Rikard, G. Linda

Dr. G. Linda Rikard
EdD, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Associate Professor Emerita of Education
Dr. Rikard is Coordinator of the B.S.Ed. degree/licensure program in Health and Physical Education and the Professor of Note in the M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction, Physical Education Concentration. She has published in numerous research and professional journals and has presented her research at state, national and international conferences. Dr. Rikard is a Research Fellow in AAHPERD's Research Consortium and is on the Editorial board for the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. She is a reviewer for the Journal for Teaching in Physical Education, and a guest reviewer for Quest and Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. She supervises practicum experiences in grades K-6 and conducts school based research across all grades.
- Teacher induction
- Professional development
- Elementary and secondary school curriculum
- Teaching and learning in Physical Education
- Rikard, G. L. & Banville, D. (2009) First year Physical Education Teachers: From survival to success. Manuscript submitted for publication.
- Banville, D. & Rikard, G. L.(in press). Teacher induction-Implications for physical education teacher development and retention. QUEST.
- Boyce, B. A. & Rikard, G. L. (2008). A comparison of supply and demand for PETE faculty: The changing landscape, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79, 540-545.
- Rikard, G. L. & Banville, D. (2006) High School Student Perceptions of Physical Education. Sport, Education and Society, 11, 385-40
- Rikard, G. L. & Norden, L. (2006).Winning strategies for passing Praxis I and II. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 77, 44-47.
- Rikard, G. L. & Banville, D. (2005). High School Physical Education Teacher Perceptions of Block Scheduling. The High School Journal, 88, 26-34.
- Rikard, G. L. & Banville, D. (2009 October). The roles of Physical Education Teacher Education Programs in the induction of physical educators, NASPE Conference on Physical Education Teacher Education, Myrtle Beach, SC
- Rikard, G. L. & Boyce, B. A. (2009, October). Recent findings on PETE faculty shortages and higher education job markets in PETE and Kinesiology. NASPE Conference on Physical Education Teacher Education, Myrtle Beach, S.C.
- Banville, D. & Rikard, G. L. (2009, May). Supporting First Year Physical Education Teachers - Analysis of a Physical Education Teacher Induction Program. Canadian Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Bamff.
- Boyce, B. A., GocKarp, G., Judd, M., Rikard, G. L., Saxton, K., & Woods, M. (2009, March) (alphabetical & by invitation) Crisis or Anomaly: The status and impact of the PETE Faculty shortage in the U.S., AAHPERD Curriculum & Instruction Pre-Conference Workshop, March 31, 2009.
- Rikard, G. L. & Banville, D. (2009, March).First year teachers' use of class time in physical education, Research Consortium, AAHPERD National Convention, Tampa, FLA, March 2009.
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