Wiggins, David

Dr. David K. Wiggins
PhD, University of Maryland
Professor Emeritus of Sport Studies
Co-Director (CEHD), The Center for the Study of Sport and Leisure in Society
Phone: (571) 572-5886
Fax: (703) 993-2025
Email: dwiggin1 (@gmu.edu)
George Mason University
Science and Technology Campus
Katherine G. Johnson Hall 201
10890 George Mason Circle
MS 4E5
Manassas, VA 20110
Dr. Wiggins is Professor Emeritus of Sport Studies. He has held numerous positions in professional organizations, including serving as Editor of the Journal of Sport History, History and Philosophy Section Editor of the Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, and Editor of Quest. He has been involved in a number of consultantships and media initiatives; given many invited lectureships; and made numerous scholarly presentations at state, regional, and national conferences. Included among his consultanships was serving as an advisor to the sports gallery at the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture. Dr. Wiggins has published scholarly articles, book chapters, and several books on the history of sport, particularly as it relates to the involvement of African American participation in sport and physical activity. Among his publications are: Glory Bound: Black Athletes in a White America (1997); Sport and the Color Line: Black Athletes and Race Relations in Twentieth-Century America (2004, with Patrick B. Miller); The Unlevel Playing Field: A Documentary History of the African American Experience in Sport (2003, with Patrick B. Miller); Out of the Shadows: A Biographical History of African American Athletes (2006); Rivals: Legendary Matchups that Made Sport History (2010, with R. Pierre Rodgers); DC Sports: The Nation's Capital at Play (2015, with Chris Elzey); Separate Games: African American Sport Behind the Walls of Segregation (2016, with Ryan A. Swanson); LA Sports: Play, Games, and Community in the City of Angels (2018, with Wayne Wilson); and More than a Game: A History of the African American Experience in Sport (2018). His latest book, Black Mercuries: African American Athletes, Race, and the Modern Olympic Games (with Kevin B. Witherspoon and Mark Dyreson) is scheduled for publication in 2022. Dr. Wiggins is also a three-time recipient of the Research Writing Award for outstanding scholarship from Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, a Fellow of the Research Consortium of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Active Fellow in the National Academy of Kinesiology, Editor of the Sport, Culture, and Society Series of The University of Arkansas Press, Editor of Kinesiology Review, and Past-President of the North American Society for Sport History.
Learn about the David K. Wiggins Endowed Fund for Scholarships, created to honor Dr. Wiggins, and make a contribution to this scholarship to support students pursuing a degree in the School of Sport, Recreation and Tourism Management.
- History of African American participation in sport
- Sport biography
- Race and ethnic issues in contemporary sport
- School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Management
- The Center for the Study of Sport and Leisure in Society
- Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (EDUC 998)
- Doctoral Dissertation Research (EDUC 999)
- Special Topics (EFHP 598)
- Foundations of Exercise, Fitness, and Health Promotion (EFHP 606)
- Ethical Issues in Exercise, Fitness, and Health Promotion (EFHP 680)
- Independent Study in Health Education (HEAL 499)
- Professional Dimensions of Health, Recreation, and Physical Education (PHED 200)
- Independent Study in Physical Education and Fitness (PHED 499)
- Independent Study (PRLS 499)
- History of Leisure and Sport in American Society (PRLS 601)
- Philosophy of Leisure and Sport (PRLS 612)
- Practicum (SPMT 241)
- Internship (SPMT 490)
- Independent Study (SPMT 499)
- Ethical Issues in Global Sport (SPMT 620)
- History of Sport and Leisure in America (SRST 200)
- Special Topics (SRST 598)
- Independent Study in Sport and Recreation Studies (SRST 599)
- Foundations of Sport and Recreation Studies (SRST 606)
- Master's Project/Internship (SRST 798)
- Master's Thesis (SRST 799)