Liu, Hung-Ling (Stella)

Dr. Hung-Ling Liu
PhD, Oklahoma State University
Associate Professor
Recreation Management
Sport and Recreation Studies
Phone: 7039936843
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Email: hliu35 (
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Krug Hall 213F
4400 University Dr.
MS 4D2
Fairfax, VA 22030
Dr. Hung-Ling (Stella) Liu is an Associate Professor in the School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Management at George Mason University. Dr. Liu received her doctoral degree in Leisure Studies-Recreation Management at Oklahoma State University (OSU) and earned her Bachelor of Education degree in Early Childhood Education and a master’s degree in Sport and Recreation Management in Taiwan.
Before joining George Mason University in the fall of 2022, she was an Assistant Professor in the Sport and Recreation Management program at South Dakota State University (SDSU). She also served as an Affiliate Assistant Professor with the Department of Nature Resources for Conversation Planning and Park Management at SDSU. Her other academic positions include as a research faculty and adjunct instructor in the Leisure Studies and Department of Geography at OSU.
Throughout Dr. Liu’s career, she has focused on two complementary lines of research. One addresses the impact of nature-based recreation on management practice, development, and sustainable use of natural resources. The other examines how participation in recreation affects individuals’ overall experiences, health, and well-being. Her research focuses on using recreation and parks as a means to promote quality of life and well-being. She is passionate about working with community partners, professionals, and students with diverse backgrounds to discover new knowledge and contribute expertise to our society.
Textbook Chapters
Liu, H.-L., Meendering, J., McCormack, L., & Dvorak, S. (2022). Join the team: Creating healthy rural communities in South Dakota through community-based wellness coalitions. In J. H. Hironaka and S. V. Lankford (Eds.), Inter-professional Collaboration in Parks, Recreation, and Human Services: Theory and Cases. Sagamore-Venture Publishing.
Peer-Reviewed Publications (** graduate student, * undergraduate student)
Liu, H.-L., Carotta, C. L., Lavender-Stott, E. S., & Garcia, A. S. (2024). Thriving through stress: Leisure, hope, growth, and well-being. World Leisure Journal, 66 (1), 72-91.
Brown, E.** & Liu, H.-L. (2024). Citizen science in the classroom: Data quality and student engagement. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 16 (2), 1-14.
Felty, M.** & Liu, H.-L. (2024). More than a job: Student fitness instructors’ leadership, communication, and relationship building in campus recreation. Recreational Sports Journal, 48 (1), 85-96.
Garcia, A. S., Lavender-Stott, E. S., Carotta, C. L., Liu, H.-L., Nguyen, V. O. & Timm-Davis, N. (2024). Loneliness, social connectedness, and the buffering effect of social connectedness. The Family Journal.
Lee, K.-F., Liu, H.-L. & Bentley, J. (2024). The contribution of serious leisure qualities to passion in the context of collegiate sport club participation. Leisure Studies.
Liu, H.-L. & Wu, I.-C. (2024). Crawling with a vehicle: Rock-crawlers’ recreation specialization, motivation, and perceived challenges. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 45,100708.
Foss, K.**, Liu, H.-L., Carotta, C. L. (2024). Parents’ outdoor recreation preference and perception of children’s outdoor recreation participation and state park use. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership, 16 (1), 38-54.
Lee, K.-F., Bentley, J., & Liu, H.-L. (2023). The mediating role of passion in the relationship between serious leisure and well-being. Journal of Leisure Research, 54 (4), 409-428.
Carotta, C. L., Lavender-Stott, E. S., Garcia, A. S., & Liu, H.-L. (2023). Relationship status and well-being in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Family Issues, 44(10), 2527-2546.
Leonard, A.** & Liu, H.-L. (2022). College freshmen’s wellness center usage, physical activity, and symptoms of depression. Recreational Sports Journal, 46(2), 166-174.
Liu, H.-L., Lavender-Stott, E. S., Carotta, C. L., & Garcia, A. S. (2021). Leisure experience and participation and its contribution to stress-related growth amid COVID-19 pandemic. Leisure Studies, 41(1), 70-84.
