ethnicity and Education, 21(2), 253–273.

Crawford, C. E. (2019). The one-in-ten: Quantitative Critical Race Theory and the education of the ‘new (white) oppressed.’ Journal of Education Policy, 34(3), 423–444.

Crawford, C., Demack, S., Gillborn, D., & Warmington, P. (2018). Quants and crits: Using numbers for social justice (or, how not to be lied to with statistics) (J. DeCuir-Gunby, T. Chapman, & P. Schutz, Eds.). Routledge.

Delgado, R., & Stefancic, J. (2001). Critical race theory: An introduction. New York: New York University Press.

Garcia, N. M., López, N., & Vélez, V. N. (2018). QuantCrit: Rectifying quantitative methods through critical race theory. Race Ethnicity and Education, 21(2), 149–157.

Harper, S. R. (2010). An anti-deficit achievement framework for research on students of color in STEM. New Directions for Institutional Research, 2010(148), 63–74.

Ladson-Billings, G. (2000). Racialized discourses and ethnic epistemologies. In N.K. Denzin & Y.S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research, 2nd Edition (pp. 257-277). Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Scheurich, J. J., & Young, M. (1997). Coloring epistemologies: Are our research epistemologies racially biased? Educational Researcher, 26(4), 4-16.

Reading list: Indigenous and Decolonizing Approaches

Indigenous and Decolonizing Approaches

Brown, L., & Strega, S. (Eds.). (2005). Research as resistance: critical, Indigenous and anti-oppressive approaches. Toronto: Canadian Scholars.

Cadwallader, N., Quigley, C., Yazzie-Mintz, T. (2011). Enacting decolonized methodologies: The doing of research in educational communities. Qualitative Inquiry (18)1, 3-15.

Cajete, Gregory. 2000. Native Science: Natural Laws of Interdependence. New Mexico: Clear Light Publishers.

Chilisa, B. (2012). Indigenous research methodologies. Los Angeles: Sage.

Fricker, M. (2007). Epistemic injustice: Power and the ethics of knowing. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Grande, S. (2004). Red Pedagogy: Native American social and political thought. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Lambert, L. (2014). Research for Indigenous survival: Indigenous research methodologies in the behavioral sciences. Brantford, ON: Salish Kootenai College Press.

Nunavut Research Institute and Inuit Tapirisat of Canada. 2007. Negotiating Research Relationships with Inuit Communities: a Guide for Researchers.

Reardon, J., & TallBear. K. (2012). “Your DNA Is Our History”: Genomics, Anthropology, and the Construction of Whiteness as Property.” Current Anthropology, 53(5), S233–45. https://doi:10.1086/662629.

Research involving the First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples of Canada;

Tuhiwai Smith, L. (2012). Decolonizing methodologies: Research and Indigenous peoples. New York: Zed Books Ltd.

Who Owns Native Culture?

Recent ARDR Works of Advisors and Affiliates

Letiecq, B.L., Williams, J.M., Vesely, C.K., & Smith Lee, J. R. (2023). Publicly-housed Black Mothers’ Experiences of Structural Racism in their Everyday Lives. Journal of Marriage & Family. Early view online.

Letiecq, B., Davis*, E., Vesely, C., Goodman, R., Zeledon*, D. & Marquez, M. (2022). Central American immigrant mothers’ narratives of intersecting oppressions: A resistant knowledge project. Journal of Marriage & Family, 1-23.

Cross, C., Fomby, P., & Letiecq, B. (2022). Interlinking Structural Racism and Heteropatriarchy: Rethinking Family Structure’s Effects on Child Outcomes in a Racialized, Unequal Society. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 1–20.
***The above was Article of the Year awarded by the American Sociological Association Family Section***
***The above was a top cited article in JFTR in 2021-2022***

Sanchez, R., Letiecq, B., & Ginsberg, M. (2019). An integrated model of family strengths and resilience: Theorizing at the intersection of Indigenous and western paradigms. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 4(11), 561-575.

Letiecq, B. (2019). Family privilege and supremacy in Family Science: Toward justice for all. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 11(3), 398-411. DOI: 10.1111/jftr.12338

Vesely, C.K., Letiecq, B.L. et al., (2023). Amigas de la Comunidad: A Critical Case Study of Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) with Central American Immigrant Mothers. In M. Call-Cummings, G. Dazzo, & M. Hauber-Özer (Eds.), Critical Participatory Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Introduction and Guide. Newbury Park, CA: SAGE Press.

Letiecq, B., Vesely, C., & Goodman, R. (2022). Family-centered participatory action research: With, by, and for families (pp. 483-503). In K. Adamson, A Few-Demo, C. Proulx and K. Roy (Eds.), Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methodologies. Springer.

Allen, S., Gavazzi, S., Henderson, J., Landers, A., Letiecq, B., Rose, H., & White, J. (2022). Building relational accountability with Indigenous peoples: Reducing barriers and increasing Indigenous visibility within Family Science. NCFR Report.

Hand, M., Ihara, E. (2023). Ageism, Racism, Sexism, and Work With Older Healthcare Clients: Why an Intersectional Approach Is Needed in Practice, Policy, Education, and Research.

Frank, T. J., Powell, M. G., View, J. L., Lee, C., Bradley, J. A., & Williams, A. (2021). Exploring racialized factors to understand why Black mathematics teachers consider leaving the profession. Educational Researcher, 50(6), 381-391.

Powell, M. G., Frank, T. J., View, J., Lee, C., Williams, A., & Bradley, J. (2022). The Teacher Experiences of Racialized Microaggression (TERM) Scale: Construction and Initial Validation. Urban Education, 00420859221086516.