Green, Chris (Beverly)

Dr. Chris Green
PhD, University of Maryland
Interim Director, School of Kinesiology
Interim Director, School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Management
Academic Program Co-Coordinator, Sport and Recreation Studies
Center for Sport Management
Sport Management
Phone: (703) 993-5371
Fax: (703) 993-2722
Email: bgreen21 (
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Krug Hall 211D
4400 University Dr.
MS 4E5
Fairfax, VA 22030
Dr. B. Christine Green is the Director of the Sport Development Lab at Mason where she also serves as Co-Coordinator of the graduate program in sport and recreation. She is a sought after consultant and speaker in sport and event management, and has worked with sport organizations throughout the world, including World Rugby and Australian Universities Sport, the national governing body for university sport in Australia. She directed the volunteer management systems for the British Olympic Association’s Holding Camp in the lead-up to the Sydney Olympic Games. Dr. Green led the research team analyzing the volunteer management systems for the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. Her work has been funded in six countries, and she has been an invited speaker on six continents. Closer to home, she has worked with national governing bodies such as USA Football, large sport events such as the Lonestar Classic, and numerous youth and community sport organizations. The main focus of Dr. Green’s research is sport development, in particular the management and marketing processes that facilitate athlete development across the lifespan. Her recent work explores the effects of context on development of and through sport. She is a Research Fellow in the North American Society of Sport Management, where she has also been honored with the Earle F. Zeigler Award (their highest honor) for her work in sport management.
Sport and Development
Athlete Development Systems
Youth Sport
Families and Sport
Sport and Event Marketing
Sport and Event Tourism
Welty Peachey, J., Green, B. C., & Chalip, L. (Eds.)(2020). Forming partnerships and linkages in sport for development and peace: Considerations, tensions, and strategies. Champaign, IL: Sagamore.
Horne, E., & Green, B. C. (2020). Sport development: A sheep in wolf’s clothing? In R. Baker, C. Escherick, & P. Baker (Eds.), Sport for Development and Peace. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Green, B. C. (2020). Sport for development and community nonprofits: Partnership challenges. In J. Welty Peachy, B. C. Green, & L. Chalip (Eds.), Forming partnerships and linkages in sport for development and peace: Considerations, tensions, and strategies. Champaign, IL: Sagamore.
Horne, E., Woolf, J., & Green, B. C. (2020). Relationship dynamics between parents and coaches: Are they failing young athletes? Managing Sport and Leisure.
Smith, N. L., & Green, B. C. (2020). Examining the factors influencing organizational creativity in professional sport organizations. Sport Management Review.
Walsh, D., Green, B.C., Harrison, T., & Bowers, M. (2019). ‘Sport as a resource caravan’: Understanding how adults utilize sport as a development tool. Journal of Global Sport Management.
Woolf, J. R., Dixon, J., Green, B. C., & Hill, P. J. (2019). Just how competitive are we? Managing organizational culture in a Canadian university athletics department. Case Studies in Sport Management, 8(SI), S21-S27.
Walsh, D.W., Green, B.C., Holahan, C., Cance, J.D., & Lee, D. (2019). Healthy aging: An evaluation of sport participation as a resource for older adults in retirement. Journal of Leisure Research, 50, 56-80.
Farr, J. R., & Green, B. C. (2019). United States. In K. Hallmann & S. Fairley (Eds.), Sports volunteers around the globe: Meaning and understanding of volunteering and its societal impact (pp. 291-302). New York: Springer.
Green, B. C., & Chalip, L. (2018). The influence of club/travel teams on youth sport. In S. Arthur-Banning, M. S. Wells, & B. Greenwood (Eds.), Youth sports in America: The most important issues in youth sports today, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO/Greenwood.
Zhang, H., Huang, Z., Green, B. C, & Qui, S. (2018). Place attachment and attendees’ experiences of homecoming event. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 22, 227-246.
Taks, M., Green, B.C., Misener, L., & Chalip, L. (2018). Sport participation from sport events: Why it doesn’t happen. Journal of Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 36(2), 185-198.
Mills, B. M., Tainsky, S., Green, B.C., & Leopkey, B. (2018). The ultimatum game in the college football rivalry context. Journal of Sport Management, 32, 11-23.
My research focuses on sport development. At a conceptual level, sport development is concerned with the ways in which sport programs grow, interact, and are resourced. The study of sport development examines the growth and management of sport at individual, group, community, organizational, and societal levels. The intellectual aim of this work is to elaborate a model that identifies factors that facilitate or inhibit the development of sport at each level, and that describes the separate, cumulative, and interactive effects of those factors within and across levels. The practical outcome of such work is enhanced effectiveness in the design, governance, administration, marketing, and policymaking for sport programs and sport systems.
- College of Education and Human Development
- School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Management
- School of Kinesiology
- School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Management
- Sport and Recreation Studies
- Sport Management
- Center for Sport Management
- Helen A. Kellar Institute for Human disAbilities
- Independent Study (KINE 501)
- Psychology of Sport (SPMT 320)
- Sport Venues and Events (SPMT 405)
- Sport Marketing and Sales (SPMT 412)
- Strategic Management and Leadership in Sport Organizations (SPMT 470)
- Special Topics in Sport Management (SPMT 480)
- Strategic Leadership in Sport Organizations (SPMT 613)
- Thesis Preparation (SRST 595)
- Special Topics (SRST 598)
- Independent Study in Sport and Recreation Studies (SRST 599)
- Research Design and Statistical Reasoning (SRST 623)
- Seminar in Sport and Recreation Studies (SRST 796)