Shahrokhi, Farnoosh

Dr. Farnoosh Shahrokhi
EdD, George Washington University
Associate Professor
Teacher Leadership, Advanced Studies in Teaching and Learning
Division Director, Division of Education Leadership and Policy
Center for International Education
Academic Program Co-Coordinator, Education Leadership
Phone: (703) 993-2009
Fax: (703) 993-3643
Email: fshahrok (
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Thompson Hall 1303
4400 University Dr.
MS 4C2
Fairfax, VA 22030
Farnoosh Shahrokhi, Ed.D. Associate Professor- Director, Division of Education Leadership- Co-Academic Program Coordinator, Education Leadership Program.
She has been awarded multiple grants including the Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program of the US State Department of State from 2007-2018 where she served as the PI and Director. She served as the Academic Advisor for the Curriculum Development for Preservice Education and School Administration Leadership for Armenia Project. Responsibilities also included leadership development and workshops on curriculum planning pedagogy; in-country K-12 through preservice and teacher and program enhancement; strategic planning; textbook and model curriculum development; pilot testing supervision; formative and summative evaluation; and co-coordination of project-sponsored national and international conferences.She has also coordinated and delivered the education leadership component for the Middle School Social Studies Pre-Service Curriculum Development Project for Azerbaijan.
At Mason, she leads their partnership with Fairfax County Public Schools as part of the Carnegie Foundation’s iLEAD initiative and is a member of the iLEAD’s Steering Committee. She also represents GMU at UCEA’s Network Improvement Community (NIC). She also serves on the VA CEEDAR State Steering Committee focused on improving outcomes and services to students across the Commonweath, expeically those with disabilities.
Her research interest focuses on leadership preparation programs, powerful learning experienes in teacher leadership and international teacher exchanges
Dr. Shahrokhi has received her B.A in Psychology in 1991, her M.A. in Higher Education Administration in 1993, and her Doctorate in Education Administration and Policy Studies in 1997, all from the George Washington University.
- Powerful learning experiences in leadership preparation programs, powerful learning experiences in teacher leadership and international teacher exchanges
Recent Publication/Presentation
Shahrokhi, F. (2021, April 27). Session Speaker. iLead district-university partnership session 2: Compelling examples of progress in six high priority areas of the developmental progressions. The Carnegie Summit Presentation. Virtual Conference.
Shahrokhi, F. (2021, April). Better together: District-university partnerships responding to educational emergencies. [Structured Poster Presentation] Annual Meeting, American Education Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA, United States.
Shahrokhi, F. & Pamas, R. (2019). The impact of our footprints: Critical experiences in a principal preparation program. [Conference Presentation]. Annual Convention of the University Council for Education Administration (UCEA), New Orleans, LA, United States.
Carpenter, D., Huggins, K.… Shahrokhi, F. (2019). Session Speaker. Engaging in a community of practice: University faculty building powerful learning experiences in principal preparation program. [Critical Conversations and Networking Session]. Annual Convention of the University Council for Education Administration (UCEA). New Orleans, LA, United States.
Baily, S., Shahrokhi, F. & Carsillo, T. (Eds.) (2017). Experiments in agency: A global partnership to transform teacher research. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.