Brozo, William

Dr. William G. Brozo
PhD, University of South Carolina
Professor Emeritus of Education
Elizabeth G. Sturtevant, PhD, Center for Literacy
Phone: (703) 993-3894
Fax: (703) 993-2013
Email: wbrozo (
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Thompson Hall 1304
4400 University Dr.
MS 4B3
Fairfax, VA 22030
William G. Brozo is a Professor of Literacy in the Graduate School of Education at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. He earned his bachelor's degree from the University of North Carolina and his master's and doctorate from the University of South Carolina. He has taught reading and language arts in junior and senior high school in the Carolinas. He is the author of numerous articles on literacy development for children and young adults. His books include To Be a Boy, To Be a Reader: Engaging Teen and Preteen Boys in Active Literacy (International Reading Association); Readers, Teachers, Learners: Expanding Literacy Across the Content Areas (Merrill/Prentice Hall); Content Literacy for Today's Adolescents: Honoring Diversity and Building Competence(Merrill/Prentice Hall); Principled Practices for Adolescent Literacy: A Framework for Instruction and Policy (Erlbaum); 50 Content Area Strategies for Adolescent Literacy (Merrill/Prentice Hall); and Setting the Pace: A Speed, Comprehension and Study Skills Program (Merrill). His newest books, Supporting Content Area Literacy with Technology: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners, and The Adolescent Literacy Inventory, are forthcoming by Allyn and Bacon. Dr. Brozo is also an author/consultant for Jamestown Reading Navigator, a program for struggling adolescent readers. He serves on the editorial review boards of the Reading Research Quarterly, Reading Research and Instruction and the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. He co-edits/writes "Content Literacy," a column for The Reading Teacher and also writes a column for RWCT's Thinking Classroom entitled "Strategic Moves." Dr. Brozo is a past member of IRA's Commission on Adolescent Literacy and current member of the Adolescent Literacy Committee and PISA/PIRLS Task Force. As an International Development Division-IRA consultant, Dr. Brozo has traveled regularly to Macedonia, where he provides technical support to secondary teachers. He was a co-investigator on a Carnegie Grant team that compiled an important report on best practice in adolescent literacy. He regularly speaks at professional meetings around the country and consults with teachers and administrators to discuss ways of enriching the literate culture of middle and secondary schools, enhancing the literate lives of boys, and making teaching more responsive to the needs all students.
Dr. Brozo's research and scholarship interests include adolescent and content literacy; secondary literacy reform; struggling learners; and closing the literacy achievement gap for boys
- FISHER, D., BROZO, W.G., FREY, N., & IVEY, G. (2007). 50 content area strategies for adolescent literacy. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice-Hall.
- BROZO, W.G., & SIMPSON, M.L. (2007). Content literacy for today's adolescents: Honoring diversity and building competence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall.
- STURTEVANT, E., BOYD, F., BROZO, W., HINCHMAN, K., ALVERMANN, D., & MOORE, D. (2006). Principled practices for adolescent literacy: A framework for instruction and policy. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- BROZO, W.G. (2007). Helping boys find entry points to lifelong reading: Book clubs and other strategies for struggling adolescent males (pp.304-318). In J. Lewis & G. Moorman (Eds.), Adolescent literacy instruction: Policies and promising practices. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
- BROZO, W.G. (2007). Authentic contexts for developing language tools in vocational education (pp.349-361). In J. Flood, D. Lapp, & Farnan, N. (Eds), Content area reading and learning: Instructional strategies (3rd ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
- BROZO, W.G. (2005). My brilliant invention. In J. Scieszka (Ed.), Guys write for guys read. New York: Viking.
- BROZO, W.G., & FLYNT, S. (2007). Content literacy: Essential toolkit elements. The Reading Teacher, 61, 192-194.
- BROZO, W.G., Shiel, G., & Topping, K. (in press). Engagement in reading: Lessons learned from three PISA countries. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy.
- BROZO, W.G. (2006). Bridges to literacy for boys. Educational Leadership, 64, 71-74.
- BROZO, W.G. (2006). Tales out of school: Accounting for adolescents in a literacy reform community. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 49, 410-418.
- Disciplinary Literacy (EDRD 619)
- Literacy Foundations and Instruction for Diverse Populations: Adolescence Through Adulthood (EDRD 631)
- Literacy Assessments and Interventions for Individuals (EDRD 633)
- School-Based Inquiry in Literacy (EDRD 635)
- Supervised Literacy Practicum (EDRD 637)
- Advanced Topics in Education (EDRD 797)
- Advanced Foundations of Literacy Education (EDRD 829)
- Theory, Research, and Practice in Literacy: Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood (EDRD 831)
- Research Methodologies and Trends in Literacy (EDRD 832)
- Problems and Methods in Education Research (EDRS 810)
- Qualitative Methods in Educational Research (EDRS 812)
- Independent Study for the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (EDUC 897)
- Advanced Internship in Education (EDUC 994)
- Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (EDUC 998)
- Doctoral Dissertation Research (EDUC 999)