
Thirteen New CEHD Faculty Members Bring Experience From Public Schools to the Federal Government
September 19, 2017
This fall, more than a dozen distinguished professors are joining the ranks of the College of Education and Human Development’s (CEHD) faculty. From long-time professors and experienced public school instructors to faculty who have held important jobs at the federal and state government levels, the new crop of faculty members brings a wealth of talent, knowledge, and experience to the college.

Two Faculty Share Their Experiences at the National Science Foundation
September 19, 2017
After three-year appointments at the National Science Foundation (NSF), two
College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) faculty have returned to the college this fall—though they’ll continue to bridge the gap between the federal government and the university in part-time roles. Read more...

Minor League Internship Leads Mason Student to Cross Paths with Former Heisman Trophy Winner
September 8, 2017
Woosug Lee’s summer internship in the ticket office of the St. Lucie Mets minor league baseball team was going smoothly, but the George Mason University sport management major quickly saw that something was different after he arrived at the team’s baseball complex one late June morning. ...excerpted from Mason News Read more...

Looking Back, Looking Forward: A Conversation about the Changing Landscape of Education Policy
September 6, 2017
The field of education policy is constantly changing. But there is a way to make sense of an area in perpetual flux. College of Education and Human Development Dean Mark R. Ginsberg will moderate “Looking Back, Looking Forward: A Conversation about the Changing Landscape of Education Policy,” presented by CEHD. A panel of distinguished Mason faculty will discuss the current landscape of issues, their implication for education practice in schools, and the learning and development of students in Virginia and throughout the nation. Read more...

Kinesiology Professor Named to Board of NSCA
August 24, 2017
Margaret Jones has held many jobs—coach, director of strength and conditioning, associate professor of kinesiology at George Mason University. But though her job titles have changed over the years, she’s always felt at home as a member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Read more...

In this Class it's the Students Who Give the Exams
August 8, 2017
With a drop of sweat clinging to the tip of his nose and his shirt drenched from his effort, Mark Ginsberg slowed the pace of the treadmill from a brisk run to a slow walk. “That was good,” the dean of George Mason University’s College of Education and Human Development said of the 1.5-mile run. And it was just the start, as during the next hour Ginsberg was put through several strength and flexibility tests, the results of which senior kinesiology major Matt Hetzer used to develop a fitness program specifically for Ginsberg. excerpted from Mason News Read more...

Transformative Teaching Program Showcased on WJLA
July 12, 2017
CEHD faculty, Betsy DeMulder, Stacia Stribling, and Jenice View were invited to WJLA’s Let’s Talk Live television program to discuss the Transformative Teaching Program. Transformative teaching is a multi-layered practice grounded in democratic leadership. It is the practice of protecting all and fostering equitable treatment, often through activism or negotiation with the school system. This form of transformative leadership relies on emotional intelligence and is cultivated through mindfulness, hope, and compassion. Read more...

CEHD Alumna Kaleigh O’Donnell Receives Exemplary Early Career Teacher Award
July 10, 2017
Kaleigh O’Donnell (MEd ’15) is the 2017 recipient of Apple Federal Credit Union Education Foundation’s Exemplary Early Career Teacher Award. The award is given to an alumnus or alumna of CEHD who has demonstrated excellence, leadership, and innovation in the classroom within the first three years of teaching in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). Read more...

Mason’s College of Education and Human Development Adds High-profile Faculty
June 26, 2017
For George Mason University’s College of Education and Human Development (CEHD), the 2017-18 academic year will be one of creation and integration. The school is adding 13 faculty members, which means new faces, classes and ideas in a college whose increasing enrollment is bucking the national trend in education preparation.
“It’s energizing,” CEHD Dean Mark Ginsberg said of the new additions. “I’m very excited. We have some really good people who will be joining with us and adding their expertise and experience to our highly respected faculty.”

SPARK STEM Program Designed To Do Just That in Young Students
June 21, 2017
The best way to get and keep students interested in STEM programs is to engage them in hands-on learning, said Morgan Occhuizzo, assistant principal of Centreville Elementary School in Centreville, Va. That is why Occhuizzo is so excited about SPARK STEM, an interdisciplinary program for elementary school students and teachers developed by faculty at George Mason University, using a $125,000 grant from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV). ...excerpted from Mason News. Read more...