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Dr. Ellen Rodgers
PhD, The Pennsylvania State University
Associate Professor
Sport and Recreation Studies
Recreation Management

Contact Information

Send email to Dr. Rodgers

Phone: (703) 993-2034
Fax: (703) 993-2082

George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Thompson Hall 2301
4400 University Dr.
MS 4B4
Fairfax, VA 22030


Dr. Rodgers is the associate dean for student and academic affairs and associate professor in the College of Education and Human Development. Beyond her current position at Mason, she has served as co-acting dean, undergraduate/graduate program coordinator, Director of the Center for Recreation and Tourism Research and Policy, and Fellow for the Center for the Advancement of Well-Being Learning Community.  She received her bachelors degree with honors in mathematics and computer science and recreation and leisure studies from Hood College; a masters degree in recreation planning and research methodology from The University of Maryland; and a doctorate in recreation and parks (Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management - specializing in management information systems and public administration/community systems planning) from The Pennsylvania State University.

In her current role, Dr. Rodgers is charged with facilitating curriculum development and review; enrollment planning and management; integrity and regulatory compliance (including accreditation and licensure); academic policy development; oversight of student and academic affairs functions (e.g., student success and engagement initiatives; advising and retention; issue adjudication; crisis and threat management); leadership in external partnership and governmental affairs; and faculty/staff/student development.

Dr. Rodgers' scholarship focuses on research and evaluative methodologies; the antecedents to and outcomes of participation in leisure; application of social and environmental psychology to engagement; and the ways such research informs community and park planning/management.  She has authored a body of research in refereed journals, book chapters, book-length monographs, and other publications; has secured well over $2.5M in extramural funding; and has delivered a broad range of scholarly presentations regionally, nationally, and internationally.

Prior to her employment in 1999 with Mason, Dr. Rodgers held positions as a principal planner/research associate and Census Bureau liaison with the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission and as a program coordinator at The University of Maryland (where she was recognized with university Outstanding Scholar-Practitioner and Outstanding Teacher awards). She has held leadership roles in numerous professional organizations and on journal editorial boards, currently serving as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, and on the Board of Directors of The Academy of Leisure Sciences and the Virginia Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (as the Governance and Legislative Chair). She was recognized as the 2017 Distinguished Alumni from Hood College, and has been recognized at Mason with the Outstanding Achievement Award. Dr. Rodgers is a Fellow in the American Academy of Park and Recreation Administration.

Research Interests
  • Research Methodologies and Evaluation
  • Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
  • Antecedents to and Outcomes of Participation in Leisure
  • Application of social and environmental psychology to engagement
  • Demography
  • Community and Park Planning
Courses Taught This Semester
Other Courses Taught