Welcome to the Promotion, Tenure, and Contract Renewal Information Hub for the College of Education and Human Development. This page serves as a comprehensive resource for faculty navigating the promotion, tenure, and contract renewal processes within our college. Our commitment is to ensure transparency, equity, and clarity throughout these important milestones in their academic career.
Current faculty utilize this hub to find essential guidelines, timelines, required forms, and helpful tools designed to support their professional advancement. Moreover, the Office for Faculty Success, led by Associate Dean Joan Shin, provides dedicated support for faculty navigating the promotion, tenure, and contract renewal processes. If you have any questions about the processes, please contact Laurie Juliana, the Faculty Success Operations Manager.
Tenure and Promotion General Guidelines
This document provides an overview of the guidelines used to evaluate candidates seeking tenure (i.e., tenure-track faculty) or promotion in rank (whether in a term or tenure-line position).
Tenure and Promotion General Guidelines
Tenure and Promotion Criteria
Explore detailed guidelines and expectations for tenure, and/or promotion at George Mason University and the College of Education and Human Development. Each section outlines essential criteria and provides recommendations on how to present clear and compelling evidence of achievements in teaching, research and scholarship, and service.
This document provides both an overview of the criteria for earning promotion and/or tenure at George Mason University and detailed suggestions about the kind of materials and information that would provide clear and compelling evidence that a tenure candidate has successfully met those criteria.
Criteria for Evaluation of Tenured, Tenure-Track, and Term Faculty — CEHD 2025-26
Explore the criteria for earning promotion to the rank of full professor and detailed suggestions about the kind of materials and information that would provide clear and compelling evidence that the candidate has successfully met those criteria.
Criteria for Promotion to Full Professor — CEHD May 2024
Examine the relevant sections from George Mason’s Faculty Handbook; information specific to achieving genuine excellence and high competence in teaching in CEHD, including possible artifacts for inclusion in a portfolio; and a link to an Office of the Provost document on genuine excellence in teaching.
Teaching Guidelines — CEHD May 2024
Review the relevant sections George Mason’s Faculty Handbook and information specific to achieving genuine excellence and high competence in research and scholarship in CEHD, including possible artifacts for inclusion in a portfolio.
Research and Scholarship Guidelines — CEHD May 2024
Read about the three types of service—(1) required university service (called “citizenship” within the CEHD context), (2) university service, and (3) professional service—and the evidence necessary to achieve genuine excellence and high competence regarding university and professional service.
Service Guidelines — CEHD May 2024
Faculty Promotion/Tenure/Contract Renewal Resources
CEHD faculty can access a variety of internal resources in SharePoint designed to support their promotion, tenure, contract renewal, and professional development. These materials provide guidance on key processes, including portfolio preparation, external reviewer selection, and statement crafting. Specifically, the following resources are available to assist current faculty:
- Tenure and Promotion Reference Guides
- Student course evaluation spreadsheets
- External reviewer selection process information
- Suggestions for crafting statements
- Carnegie R1 and R2 2025 Research Activity Designations
- Videos from Promotion and Tenure Talks
Additionally, faculty can find required portfolio materials for:
- Promotion and/or tenure (including promotion to full professor)
- Tenure-track (third-year) renewal
- Term promotion with a multiyear appointment
- Term multiyear appointment
Milestones/Timing Considerations
Tenure-track faculty are hired on a 3-year contract that is renewable for an additional 3 years (assuming a favorable contract renewal decision in the 3rd year of employment on the tenure clock). Although this 6-year journey may be shortened for those with prior experience (and appropriate accomplishments) in a tenure-track (or similar) position, the standard expectations are as follows:
Click on each year to see the standard expectations for tenure-track faculty at George Mason University. These expectations apply to faculty who begin their tenure clock at the university. If you have already started your tenure clock, please contact Associate Dean Joan Shin to discuss personalized expectations and next steps.
Initiate Mason research program; begin to establish Mason teaching record; engage in appropriate Mason and professional service activities; plan for timing of tenure-track study leave (best if taken in Year 2, 3, or 4).
