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Dr. Sam Steen
PhD, George Mason University
Center Director, Diversity Research and Action Consortium

Contact Information

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George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Krug Hall 202
4400 University Dr.
Fairfax, VA 22030


Dr. Sam Steen a Professor, licensed Professional School Counselor, Director of the Diversity Research Action Consortium and Division Director for CFCE within CEHD, specializes in school counseling, group work and cultivating Black students’ academic identity development. Dr. Steen was a school counselor for 10 years and these practitioner experiences shape his research agenda, approach to teaching, and service.  Currently, on the faculty at George Mason University and serving as the Academic Program Coordinator, two objectives guide his scholarship: 1) to further develop creative and culturally sustaining school-based counseling interventions that improve student achievement; including The Achieving Success Everyday Group Model (ASE Group Model) designed to promote social emotional and academic development for students of color and 2) to explore issues related to the training and preparation of pre-service counselors and school counselors in the local, regional, and national community. Dr. Steen is a Fellow for the Association for Specialists in Group Work, a division of the American Counseling Association. Dr. Steen is also the recipient of the Al Dye Research Award and the Professional Advancement Award both from ASGW recognizing his outstanding efforts advancing the field of group work though research and development and the Counselors for Social Justice (CSJ) Advocacy of the Year Award, through CSJ a division of ACA. Recently, Dr. Steen is serving as a principal investigator on a major project that is awarded by the National Science Foundation which aims to advance programs, knowledge, and skills targeting Black male middle school students for better accessibility, and higher likelihood for success, in Algebra 1 and future STEM related careers.

Research Interests

Currently, two objectives guide his scholarship: 1) to further develop creative and culturally sustaining school-based counseling interventions that improve student achievement; including The Achieving Success Everyday Group Model (ASE Group Model) designed to promote social emotional and academic development for students of color and 2) to explore issues related to the training and preparation of pre-service counselors and school counselors in the local, regional, and national community. 

Recent Publications

Steen, S., & Prasath, P. R. (in press). Black Doctoral Student Research Participants: A Mixed-Method Systematic Literature Review. Counselor Education and Supervision. [Special Issueon Anti-racist practices and pedagogy in counselor training].

    Ieva, K.P., Steen, S., & Beasley, J. (in press). Group training for school counselors: utilizing the lens of power, privilege, and intersectionality. Counselor Education and Supervision. [Special Issue on Anti-Racist Counselor Education].

    Prasath, P. R., Steen, S., & *McVay, K. (in press). A group counseling intervention for African American boys in elementary students: Providing support for transitioning to 4th grade. Submitted to Journal of Creativity in Mental Health.

    Steen, S., *Melfie, J., *Carro, A.M., & Shi, Q. (2022). A systematic literature review exploring achievement outcomes and therapeutic factors for group counseling interventions in schools.  Professional School Counseling, 26(2).

    Prasath, P.R., Lim, A., & Steen, S. (2022). A strength-based support group for international college students: A pilot study. Journal for Specialists in Group Work.

                    Ieva, K. P., Beasley, J., & Steen, S. (2021). Equipping school counselors for antiracist healing centered groups: A critical examination of preparation, connected curricula, professional practice and oversight. 

                    Teaching and Supervision in Counseling, 3(2), 7.

                   Steen, S., Shi, Q., & *Melfie, J. (2021). A systematic literature review of school-counsellor-led group counselling interventions targeting academic achievement: Implications for research and practice. Journal of School-Based Counseling Policy and           

                    Evaluation, 3(1), 6-18.