Teachers Hone Math Knowledge at Summer Institutes

December 9, 1999

When a teacher is excited about a topic, it's unbelievably contagious! That's what we love about the photo on the cover of CEHD's new Facebook page and also below.

The photo is of participants in a summer institute for K-12 math teachers from nearby public schools. You can just tell they've learned something new and cool to bring back to their students!

The institute is offered by the Center for Outreach in Mathematics Professional Learning and Educational Technology, which is co-directed by Jennifer Suh, assistant professor in mathematical education in Mason's College of Education & Human Development. What began with just 44 teachers now brings 250 teachers each year to Mason's Fairfax campus to think about and teach math in new ways.

Read the full story, which appeared recently in Mason Research.

Teachers discover new ways to think about and teach math to elementary through high school students at summer professional development institutes offered by the Center for Outreach in Mathematics Professional Learning and Educational Technology.

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