Construct first iteration of the developmental portfolio and receive initial feedback from the Tenure-Track Annual Review Committee (Fall semester); continue engagement and progress in teaching, research, and service activities.
Submit second iteration of the development portfolio to TTARC (early Fall); submit contract renewal portfolio (very similar to the developmental portfolio) to the P&T Committee (Spring); identify and target any identified vulnerabilities in teaching, research, and service.
Submit third iteration of the developmental portfolio to TTARC (early Fall); continue to address any areas identified as “off track” or less than optimal with respect to Mason and CEHD tenure criteria; take tenure-track study leave no later than Spring of this year; make specific plans for publication efforts throughout the remainder of the tenure-track period.
Submit fourth iteration of the developmental portfolio to TTARC (early Fall); plan and prioritize “final push” agenda in anticipation of the tenure portfolio submission deadline the following year; seek targeted mentoring for any and all areas of potential vulnerability; read online guidelines and suggestions and then meet with the CEHD Faculty Success Operations Mgr. and Associate Dean for Faculty Success to ensure that there is no uncertainty or confusion about tenure-related criteria, procedures, expectations, or timelines.
Submit names of proposed external reviewers, along with materials to be sent to the external reviewers, to the Faculty Success Operations Mgr. and Associate Dean for Faculty Success (July); submit fifth iteration of the developmental portfolio to TTARC (early Fall) and use that feedback to “polish and perfect” tenure-related materials; submit tenure portfolio (end of October)
Eligibility to be considered for promotion to the full professor rank would typically require at least 5 full years in the associate rank (with the evaluation occurring in the following year), along with performance data that went well beyond the thresholds used in evaluations for tenure and promotion to the associate rank. Specifically, tenured candidates for full professor must provide evidence of significant impact beyond the boundaries of the university that is much more substantial than in such cases. Clear and convincing evidence must be provided of an established external reputation in the primary field, based on consequential achievements in teaching, research and scholarship, or professional activities directly related to teaching and research and scholarship.
There is no time limit for seeking promotion to the full professor rank, nor are there specific milestones along the associate professor pathway as there are for tenure-track faculty. For that reason, it is especially important for tenured associate professors who aspire to be promoted to the full professor rank to proactively seek ongoing mentoring from senior faculty colleagues and from the CEHD Office for Faculty Success.
Term instructor and assistant professors are hired and renewed on year-to-year contracts. After three single-year appointments, term instructor and assistant professors can be recommended for a multiyear appointment if they have satisfactory annual evaluations. For instructor and assistant professors, the primary basis for year-to-year contract renewal is the assessment of teaching and service provided annually by the School Faculty Evaluation Teams.
Eligibility for promotion to senior instructor or associate professor follows a timeline analogous to tenure-track faculty (i.e., consideration for promotion in rank would typically occur after 5 years of fulltime Mason employment, with a shorter period possible for those with prior experience in a senior instructor or assistant professor or equivalent position).
Eligibility to be considered for promotion to the master instructor or full professor rank would typically require at least 5 full years in the senior instructor or associate rank, along with performance data that went well beyond the High Competence threshold used for multi-year contract renewal and term promotion to associate evaluations. Specifically, these term instructional faculty must reach the Genuine Excellence threshold in Teaching, which requires substantial evidence of significant impact beyond the boundaries of the university and an established external reputation in the primary field.
There is no time limit for seeking promotion to the senior or master instructor rank or associate or full professor rank, nor are there specific milestones along these pathways as there are for tenure-track faculty. For that reason, it is especially important for term faculty who aspire to be promoted in rank to proactively seek ongoing mentoring from senior faculty colleagues and from the CEHD Office for Faculty Success.
Academic Unit Head Recommendation |
External Letters |
1st Tier Committee Recommendation |
Promotion and Tenure Committee Recommendation |
Dean’s Recommendation |
Provost’s Recommendation |
President’s Recommendation |
Board of Visitors Vote |
Term multi-year appointment |
Term Promotion |
 (Candidate solicits letters) |
Tenure-track renewal |
Tenure and/or promotion |
 (OFS solicits letters) |
Provost's Guidance and Information