Center for International Education

Our Center for International Education and affiliated College of Education faculty have broad international interests and are fluent in many languages.

Baily, Supriya (New Window)

International Research Interests: Gender and education, teacher education, teacher research, development education, post-conflict, microcredit, emergency education, nonformal education, international education policy and practice.

Countries: India, Indonesia, Guatemala, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Burma, Tibet
Languages : Kannada, French

Baker, Robert (New Window)

International Research Interests: Sport for Development and Peace, Sport Diplomacy, International Sport Management Education, Inclusive Sport, Leadership and Coaching in Sport Organizations.

Countries:  Have experience in 75+ countries on six continents.
Languages: English

Dabbagh, Nada (New Window)

International Research Interests: online learning technologies, instructional design, e-Learning pedagogy and cognitive consequences of technology mediated learning

Countries:  Thailand, Iran, Oman, Italy, Canada
Languages: Arabic, French

DeMulder, Elizabeth (New Window)

Dr. DeMulder’s research concerns the study of interpersonal relationships in educational contexts, risk and protective conditions in children’s development and early education, and teacher professional development focusing on critical pedagogy and social justice issues.

Countries: England

Esherick, Craig (New Window)

Evmenova, Anna (Anya) (New Window)

International Research Interests: assistive and instructional technology, special education and inclusive classrooms, online education

Countries:  Russia, Ukraine
Languages: Russian

Fox, Rebecca (New Window)

International Research Interests: role of culture in teaching and learning, world languages, intercultural competence, teacher professional learning, portfolios, reflective practice, action research

Countries:  Russia, Pakistan, France, China, Taiwan, Greece, Georgia
Languages: French, German, Italian, Spanish

Ginsberg, Mark (New Window)

Haley, Marjorie H. (New Window)

International Research Interests: multilingual, multicultural education, Foreign language and ESL methods, brain-compatible teaching and learning, bilingualism and second language acquisition research

Countries: United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Ethiopia, China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Aruba
Languages: Spanish, French, German

Kim, Sujin (New Window)

International Research Interests: English as a second and foreign language instruction and research, linguistically and culturally responsive pedagogy, teacher preparation in TESOL, translanguaging research and pedagogy, transnationalism and migration

Countries: South Korea, China
Languages: Korean, English

Kitsantas, Anastasia (New Window)

International Research Interests: study abroad experiences, goals, student motivational beliefs

Countries: Greece
Languages: Greek, French

Mattix Foster, April (New Window)

International Research Interests: culturally responsive teaching, third culture kids, children's literature, international education, social justice, teacher preparation, literacy and culture

Countries:  The Netherlands, Germany, Russia, United Kingdom
Languages: German, Russian

Park, Min (New Window)

International Research Interests: Social and cultural impacts of tourism, cultural and heritage tourism, impacts of international tourism, alternative tourism, globalization and higher education, and international education.

Countries:  Korea, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Macao
Languages: Korean, Japanese

Ramos, Kathleen Ann (New Window)

International Research Interests: ESL and world language methods, teacher preparation, culturally responsive teaching, genre pedagogy, action research, social justice, refugee students and cultural pluralism.

Countries: Mexico, Nicaragua
Languages: Spanish

Rioux-Bailey, Carmen (New Window)

Samaras, Anastasia P. (New Window)

International Research Interests: self-study of teaching, cross-disciplinary self-study of professional practice, teacher professional development and inquiry, Vygotskian pedagogy, curriculum and instruction, early childhood education, qualitative research

Countries:  Iceland, Australia, China, Greece, Russia, South Africa, Swaziland, The Netherlands, Croatia, Costa Rica, Spain
Languages: English, Modern Greek

Shahrokhi, Farnoosh (New Window)

International Research Interests: international teacher leadership development, assessment, international teacher development and inquiry, international education, education leadership in newly democratic countries

Countries:  Armenia, Azerbaijan, Korea, Pakistan
Languages: Persian

Shaklee, Beverly D. (New Window)

International Research Interests: Culturally Responsive teaching, assessment, gifted education, international teacher development and inquiry, professional development schools, international education, intercultural competence

Countries: The Bahamas, China, Greece, Pakistan, Russia, Taiwan, South Africa
Languages: German

Shin, Joan Kang (New Window)

International Research Interests: Teaching English to young learners and very young learners in global contexts; EFL/ESL online teacher education and professional development; virtual and collocated communities of practice (CoPs) for EFL teachers; using international children’s songs to teach language and culture

Countries: Brazil, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Egypt, El Salvador, Guatemala, Laos, Libya, Morocco, Peru, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, Venezuela, Vietnam, and the U.A.E.; online professional development for English teaching professionals in 100+ countries.
Languages: English as a second/foreign language

Sprague, Debra (New Window)

International Research Interests: International teacher development, technology integration, English-as-a-Second Language

Countries:  Egypt, Greece
Languages: English

Zenkov, Kristien (New Window)