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SYST 473: Decision and Risk Analysis

Important: For the most up-to-date information, refer to the official George Mason Course Catalog

General Information

Credits: 3


Studies analytic techniques for rational decision making that address uncertainty, conflicting objectives, and risk attitudes. Covers modeling uncertainty; rational decision making principles; representing decision problems with value trees, decision trees, and influence diagrams; solving value hierarchies, decision trees and influence diagrams; defining and calculating the value of information; incorporating risk attitudes into the analysis; and conducting sensitivity analyses. Offered by Systems Engr & Operations Rsch. Limited to two attempts.
Registration Restrictions:

Required Prerequisites: (STAT 250C or 250XS) or (STAT 260C or 260XS) or (STAT 334C or 334XS) or (STAT 344C or 344XS) or (STAT 346C or 346XS) or (MATH 351C or 351XS) or (BIOL 214C or 214XS).
C Requires minimum grade of C.
XS Requires minimum grade of XS.

Students cannot enroll who have a major in Exploratory, Undecided or Undeclared.

Students with the terminated from CEC major attribute may not enroll.

Schedule Type: Lecture
This course is graded on the Undergraduate Regular scale.