Park, Jung Yeon (Ellie)

Dr. Jung Yeon Park
PhD, Columbia University
Assistant Professor
Project Evaluator, Advancing Content Integrated Education for English Learners with a STEM Focus
Research Methodology
Phone: 703-993-3691
Fax: This information is not available
Email: jpark233 (
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
West Building 2204
4400 University Dr.
Fairfax, VA 22030
Dr. Jung Yeon (Ellie) Park is an Assistant Professor of Quantitative Research Methods at GMU (Spring 2020 - Current). She received her PhD in Measurement, Evaluation, and Statistics from Teachers College, Columbia University (2015) and M.S. in Statistics from The George Washington University (2009). Prior to joining Mason, Dr. Park was a postdoctoral researcher at ITEC - KU Leuven's Smart Education Program for projects to advance adaptive e-learning assessment and learning analytics methods to support technology-enhanced learning (2017-2019); and a postdoctoral associate for projects identifying risk and protective factors for suicides among sexual minority youth at New York University's Institute of Human Development and Social Change (2016). She served as a program committee for European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI; 2020) and a proposal review panelist at NSF (2021, 2022).
She teaches doctoral-level quantitative methods courses including: Bayesian Methods (EDRS 897), Quantitative Methods in Educational Research (EDRS 811), Advanced Applications of Quantitative Methods (EDRS 821).
Dr. Park's research focuses on psychometric modeling and statistical inference to understand minority populations in the fields of Education, Mental Health, and Applied Psychology.
Dr. Park's research interests include Latent Variable Modeling (Cognitive Diagnosis Models, Item Response Theory Models), Bayesian Data Analysis, Learning Analytics (Adaptive Learning System), and Longitudinal Data Analysis.
She is currently a program evaluator of DOE's NPD Grant titled "Advancing Content-Integrated Education for English Learners with a STEM-focus (ACE-STEM)"; and a Principal Investigator of CEHD's seed Grant titled "ClassSensing: Towards Adaptive Teaching and Engaged Learning in Hybrid-STEM Classrooms".
If you are interested in these research areas, feel free to email Dr. Park.
Park, J. Y., Dedja, K., Pliakos, K., Kim, J., Joo, S., Cornillie, F., Vens, C., & Van den Noortgate, W. (2022). Comparing the prediction performance of item response theory and machine learning methods on item responses for educational assessments. Behavior Research Methods.
Park, J. Y., Wall, M. M., Moustaki, I., & Grossman, A. H. (2022). A Joint Modeling Approach for Longitudinal Outcomes and Non-ignorable Dropout under Population Heterogeneity in Mental Health Studies. Journal of Applied Statistics, 49(13), 3361–3376.
Adamczyk, K., Morelli, N. M., Segrin, C., Jiao, J., Park, J. Y., & Villodas, M. T. (2022). Psychometric Analysis of the Dating Anxiety Scale for Adolescents in Samples of Polish and U.S. Young Adults: Examining the Factor Structure, Measurement Invariance, Item Functioning, and Convergent Validity. Assessment, 29(8), 1869–1889.
Adamczyk, K., Park, J. Y., & Segrin, C. (2022). Patterns of intimacy crisis resolution and their associations with romantic loneliness in Polish and U.S. young adults. Developmental Psychology, 58(8), 1600–1613.
Delafontaine, J., Chen, C., Park, J. Y., & Van den Noortgate, W. (2022). Using country-specific Q-matrices for cognitive diagnostic assessments with international large-scale data. Large-Scale Assessments in Education, 10(1), 19.
McKay, C., Park, J. Y., & Haegele, J. (2022). Contact Theory as the Theoretical Basis of the Paralympic Skill Lab: A Measurement of Implementation Fidelity. PALAESTRA, 36(3).
Park, J. Y., Kim, J., Debeer, D., & Van den Noortgate, W. (2021). Generalized Additive Modeling for Learning Trajectories in E-Learning Environments. In M. Wiberg, D. Molenaar, J. González, U. Böckenholt, & J.-S. Kim (Eds.), Quantitative Psychology (pp. 453–461). Springer International Publishing.
