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Using Virtual Reality to Get Over Your Fear of Falling

For many people, virtual reality is a popular and fun form of entertainment that can transform the simple act of watching a movie or playing a video game from an ordinary experience into one where you feel that you are part of the on-screen action. But the potential of virtual reality goes well beyond its use in movies and video games.

Dark Tourism: Death as a Tourist Attraction

I was recently approached by a reporter from CNN to contribute to an article about cemetery tourism as a form of dark tourism. I was surprised to discover that the author was seriously repulsed by the thought. After a brief discussion, she admitted to walking her dog in a nearby cemetery because of its serenity, beauty, and an environment that allowed her to reflect on her day and on her life.

What does it take to be a sports broadcaster?

Do you live, eat, and breathe sports? Do you love to talk about sports? Are you someone who enjoys tracking the latest stats when it comes to players, teams, wins, losses, and then telling the real story behind the numbers? If this sounds like you, a career as a broadcaster in the sports industry may be just what you are looking for.

What is Adaptive Teaching and what strategies can teachers use to adopt this?

Classrooms are complex, unpredictable contexts. No matter how prepared teachers are, they cannot know with certainty what to expect from students on any given day. This unpredictability necessitates teacher flexibility.

Why should schools consider intersecting identities?

Disability resource professionals who work with students with disabilities to ensure they are provided with reasonable accommodations as required by law, understand that a disability by itself does not define a person. While a disability can have a major influence on a student’s perception of their life at school or college, it is only one aspect of their identity that makes them who they are.

How negative student labels can affect them for life.

There is a theory that if an individual is told they are bad and if they hear it enough times, that person may come to believe that they are indeed “bad.” When that happens, they may be more likely to engage in disruptive and antisocial behaviors. This reinforces the negative perception that others may have of the individual and so a vicious cycle begins.

Six Essential Tips to Reduce Injuries During Physical Activities

Physical activities are great for your health, but it’s important to stay safe while having fun. Here are six tips to help you avoid injuries during your favorite activities.

What is transmodalising pedagogy?

Multimodal pedagogy has been proven effective and beneficial for all learners to learn important content concepts by engaging students in multiple modalities for learning, such as verbal and written texts, images and photos, audio and video resources, gestures, and tactile materials, among others.

Here’s why your school should have an anti-bullying program.

Bullying can cause severe psychological trauma, especially when it happens while a young person is adjusting to the awkward and confusing changes that come with leaving childhood and entering the adolescent and teen years.

In the age of iPad kids, how can their screens be used to help them learn?

The use of technology has become second nature for kids even at an early age. With ready access to age-appropriate educational games on iPads and other mobile devices, preschoolers as young as two or three years of age can develop essential cognitive, developmental, and learning skills through screen time.