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Dr. Kimberly Avila
PhD, George Mason University
Associate Professor
Professor-in-Charge, Special Education: Blindness and Visual Impairments
Helen A. Kellar Institute for Human disAbilities

Contact Information

Send email to Dr. Avila

Phone: (703) 993-5625
Fax: (703) 993-3681
Email: kavila (

George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Finley Building 203A
4400 University Dr.
MS 1F2
Fairfax, VA 22030

Research Interests

Education, orientation and mobility, employment, and independent living for individuals with ocular blindness/low vision, neurological visual impairment, and secondary disabilities;  

Environmental and digital accessibility for blindness, low vision, vestibular disabilities, and neurological disability;

Intersectionality of blindness/low vision and concurrent disability;

Pedestrian safety for persons who are blind and visually impaired, senior citizens, and persons with various disabilities;

Policy development and implementation;

Braille literacy;

IEP advocacy.

Recent Publications


Avila, K., Haegele, J., Horn, A., & Macovec, K. (January, 2025). The Virginia Consortium for Teacher Preparation in Blindness and Vision Impairment: Program structure and overview. DVIDB Quarterly, Council for Exceptional Children.

Avila, K. (Spring, 2024). The intersection of albinism and orientation and mobility: Navigating across the lifespan. Albinism Insight. NOAH, pp. 23-25.

Avila, K. (2023). Teaching students with blindness and visual impairment. In C. O’Brien & D. Sacco (Eds). Exceptionality in schools and society: A guide for future educators (4th Ed., pp.317-343). Kendall Hunt.

Avila, K. (2022).  Screen readers: Are they an option for people with albinism? Albinism Insight. Fall 2022.

Avila, K. (2021). Paths to literacy: Digital classroom accessibility.  Perkins School for the Blind.

Avila, K. (2020). Proactive advocacy: Planning for digital instruction.  Texas School for the Blind.

Avila, K. (2020). Albinism advocacy: College accommodation considerations.  Albinism Insight. 38, pp. 16-18.

Avila, K. (2018). Albinism research and policy: A letter from the guest editor.  Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness. 112,  pp. 653-654.  ttps://

 Avila, K. (2018). The impact of functional vision changes on independent travel for individuals with adult-onset visual impairment.  International Journal of Orientation and Mobility, 9(1), 1-9.  DOI: 10.21307/ijom-2018-002

Avila, K. (2017).  Preparing the next generation of teachers of students who are blind and visually impaired (TVIs).  Virginia Association for Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

Avila. K. (2016) Adult-onset visual impairment: Perspectives that affect willingness to travel and safety (Doctoral Dissertation).  ProQuest.

Avila, K. (2015). Voices from the classroom. In M. E, King-Sears, R. Janney, & M. E. Snell (Eds), Collaborative Teaming. (pp. 113-114). Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.   

Avila, K (2014). IEP essentials. In J. Gorman (Ed), Raising a child with albinism: A guide to the school years. (pp. 139-158). East Hampsted, NH: NOAH.   

Avila, K. (2014). Transition to adulthood. In J. Gorman (Ed), Raising a child with albinism: A guide to the school years. (pp. 277-294). East Hampsted, NH: NOAH.

Avila, K. (2014). Preliminary college selection and campus compass, appendix D.  In J. Gorman (Ed), Raising a child with albinism: A guide to the school years. (pp. 318-327)  East Hampsted, NH: NOAH.

Avila, K. (2012). Braille babies: strategies to promote pre-reading skills in young children with visual impairments. IPVI INSIGHTS, Illinois Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments: IPVI. Chicago, IL.     

Avila, K. (2012). Braille babies: strategies to promote pre-reading skills in young children with visual impairments. Awareness (Winter) Waterton, MA: NAPVI.    

Avila, K. (2010). Meeting Mariamu. Albinism Insight (Spring), 23-24.

Dubois, S. (Ed.) (2008). Raising a child with albinism: A guide to the early years.  East Hampstead, NH: NOAH.

Contributing author of approximately 60 pages:

  • Early intervention and education for students with albinism
  • Orientation and mobility: overview and strategies
  • Developmental considerations and strategies
  • Sensory stimulation and visual efficiency   
  • Accommodations, modifications and adaptive devices/technologies.   

Avila, K. (2008). Resources for children with visual impairments. Preemies Today, (June), 5.

Avila, K. (2007). Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act – IDEIA 101. Preemies Today: Fairfax, VA, 3-5.

Avila, K. (2003). Six steps to college success. National Federation of the Blind of Virginia.

Avila, K (2003). EXPLORE the possibilities: An approach to transition. The Braille Forum, XLI (7).  

Avila, K. (2002). EXPLORE the possibilities: An approach to transition.  FCPS Teacher Research. Fairfax County Public Schools.  Fairfax, VA.

\Waegele, K. (1999). Rights and responsibilities in higher education. The Student Advocate. XVII(II).