McKay, C., Park, J. Y., & Block, M. (2021). Exploring the variables associated with student attitudes toward inclusion in physical education after taking part in the Paralympic School Day programme. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 25(3), 329–347.
Grossman, A. H., Park, J. Y., Frank, J. A., & Russell, S. T. (2021). Parental Responses to Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Youth: Associations with Parent Support, Parental Abuse, and Youths’ Psychological Adjustment. Journal of Homosexuality, 68(8), 1260–1277.
Joo, S.-H., Lee, P., Park, J. Y., & Stark, S. (2021). Assessing Dimensionality of the Ideal Point Item Response Theory Model Using Posterior Predictive Model Checking. Organizational Research Methods, 10944281211050608.
Kim, J., Park, J. Y., & Van den Noortgate, W. (2020). On the Use of Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization for Predicting Student Performance in Online Learning Environments. 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’20). Sixth International Conference on Higher Education Advances.
Vanneste, P., Huang, Y., Park, J. Y., Cornillie, F., Decloedt, B., & Van den Noortgate, W. (2020). Cognitive support for assembly operations by means of augmented reality: an exploratory study. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 143, 102480.
Park, J. Y., Cornillie, F., van der Maas, H. L. J., & Van Den Noortgate, W. (2019). A Multidimensional IRT Approach for Dynamically Monitoring Ability Growth in Computerized Practice Environments. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
Park, J. Y., Joo, S.-H., Cornillie, F., van der Maas, H. L. J., & Van den Noortgate, W. (2019). An explanatory item response theory method for alleviating the cold-start problem in adaptive learning environments. Behavior Research Methods, 51(2), 895–909.
Pliakos, K., Joo, S.-H., Park, J. Y., Cornillie, F., Vens, C., & Van den Noortgate, W. (2019). Integrating machine learning into item response theory for addressing the cold start problem in adaptive learning systems. Computers & Education, 137, 91–103.
McKay, C., & Park, J. Y. (2019). The Impact of Paralympic Skill Lab on College Student Cognitive Attitudes toward Inclusive Lifetime Sport and Fitness. International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education, 3(3), 67–76.
McKay, C., Park, J. Y., & Haegele, J. (2019). An Analysis of the Structure, Validity, and Reliability of the Collegian Attitudes Toward Inclusive Campus Recreation (CAICR) Scale. Recreational Sports Journal, 43(2), 73–83.
McKay, C., Park, J. Y., & Block, M. (2018). Fidelity Criteria Development: Aligning Paralympic School Day With Contact Theory. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly: APAQ, 35(2), 233–242.
Park, J. Y., Lee, Y.-S., & Johnson, M. S. (2017). An efficient standard error estimator of the DINA model parameters when analysing clustered data. International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education, 4(1–2), 159–190.
Grossman, A. H., Park, J. Y., & Russell, S. T. (2016). Transgender Youth and Suicidal Behaviors: Applying the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 20(4), 329–349.
Wall, M. M., Park, J. Y., & Moustaki, I. (2015). IRT Modeling in the Presence of Zero-Inflation With Application to Psychiatric Disorder Severity. Applied Psychological Measurement, 39(8), 583–597.
Park, J. Y., Johnson, M. S., & Lee, Y.-S. (2015). Posterior predictive model checks for cognitive diagnostic models. International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education, 2(3–4), 244–264.
McKay, C., Block, M., & Park, J. Y. (2015). The Impact of Paralympic School Day on Student Attitudes Toward Inclusion in Physical Education. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly: APAQ, 32(4), 331–348.
Hasin, D. S., Fenton, M. C., Beseler, C., Park, J. Y., & Wall, M. M. (2012). Analyses related to the development of DSM-5 criteria for substance use related disorders: 2. Proposed DSM-5 criteria for alcohol, cannabis, cocaine and heroin disorders in 663 substance abuse patients. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 122(1–2), 28–37.