Hoch, Theodore

Dr. Theodore A. Hoch
EdD, West Virginia University
Associate Professor
Helen A. Kellar Institute for Human disAbilities
Special Education: Applied Behavior Analysis
Phone: (703) 993-5245
Fax: (703) 993-3168
Email: thoch (@gmu.edu)
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Finley Building 100C
4400 University Dr.
MS 1F2
Fairfax, VA 22030
- Applying behavior analysis to improve lives of military veterans and wounded warriors
- Stimulus Equivalence
- Verbal Behavior
- Respondent Behavior
- Effective Instruction
- Death, Grieving, and Intellectual Disabilities
Hoch, T.A., Dzyak, C.R., & Burkhalter, B. (2016). Self-injurious behavior. In Singh, N. (Ed.), Handbook of evidence based practices for indivdiuals with intellectual disabilities (pp. 635-676). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Dzyak, C.R., Burkhalter, B., and Hoch, T.A. (2016). Rumination. In Singh, N. (Ed.) Handbook of evidence based practices for individuals with intellectual disabilities (pp. 677-713). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Morse, R., Hoch, T.A., and Freeman, T.R. (2016). Grief and individuals with intellectual disabilities. In Bordere, T. and Harris, D. (Eds.). Handbook of social justice in loss and grief: Exploring diversity, equity, and inclusion (pp. 154-164). New York, NY: Routledge.
Rojahn, J., Schroeder, S.R., and Hoch, T.A. (2008). Self-injurious behavior in intellectual disabilities. London, England, UK: Elsevier.
Rojahn, J., Hoch, T.A., Whitaker, K., & Gonzales, M.L. (2007). Assessment of self-injurious and aggressive behavior. In J.L. Matson (Ed.) Handbook of assessment in persons with intellectual disabilitiy. San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
Hoch, T.A. (2007). Why did my kid do that? Using scatterplots to identify factors contributing to behavioral difficulties. In D. Linville & K. Hertlein (Eds.) The therapists notebook for family healthcare: Homework, handouts, and activities for individuals, couples, and families coping with illness, loss, and disability. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
Rojahn, J., Esbensen, A.J., and Hoch, T.A. (2006) Relationships between facial discrimination and social adjustment in mental retardation. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 111 (5), 366 - 377.
Hoch, T.A., Long, K.E., McPeak, M.M., and Rojhan, R. (2004). Self-injurious behavior in mental retardation. In J.L. Matson, L.L. Laud, and J.L. Matson (Eds.) Behavior modification for persons with developmental disabilities (Volume 1). Kingston, NY: National Association for the Dually Diagnosed.
Hoch, T.A., Farrar-Schneider, D., Babbitt, R.L., Berkowitz, M., Snyder, A.M., Rizol, L.M., Owens, J.C., Knight, T.L., and Wise, D.T. (2001). Empirical analysis of a multicomponent pediatric feeding disorder treatment. Education and Treatment of Children, 24 (2), 176 - 198.
Recent Presentations
Hoch, T.A., and Evanko, C.D. (2016, July). Providing behavior analytic services through Virginia Medicaid: Procedures, processes, and ethical issues. Invited continuing education presentation conducted through the Virginia Association for Behavior Analysis, Alexandria, VA.
Hoch, T.A., and Corso, K.A. (2016, July). Applying behavior analysis for the well-being of active military personnel and wounded warriors. Invited continuing education presentation conducted through the Virginia Association for Behavior Analysis, Chesapeake, VA.
Hoch, T.A., and Corso, K.A. (2016, April). Applying behavior analysis for the well-being of active military personnel and wounded warriors. Invited continuing education presentation conducted through the Virginia Association for Behavior Analysis, Winchester, VA.
Dreyfus, A., and Hoch, T.A. (2016, April). Effective behavior interventions for crisis professionals. Invited two day workshop conducted through Horizon Behavioral Health, Lynchburg, VA.
Hoch, T.A. (2016, March). Supervision update. Invited continuing education presentation conducted through Commonwealth Autism Service, Richmond, VA.
Hoch, T.A., and Zhang, D.X. (2015, August). Verbal behavior and applied behavior analysis. Five day workshop conducted through the Guidance Center of Beijing Disabled Persons Rehabilitation Services, Beijing, China.
Hoch, T.A., Corso, K., Calkin, A., and Sharma, R. (2015, May). The development of an instrument that assesses the verbal operants of military service members and veterans with traumatic brain injury: An update on the VOCAL-MilVet. Paper presentation at the Forty-First Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, International, San Antonio, TX.
Morse, R., Hoch, T.A., and Freeman, T.R. (2014, 24 April). Grief, applied behavior analysis, and intellectual disabilities. Panel discussion conducted at the 36th Annual Convention of the Association of Death Educators and Counselors, Baltimore, MD.
Hoch, T.A., and Dreyfus, A. (2014, 21 February). When youre a behavior analyst, you can work anywhere in the world. Invited Keynote Address, Behavior Analysis Association of Michigan, Ypsilanti, MI.
Hoch, T.A. (2013, 24 October). A history of applied behavior analysis. Invited address given to the faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, Moscow, Russia.
Hoch, T.A., and Willer, M. (2013, 16 August). Applied behavior analysis for clinical school personnel. Presentation conducted for Prince William County (Virginia) Schools School Psychologists, Counselors, and Nurses, Prince William, VA.
