EdPolicyForward Publications
Student Behavior & Teacher Turnover in Post-pandemic Classrooms
By Alyssa Barone
December 2024
This brief summarizes some of the challenges in student behavior that teachers are experiencing in the classroom and contributing to teacher turnover. The brief summarizes evidenced-based practices that can be implemented to address post-pandemic concerns with student maladaptive behaviors. Read the Brief
Addressing Special Education Teacher Shortages in Virginia
By Dr. Kevin Monnin & Dr. Sarah A. Nagro
October 2024
This brief summarizes the latest research on the causes of SET shortages as well as on evidence-based solutions, with a focus on solutions that local school division leaders can use to help address shortages in their communities. Read the Brief
Causal Research to Address Chronic Absenteeism: A Research Brief on Best Practices to Increase Student Attendance
By Alyssa Barone and Seth B. Hunter, PhD
March 2024
In this brief, we discuss the root causes of chronic absenteeism and identify research-based solutions proven to effectively reduce absenteeism. The impetus of this brief came from a panel on the topic at Mason's Research Practice Partnership meeting held in January 2024. Participating divisions, including Fairfax County Public Schools, Falls Church City Schools, Frederick County Public Schools and Stafford County Public Schools, elevated the importance of this issue in their district, shared how they are addressing it and called for further and digestible research on chronic absenteeism. This is the first brief of a series sponsored by a partnership between George Mason University’s Center for Advancing Human Machine Partnerships and EdPolicyForward, the Center for Education Policy at Mason’s College of Education and Human Development. Read the Brief
The Changing Profile of a Virginia Graduate: Course Taking and Achievement of Virginia Ninth Graders
By Samantha Viano, PhD, and Katherine Bowser
October 2020
In the inaugural report of the research partnership between the Virginia Department of Education and EdPolicyForward at George Mason University, we began a multi-year study of the effects of a statewide change in graduation requirements by investigating variations in course taking and test scores for all first-time Virginia ninth graders enrolled in Virginia public schools. We noted descriptively that more Virginia ninth graders enrolled in advanced math courses every year between the 2015-16 and 2018-19 school years. These increases were most notable among Black students and free or reduced price lunch students whose enrollment in Geometry increased 14% and 11%, respectively. However, rural and town students did not significantly increase their enrollments in advanced math courses. While enrollments increased over time for suburban and city students such that half were enrolled in Geometry and Algebra II in 2018-19, only about a third of rural and town students enrolled in these courses. Read the Main Brief | View the Appendix