Taiwan Teacher Development Program
Taiwan Teacher Development Program (2010-2012)
Lead Faculty: Dr. Rebecca Fox
Additional Contributing Faculty: Jie Tian, Gordon Brown, Maria Katradis, and Bonnie Corretjer
Sponsors: Sponsored jointly by the Taiwan government, George Mason University’s College of Education and Human Development, and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), the Taiwan Teacher Professional Development Program provided opportunities for over 40 Taiwanese teachers of Chinese as a Foreign Language to deepen their knowledge of teaching practices. Offered during the summers of 2010-12, the program focused on technology, teacher research, and standards-based, student-centered, and proficiency oriented instruction in the world language classroom. During their six-week stay, participants took professional development seminars, experienced practical classroom-learning opportunities with K-12 Chinese campers, attended many cultural events available in the area, and participated in the StarTalk program at Northern Virginia Community College.

Informal gatherings at the home of participating Mason faculty.

2012 Taiwan delegation and Mason faculty.

2010 Taiwan delegation receiving her certificate of completion at program graduation ceremony.