Hoch, T.A., Zhang, D.X., and Moyher, R.E. I(2013, February). So, what do I need to know about behavior? Presented to Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech and Language Pathology Staff at Inova Leesburg Hospital, Leesburg, VA.
Hoch, T.A., Zhang, D.X., Rioux-Bailey, C., and Dreyfus, A. (2012, 30 May - 6 June). Applied Behavior Analysis for Educators of Children with Autism. invited workshop sponsored by Beijing Union University, Beijing, China.
Hoch, T.A., Morse, R., LeDoux, S., and Freeman, T.R. (2012, May). Thanatology and applied behavior analysis: Ethical and clinical preparation for the inevitable. Panel Discussion conducted at the 38th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Seattle, WA.
Hoch, T.A., Spencer, V.G., and Zhang, D.X. (2011, 9 April). Applied Behavior Analysis in Education. Invited workshop conducted for selected teachers as part of the 2011 Workshop for Social Policy and Services for Persons with Autism: Towards the Aims of Normalization and Social Inclusion. Beijing, China.
Hoch, T.A. (2011, 10 April). Educational outcomes and teacher preparation in Applied Behavior Analysis. Invited Address given as part of the 2011 Workshop for Social Policy and Services for Persons with Autism: Toward the Aims of Normalization and Social Inclusion, Beijing, China.
Alberstadt, A., Hoch, T.A., & Deal, C. (2011, January). The added interspersal method as a means to increase on-task behavior of students with autism. Poster presented at the fifth Annual Autism Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis, International, Washington, D.C.
Hoch, T.A. (2009, April). Why is my kid behaving that way? Using scatterplots to figure out why, what to do, and whether its working. Presentation at the Fourth Annual Special Education Conference, Fairfax County Public Schools, Falls Church, VA.
Zaja, R.H., Mircea, C., Sherer, M., Rojahn, J., and Hoch, T.A (2008, November). Psychometric properties of psychopathology screening instruments among referrals to a psychiatric outpatient clinic: the SPSS, the ADD, the ADAMS, and the ABC. Poster presented at the 25th annual convention of the National Association for the Dually Diagnosed, Niagra Falls, NY.
Hoch, T.A., Kuhagen, J.A., Bartizal, D., Kaminski, B.J., & Jin, Y. (2005, May). Do we do what we say we should do? Integrity, satisfaction, and follow-up in publication. Panel discussion of original research presented at the 31st Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, IL.
Kuhagen, J.A., Jin, Y., & Hoch, T.A. (2005, May). Globe dislocation in a woman with dementia and Down Syndrome. Poster presented at the 31st Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, IL.
Hoch, T.A. (2004, June). Creating a noncoercive organizational environment. Invited presentation at the seminar on Reducing Seclusion and Restraint: Creating Culture Change and Transformation sponsored by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services and the Institute for Law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy, Richmond, VA.
Hoch,T.A., Kuhagen, J.A., Bartizal, D., Proffitt, D., Kaminski, B.J., Symoun, T.P., Shahbazi, M.J., & Behrmann, M.M. (2004, May). Descriptive analysis of trends in reporting treatment integrity, consumer satisfaction, social validity, and follow-up in the Applied Behavior Analysis literature. Poster presented at the 30th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Boston, MA.
Rojahn, J., Long, K.E., McPeak, M.M., & Hoch, T.A. (2003, May). Visual facial emotional processing and social competence in mental retardation. Poster presented at the 127th Annual Meeting of the American Association on Mental Retardation, Chicago, IL.
Rojahn, J., and Hoch, T.A. (2002, May). Functional Assessment of Problem Behavior. Workshop conducted in Hattiesburg, MS.
Hoch, T.A. (2001). "Restrictiveness" and the Right to Effective Behavioral Treatment. Invited address given at the 2001 State and Local Human Rights Committees Seminar, Richmond, VA.
Hoch, T.A. (2001, March). Issues and assessing and treating psychopathology in people with mental retardation. Invited address given to the Northern Virginia District of the National Association of Social Workers - Virginia Chapter, Alexandria, VA.
- Couples and Family Counseling (EDCD 658)
- Advanced Topics in Education (EDCD 797)
- Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis (EDSE 460)
- Analysis and Intervention in Applied Behavior Analysis (EDSE 461)
- Applying Behavior Analysis in School and Community Settings (EDSE 462)
- Ethical and Professional Conduct in Applied Behavior Analysis (EDSE 464)
- Internship in Applied Behavior Analysis (EDSE 490)
- Classroom Management and Individualized Behavior Supports (EDSE 502)
- Positive Behavior Supports (EDSE 532)
- Special Topics in Education (EDSE 597)
- Principles and Procedures of Behavior Analysis (EDSE 619)
- Applied Behavior Analysis: Assessments and Interventions (EDSE 623)
- Applied Behavior Analysis: Applications (EDSE 624)
- Applied Behavior Analysis: Verbal Behavior (EDSE 625)
- Comprehensive Topics in Special Education: Trends and Issues (EDSE 782)
- Internship in Special Education (EDSE 790)
- Doctoral Internship in Education (EDUC 890)
- Independent Study for the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (EDUC 897)