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Dr. R. Pierre Rodgers
PhD, The Pennsylvania State University
Associate Professor
Academic Program Co-Coordinator, Sport and Recreation Studies
Sport Management
Center for Sport Management

Contact Information

Send email to Dr. Rodgers

Phone: (703) 993-8317
Fax: (703) 993-1269
Email: prodgers (

George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Krug Hall 211G
4400 University Dr.
MS 4D2
Fairfax, VA 22030


Dr. Rodgers teaches courses in racial / gender issues in sport, sports communication, and rhetoric and public address. His research appears in refereed journals such as World Communication, Psychological Reports, and the Journal of the Collegiate Forensic Association. He has also authored refereed book chapters on sport and communication. In addition, Dr. Rodgers has delivered a variety of scholarly presentations at the state, regional, national, and international levels in communication and sports-related venues. His research interests focus on the interrelationship between race, sport, popular culture, and communication.

Dr. Rodgers has held leadership roles in numerous organizations, including membership on the Legislative Council of the National Communication Association and the presidency of the Maryland Communication Association. He is a former Associate Editor for Communication Teacher. He continues to review manuscripts for a number of scholarly publications.

Research Interests
  • Race and Sport
  • Rhetoric and Popular Culture
  • Interracial/Intercultural Communication
  • Communication and Gender / Racial / Social Marginalization
  • Sport as Cultural Phenomenon
Recent Publications
  • Rodgers, R. P. (2015). “It’s HBCU Classic time!”: Origins and the perseverance of Historically Black College and University football Classic games. In B. Hawkins, J. Cooper, A. Carter-Francique, & J. K. Cavil (Eds.), The athletic experience at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Past, present, and persistence (pp. 145-165). Lantham, MD: Rowan & Littlefield. (refereed)
  • Rodgers, R. P., & Pardo, N. M. (in press). The sociocultural foundations for sport coaching. In R. B. Baker & C. E. Esherick (Eds.), The art and science of coaching. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett. (refereed)