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SPSY 753: Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice in Schools

Important: For the most up-to-date information, refer to the official George Mason Course Catalog

General Information

Credits: 3


Introduces topics and recent research on diversity, equity, and social justice in education. Develops self-awareness about racism and expands knowledge base in social justice. Provides an opportunity to read research in the field on social justice as well as approaches to academics and discipline with an orientation toward social justice. Offered by School of Education. May not be repeated for credit.
Registration Restrictions:

Enrollment limited to students with a class of Advanced to Candidacy, Graduate, Non-Degree or Senior Plus.

Students in a Non-Degree Undergraduate degree may not enroll.

Schedule Type: Lecture
This course is graded on the Graduate Regular scale.

Current Sections

This course is not offered this semester.

Upcoming Sections

  • Spring 2025, Section: 001, CRN 13088, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Ellen Rowe
Prior Sections (partial list)