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Should we expect teachers to get mental health certifications?

Teachers in K-12 schools are on the front lines when engaging with students who are struggling with mental health issues. Stressors such as depression, anxiety, trauma, and other mental health problems are likely to result in a student’s deficient performance thus making it more difficult for a teacher to help that student reach their academic goals.

Four ways in which the tour bus industry can alleviate climate change

Tour buses offer a convenient and relaxing way for people to take in the sights when visiting a new city while on vacation. However, buses that run on diesel fuel, as most still do, are significant sources of greenhouse gas emissions—a leading cause of climate change.

Want better balance as you age? Dance.

Research shows that it becomes more difficult for elderly people to maintain good postural balance due to gradual declines in sensory, motor, and cognitive abilities that begin at about age sixty.

What is a Grit Scale and how does it impact your likelihood to engage in physical activity?

Getting the proper amount and right type of exercise, minimizing sitting time, and eating a balanced, nutritious diet are key to maintaining physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

What strategies can teachers use to alleviate math anxiety in students?

Existing research shows that mathematics anxiety is common and can begin as early as elementary school only to worsen as an individual gets older.

What are five stressors that undocumented Latinx students have which school counselors should be aware of?

Undocumented Latinx youth who immigrate to the United States face many challenges in accessing educational and employment opportunities that are exacerbated by the difficulty in adapting to American culture in unfamiliar surroundings.

What is the Female Athlete Triad and why do women fall victim to it?

The Female Athlete Triad is characterized by disturbances in menstruation, hormone imbalances, low bone mineral density, eating disorders, and other serious health conditions.

4 Ways to Enhance Reading Comprehension in Kindergartners

Research suggests that kindergartners can enhance their reading comprehension skills and understanding of text when they engage in discussions about books.

Why some students dislike physical education

When it comes to physical education (PE), students and teachers in high school or middle school have always had different perspectives on what purpose it serves.

Why are so many students of color placed in special education when they shouldn’t be?

Studies have shown that in U.S. public schools, students of color are far too often labeled as having an intellectual disability, learning disability, or a behavioral disorder that requires their placement into a special education program.