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In the age of iPad kids, how can their screens be used to help them learn?

The use of technology has become second nature for kids even at an early age. With ready access to age-appropriate educational games on iPads and other mobile devices, preschoolers as young as two or three years of age can develop essential cognitive, developmental, and learning skills through screen time.

Making Science Fun for Kids

Children are natural scientists. They are curious, love to explore, and ask a lot of questions. Kids need opportunities to develop the skills they need to think like a scientist which will allow them to understand increasingly complex science concepts.

What is instructional coaching?

Instructional coaching is like chili - it can mean different things to different people. While some vigorously debate whether chili must include meat, beans, or noodles, some educators and scholars hold strong opinions about the definition of instructional coaching.

Five tips to improve student writing

For most people, writing is no easy task. It requires significant discipline, attention, and cognitive focus. And for young students in elementary grades who are just beginning to learn the basics of writing, it can be especially daunting.

Jump! The benefit of massage before physical activity

Sports medicine professionals and exercise science specialists believe that certain warm-up practices before vigorous physical activity can reduce the risk of muscle injuries. Existing research shows that warm-ups increase blood flow circulation to muscles thus making them more flexible and less likely to tear.

Project WeGotIt!: A tool to help your students improve their writing

Students with learning disabilities or emotional behavioral disorders can find writing a challenging endeavor. These students may be inattentive, or they may lack the ability to self-regulate, which can lead to difficulties in composing thoughtful, well-crafted text where ideas are presented in an organized, coherent, and structured manner.

How can you use pop culture to enhance your language education?

Teaching a foreign language involves more than just providing instruction on grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and diction. Educators have long held that the integration of culture as part of world language instruction is necessary for foreign language teaching to be effective.

What is the Flat Patriot project?

The College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) Communications team have printed the Mason Patriot mascot on card stock and added a handle, and are distributing this “Flat Patriot” to alumni, faculty, staff, and students, and encouraging you to share photos of the Flat Patriot in your environment.

How can social media be used as a positive force?

Social media is a powerful tool with unlimited potential, and with the advent of the smartphone, its use has become ubiquitous among students, particularly those who were born in and grew up in the digital age. For these young people, the use of social media is second nature.

Airbnb and Cannabis Trafficking

In 2014, Oregon became the third state to legalize the production and consumption of marijuana, which has provided Oregon with over $1.2 billion in direct economic impacts, 12,500 jobs, over $110.8 million in legal cannabis sales in April 2021, and has established Oregon as a cannabis tourism hotspot.