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When a Hologram is Working the Front Desk of Your Hotel: Trends in Tourism

Imagine this. You’ve arrived at your hotel after a long day of traveling. You’ve already been dealing with long lines at the airport getting through TSA checkpoints to board your flight and waiting for your luggage once you’ve landed. You’re tired and the last thing you want is to deal with yet another line when checking in at the hotel.

Job Satisfaction and Teacher Retention: School leaders know they go hand in hand

You’ve got them. Now, how do you keep them? That’s a question that many school administrators ask themselves as they struggle to address the challenge of teacher retention, a problem that K-12 schools across the country are grappling with.

Assistive Technology: Going From “NO, I Can’t” to “YES, I Can”

Think of drawing a four circle Venn Diagram with overlapping circles representing the concepts of creating an inclusive classroom, ensuring that learning materials are accessible to all students, empowering students with confidence in their own abilities, and providing them an equal opportunity to learn. Now imagine that the area where all four circles intersect represents the concept of assistive technology.

Medical Tourism: Traveling the Globe for Health Care

Navigating the health care system can sometimes be difficult, especially if you are a patient seeking a medical procedure that is not covered by your health insurance plan or for which the cost is excessive. Even if the costs of the procedure are covered in full, it could take months before it is scheduled.

Kinesiology: Helping People with All Aspects of Physical and Mental Health

If you ask the average person what kinesiology is, what may come to mind is a discipline that involves helping individuals improve their fitness through a muscle strength and conditioning routine or assisting someone who is trying to regain full functioning capacity following an injury sustained during some type of physical activity.

How Human Behavior Can Affect the Sustainability of Park Resources

“Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.” These lyrics from the song Big Yellow Taxi, written by legendary singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell, sound a warning about the delicate nature of the environment. And this is a warning that park managers throughout the United States have taken note of as they try to balance the protection of the natural resources found at park sites with the need to ensure equitable and inclusive public access to these spaces.

Home for the Holidays: How to keep a discussion about politics or social issues from spiraling into an argument.

It is that time of year when family and friends gather to celebrate and spread some holiday cheer. But coming on the heels of what has been an exceptionally long and contentious general election, tensions around the holiday dinner table may be higher than usual with many people continuing to hold strong opinions on politics.

School Security: Keeping Students Safe at School

A welcoming and inclusive school environment that promotes learning is one where students not only feel physically safe, but one where they feel emotionally safe. School leaders are challenged with implementing appropriate security measures that will keep students safe without making the school feel oppressive.

The Science of Reading: Teaching the essentials of reading is not a “one size fits all” endeavor.

The science of reading tells us a lot about the cognitive processes by which children learn to read. After all, it is based on a collection of evidence-based scientific research that spans decades of academic study in education, developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, and speech-language development.

The Impact of Celebrity and Influence on the Marketability of Athletes and Sports

The power of celebrity—it can work its magic in places beyond the Red Carpet. In fact, sometimes it can be at a football game, basketball game, tennis match, or other competitive event. When megastars of music, film, or television are spotted in the stands or courtside as spectators at a game, it generates a lot of excitement and media coverage.