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Dr. Kristy L. Park
PhD, University of Louisville
Associate Professor
Helen A. Kellar Institute for Human disAbilities
Special Education
Special Education: Applied Behavior Analysis

Contact Information

Send email to Dr. Park

Phone: (703) 993-5251
Fax: (703) 993-3678
Email: kparkc (

George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Finley Building 100B
4400 University Dr.
MS 1A4
Fairfax, VA 22030


Kristy Lee Park, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Division of Special Education and disAbility Research at George Mason University (GMU). She is a Doctoral-level, Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and licensed by the Virginia Board of Medicine.  She also holds a K-12 Virginia teaching license in Special Education. Her previous work as a special educator has shaped her research, teaching, and service in the field of education. She was the recipeint of the Online Course Excellence Award (2016), nominated for GMU's Teaching Excellence award (2016, 2017), and featured in Mason News for socially relevant work (see

Dr. Park specializes in teacher training on targeted and intensive behavioral supports (i.e., functional behavior assessments) within a three-tiered prevention-based model, referred to as School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SW-PBIS). Within this proactive approach to discipline, she is particularly interested in the systems related the implementation of evidence-based practices in school settings. She is a systems coach in Virginia and served as a consultant in the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Kentucky, and Maryland.

Dr. Park provides professional development trainings with GMU’s Training and Technical Assistance Center to help schools and school districts provide a safe, inclusive, and positive school environment. In addition to pbulic school-based trainings, she has conducted trainings and workshops with parent organizations, charter schools, preschools, YMCA, YWCA, foster-care staff, and churches.

Research Interests
  • Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
  • Function-based interventions
  • Classroom and behavior management
  • Teacher and staff training
Recent Publications

Walker, V., Loman, S., Lotoaki, H., Park, K.L., & Strickland-Cohen, K. (2018). Examining the inclusion of students with severe disabilities in SWPBIS. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe
, 43, 223-238.

Park, K.L. & Pinkleman, S. (2017).  Function-based approach to designing an instructional environment. Beyond Behavior, 26, 124-134.

Hirsch, S.E., MacSuga-Gage, A.S., Park, K.L., & Dillon, S. (2016). A Road map to systematically setting up a group contingency. Beyond Behavior, 25, 21-29. 

Park, K.L. (2015). Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to Teach. In S. Sennott & S.L. Loman (Eds.), Comprehensive Individualized Curriculum and Instructional Design. Open Access Textbooks. Book 5.

Graff, H.J., Evmenova, A.S., Berkeley, S., & Park, K.L. (2014). Trends in Autism research: A systematic journal analysis, Exceptionality, 22, 158-172. 

Gable, R.A., Park, K.L., & Scott, T.M. (2014). Functional behavioral assessment and students at risk for or with emotional disabilities: Current issues and considerations. Education and Treatment of Children, 37, 111-135.

Hirn, R.G. & Park, K.L. (2012). Teacher-mediated instructional strategies for students with emotional or behavioral disorders. Beyond Behavior, 22, 32-39.

Gable, R.A., Tonelson, S.W., Walker-Bolton, I., Sheth, M., Wilson, C., & Park, K.L. (2012). Teaching students with Emotional Disabilities: A comparison of knowledge and skills of special education and general education
        teachers. Education and Treatment of Children, 35, 499-519.

Muscott, M., Pomerleau, T., Park, K.L., Frey, A., Steed, E., Korfage, T. (2011). Setting sail for early learning success: Using Data-based Decision Making process to measure and monitor outcomes in Early Childhood
       programs. Kentucky Teacher Educator, 1, 23-41.

Frey, A., Park, K.L., Brown-Ferrigno, T., & Korfage, T. (2010). The social validity of program-wide Positive Behavior Support. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 12, 222-235.

Miller, M., Fenty, N., Scott, T.M., & Park, K.L (2010). An examination of the effects of social skills instruction in the context of small group reading. Remedial and Special Education, 32, 371-381
          doi: 10.1177/0741932510362240

Park, K.L. & Scott, T.M. (2009). Antecedent-based interventions for young children at-risk for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Behavioral Disorders, 34, 196-212.

Park, K.L. (2007). Facilitating effective team-based Functional Behavior Assessments in typical school settings. Beyond Behavior, 17, 21-31.

Scott, T.M., Park, K.L., Swain-Bradway, J., & Landers, E. (2007). Positive behavior support in the classroom: Facilitating behaviorally inclusive learning environments. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation
          and Therapy,3
, 223-235.

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