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SPMT 613: Strategic Leadership in Sport Organizations

Important: For the most up-to-date information, refer to the official George Mason Course Catalog

General Information

Credits: 3


Examines the theoretical underpinnings and effective strategic processes of leadership in sport organizations. Leader behaviors, characteristics, situational influences, and the cognitive dimensions of leadership will be explored within the organizational context. Offered by School of Sport/Rec/Tour Mgmt. May not be repeated for credit.
Registration Restrictions:

Enrollment limited to students with a class of Advanced to Candidacy, Graduate, Junior Plus, Non-Degree or Senior Plus.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate, Non-Degree or Undergraduate level students.

Students in a Non-Degree Undergraduate degree may not enroll.

Schedule Type: Lecture
This course is graded on the Graduate Regular scale.

Current Sections

This course is not offered this semester.

Upcoming Sections

  • Spring 2025, Section: 001, CRN 13502, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Laurence Chalip
Prior Sections (partial list)
  • Spring 2023, Section: 001, CRN 15302, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Laurence Chalip
  • Spring 2023, Section: P01, CRN 22280, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Laurence Chalip
  • Spring 2021, Section: 001, CRN 20783, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Chris Green
  • Spring 2021, Section: P01, CRN 24385, Format: Face-to-Face, Instructor: Chris Green
  • Spring 2020, Section: 002, CRN 22228, Format: Hybrid, Instructor: Robert Baker
  • Spring 2019, Section: 001, CRN 21960, Format: Hybrid, Instructor: Robert Baker
  • Spring 2017, Section: DL1, CRN 17697, Format: Online, Instructor: Robert Baker
  • Spring 2015, Section: 001, CRN 21104, Instructor: Robert Baker
  • Spring 2014, Section: 001, CRN 13418, Instructor: Robert Baker
  • Spring 2013, Section: 001, CRN 14524, Instructor: Paul Jansen
  • Spring 2012, Section: 001, CRN 16996, Instructor: Paul Jansen