Guo, Yali

Senior Grants Administrator, Post-Award, Office of Research
Contact Information
Phone: (703) 993-6188
Fax: (703) 993-3681
Email: yguo13 (
George Mason University, Fairfax Campus
Finley Building 102H
4400 University Dr.
MS 1F2
Fairfax, VA 22030
Yali Guo is Senior Grants Administrator for the Division of Special Education and Disability Research with College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) at George Mason University (GMU). Guo has 7 years’ experience in accounting and has been working in the Accounts Payable Department at GMU from 2013 to 2019 before she joined the CEHD Research Administration team in February 2019. She graduated with a Master’s degree in Accounting from East Carolina University in May 2005. In January 2017, Guo received University Employee of the Month award at GMU. She received GMU Research Administration (RA) Certificate in June 2019 and Advanced Research Integrity (ARI) Certificate in June 2020. Guo provides pre and post award support to faculty and staff in the Special Education and Disability Research Division and the Kellar Institute which includes assisting with the preparation of proposal packages for externally sponsored funding and post award project management tasks, processing of financial and human resources transactions, and the reconciliation of grant funds.