O’Farrell, P.,** Liu, H.-L., Carotta, C. L. (2021). Applying the ecological model to explore the influential factors in children’s outdoor recreation participation. Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership, 13(3), 86–92.
Wu, I. C., Mathew A., & Liu, H.-L. (2021). A historical geospatial analysis of severe weather events in Oklahoma state parks: A park management perspective. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 39(2).
Garcia, A. S., Born, S. L., Carotta, C. L., Lavender-Stott, E. S., & Liu, H.-L. (2021). Hope and self-compassion to alleviate parenting stress in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Family Journal.
Liu, H.-L., Wu, I. C., & Bradley, M. J. (2021). To fee or not to fee? Satisfaction, service quality, and support of entrance fee of a state park system. Park Stewardship Forum, 37(1), 244–252.
O’Farrell, P.,** & Liu, H.-L. (2020). Gateway to outdoors: Partnership and programming of outdoor education centers in urban areas. Education Sciences, 10(11), 340.
Arnold, Z.,** & Liu, H.-L. (2020). The relationship between alcohol consumption, academic success, and athletic identity in colligate student-athletes. Journal of Amateur Sport, 6(2), 84–106.
Diejomaoh, C.,* Li, X., & Liu, H. L. (2020). Identifying destination image of rural areas: The case of Brookings, South Dakota. International Research in Business and Management, 15 (7), 1–9. http://doi:10.5539/ijbm.v15n7p1
Liu, H.-L., Mehlhaf, J.,** & Gray. J. (2019). Public perceptions of parks and recreation services. Journal of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism in Public Health, 3, 17–26.
Liu, H.-L., Bradley, M. J., Wu, I. C., & Maples, J. N. (2019). Resident perceptions of black bear management in south central Kentucky. Natural Resources, 10(7), 271–283.]
Bradley, M. J., Maples, J. N., Bogard, D., Liu, H.-L., & Sharp, R. L. (2019). Leverage leisure identity of birders in the United States. Alabama Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Journal, 39(1), 9–21.
Liu, H.-L., Wu, I.-C., & Caneday, L. (2018). Using feasibility study as a management tool: A case study of Oklahoma state park lodges. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 36(3), 174–190.
Liu, H.-L., & Sharp, R. (2018). Visitors’ wildlife attitudes influence on preferences for management of black bears. Ursus, 29(1), 32–42.
Liu, H.-L., Baghurst, T., & Bradley, M. (2018). Female roller derby athletes’ identity and their systematic pursuit of leisure. Journal of Amateur Sport, 4 (1), 108–128.
Wu, I.-C., Liu, H.-L., & Cox, M.** (2018). An exploration of perceived health outcomes of state park visitors in Oklahoma. Journal of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism in Public Health, 2, 57–64.
Bradley, M. J., Maples, J. N., Bradley, C., Liu, H.-L., & Chalkidou, T. (2018). Crouch, pause, set: Social identity and leisure levels of female ruggers in Kentucky. Kentucky Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Journal, 55(2), 8–16.
Wu, I.-C., & Liu, H.-L. (2017). An investigation of a major rock-crawling event in rural Oklahoma: Tourism market, tourists’ expenditures, and management implications. Oklahoma Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Journal, 55(1), 45–58.
Liu, H.-L., Bradley, M. J., & Burk, B. (2016). I am roller derby: The serious leisure and leisure identity of roller derby participants. World Leisure Journal, 58(1), 28–43.
Bradley, M. J., Liu, H.-L., Chalkidou, T., & Caneday, L (2015). Using discriminant analysis to enhance understanding of environmental ethics and place attachment of visitors and staff: An Oklahoma State Parks case study. Visitor Studies, 18(1), 63–82.
Bradley, M.J., Liu, H.-L., Chalkidou, T., & Wu, I. (2015). This land is our land: Identifying Oklahomans support of a federal conservation effort. Journal of the Oklahoma Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 52(2).