College of Education and Human Development

A Future Patriot Is Accepted to Mason LIFE

March 11, 2022

Paloma in front of Mason statue
Paloma in front of the George Mason statue

The 2022-2023 Mason LIFE cohort received one of its highest volumes of diverse applications (50+). This inclusive program was able to grant acceptance to eighteen individuals. This cohort is comprised of a large number of Virginians but also out of state students from California, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland and North Carolina.

Check out this video of one incoming Patriot, Paloma and her family as they learn Paloma has been accepted into the Mason LIFE program and will begin her journey Fall 2022!

"Watching Paloma learn that she is going to be a typical college student just like all her peers was a dream come true for all of us. All of you should feel encouraged that you are helping bring purpose to the lives of all your students. You are the changing world’s perspective of what people with special needs can do. I just can’t say enough good things about the Mason LIFE program. I hope her joy is contagious to all of Mason and makes everyone proud to be a Patriot!" - Paloma Wile's Family