McDowell, Jacqueline

Dr. Jacqueline McDowell
PhD, Texas A&M University
Associate Professor
Assistant Dean for Faculty Success, Office for Faculty Success
Center for Sport Management
Sport and Recreation Studies
Sport Management
Phone: (703) 993-7088
Fax: (703) 993-2025
Email: jmcdowe7 (
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Thompson Hall 2503
4400 University Dr.
MS 4D2
Fairfax, VA 22030
Dr. Jacqueline McDowell is the Assistant Dean for Faculty Success in the College of Education and Human Development and an Associate Professor in the School of Sport, Recreation and Tourism Management. Dr. McDowell has devoted her career to researching and advocating for equity in sport organizations; and her emerging research stream investigates the effects of nutritional health on athletic performance. Her article, Title IX and Campus Recreation: Guidelines to Increase Gender Equity in Club and Intramural Sport Programs, was selected as the 2017 recipient of the National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association’s (NIRSA) President's Award for Article of Distinction. In 2020, she received the Joy DeSensi Diversity Award for Inclusive Excellence from the North American Society of Sport Management (NASSM). Dr. McDowell currently sits on the Board of Directors of the Black Women in Sport Foundation.
- Diversity and Inclusion Issues in Sport Organizations
- Title IX and Gender Equality in Sport
- Nutritional Health of Athletes
McDowell, J., Kim, A., & Evans, K. (forthcoming 2024). Professional sport. In P. Pederson (Ed.), Contemporary sport management (7th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
McDowell, J., Carter-Francique, A. & Andress, D. (forthcoming 2024). Experiences of women athletes of color. In E. Staurowsky (Ed.), Women and sport: Continuing a journey of liberation to celebration (2nd ed). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
McDowell, Jacqueline, Pickett, Andrew C., & Pitts. Brenda G. (2022). Introduction to the Special Issue on Diversity and Inclusion in Sport Management Education. Sport Management Education Journal, 15(1), 1-3.
Slocum, S., & McDowell, J., & Huang, Y. K. (2020). An investigation of location-dependency and sociodemographics on sustainable festival and at-home behaviors. Anatolia, 31 (3), 466-468.
Slocum, S., Huang, Y. K., & McDowell, J. (2020). Understanding Renaissance Faire travel participation: An assessment of leisure loyalty frameworks. Event Management, 24(2-3), 437-360.
McDowell, J. Gill, E., & Sloan-Green, T. (2020). ReColoring Title IX: Increasing Black female athletes’ participation through shared advocacy. In D. Brooks & R. Althouse (Eds.), Racism in College Athletics (4th ed., pp. 191-208).
McDowell, J., Hart, A., & Gill, E. (2020). Lingering issues in race and ethnicity. In J. Borland, G. Kane & L. Burton (Eds.), Sport leadership in the 21st century (2nd ed., pp. 261-282). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning, LCC.
- College of Education and Human Development
- School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Management
- School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Management
- Sport and Recreation Studies
- Sport Management
- Kinesiology
- Center for Sport Management
- Office for Faculty Success
- Independent Study for the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (EDUC 897)
- Introduction to Kinesiology (KINE 100)
- Kinesiology Internship (KINE 490)
- Introduction to Sport Management (SPMT 201)
- Diversity and Inclusion Issues in Sport (SPMT 318)
- Special Topics in Sport Management (SPMT 480)
- Special Topics (SRST 598)
- Independent Study in Sport and Recreation Studies (SRST 599)
- Research Design and Statistical Reasoning (SRST 623)
- Master's Project/Internship (SRST 798)
- Master's Thesis (SRST 799)