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Dr. Laurence Chalip
PhD, University of Chicago
Academic Program Co-Coordinator, Recreation Management
Center for Sport Management
Sport and Recreation Studies
Sport Management

Send email to Dr. Chalip

Phone: (703) 993-5061
Fax: (703) 993-2722
Email: lchalip (

George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Thompson Hall 041A
4400 University Dr.
MS 4E5
Fairfax, VA 22030

Laurence Chalip is an Academic Program Coordinator in the School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Management. Prior to joining the George Mason University Faculty, he was Head of the Department of Recreation Sport and Tourism at the University of Illinois. He is a former President of the North American Society for Sport Management, and was a founding Executive Board Member for the Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand. He has managed sport organizations in the United States, Australia, and New Zealand, and continues to consult throughout the world on matters of sport policy, marketing, and management. He has served as a Lecturer at the International Olympic Academy, and also served the International Olympic Committee as the International Chair of Olympism.

Dr. Chalip studies ways that sport programs and events can be designed, marketed, managed, and leveraged to optimize desired economic, social, and environmental outcomes. His work recognizes the intersection of sport with recreation and tourism, and identifies ways that the three work most effectively together. In so doing, his work re-envisions the potentials and uses of sport, recreation, and tourism.

Dr. Chalip has published several books, dozens of book chapters, and over 100 research articles. He has won the Distinguished Service Award from the Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand for his contributions to sport management. He is a Research Fellow of the North American Society for Sport Management, which also awarded him the Earle F. Zieglar Award (their highest honor) for his work in sport management.