Wiggins, Brenda

Dr. Brenda P. Wiggins
PhD, University of Oregon
Associate Professor
Academic Program Co-Coordinator, Recreation Management
Professor-in-Charge, Recreation Management: Therapeutic Recreation
Sport and Recreation Studies
Phone: (703) 993-2068
Fax: This information is not available
Email: bwiggins (@gmu.edu)
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Krug Hall 213
4400 University Dr.
MS 4D2
Fairfax, VA 22030
Dr. Wiggins is the Academic Program Co-Coordinator and Internship Coordinator for Recreation Management. With all three degrees in Recreation, Wiggins obtained her A.B. at San Diego State University in Recreation Administration with a minor in English; M.A. from The University of Maryland in Therapeutic Recreation with an emphasis in Gerontology; and Ph.D. from the University of Oregon in Leisure Studies with an emphasis in Tourism. Prior to her teaching and administrative roles at George Mason University, she taught recreation and physical education courses at Kansas State University as well as the University of Oregon.
Her writing and presentations have included application of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) for Disability and Health; the Esport phenomenon; American women's participation in sport and tourism; interpretative analysis of constraints and negotiations among people with disabilities; and staff retention in a summer camp for children and teens with disabilities to name a few. Dr. Wiggins served for over a decade on the Therapeutic Recreation Advisory Board of Fairfax County and she is an avid Patriot Baseball fan, hiker, crafter, and reader.
- Inclusive recreation programming across the lifespan
- Leisure interests among people with developmental and physical disabilities
- Social psychology of leisure
- Shaw, A., Drogin Rodgers, E., Rodgers, R. P. & Wiggins, B.P. Esport spectator motivation. In R. Rogers (Ed.), Understanding Esports: An introduction to the global phenomenon. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2019.
- Read, R., Slocum, S., Daniels, M. & Wiggins, B. (2019, June). Identifying Guideline Compliance Among Antarctic Tourists. In Abstracts from International Conference on Tourism. Brado, Porto, Portugal.
- Wiggins, B.P. and Daniels, M. J. Hegemony and identify: The Routledge History of American Sport Hegemony and Identity: The Evolution of American Women’s Participation in Sport Tourism. In Borish, L.J., Wiggins, D.K. & Gems, G. R. The Routledge History of American Sport, Routledge, London, UK, 2016.
- Porter, H., Wiggins, B.P., & Haynes, N. Parkinson's disease. In H. Porter (ed.), The Recreational Therapy Handbook of Practice: Concepts and Techniques-ICF Based, Idyl Arbor Inc., Enumclaw, WA, 2013.
- Wiggins, B.P. Emma's gown. In Daniels, M. and Loveless, C. Wedding Planning and Management: Consultancy for Diverse Clients-Second edition, Routledge, London, UK, 2013.
- Wiggins, B.P. Recreational parks, golf, and ski venues. In White, K.K. (ed.). America Goes Green: An Encyclopedia of Eco-Friendly Culture in the United States, ABC-CLIO, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA., November, 2012.
- Wiggins, D.K. & Wiggins, B.P. Striving to be in the profession and of It: The African American experience in physical education and kinesiology, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 82 (2) June, 2011, 320-333.
- Daniels, M. J., Rodgers, E. B. D., & Wiggins, B. P. (2005). “Travel Tales:” An interpretive analysis of constraints and negotiations to pleasure travel for persons with physical disabilities. Tourism Management, 26(6), 919-930.
- Wiggins, B.P. (2004). Four biographical essays in Wiggins, D.K. (ed.) African Americans in Sports, Armonk, N.Y.: M .E. Sharpe.
- School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Management
- School of Kinesiology
- School of Sport, Recreation, and Tourism Management
- Recreation Management: Therapeutic Recreation
- Sport and Recreation Studies
- Recreation Management
- Tourism and Events Management
- Center for Sport Management
- The Center for the Study of Sport and Leisure in Society
- Doctoral Internship in Education (EDUC 890)
- Independent Study for the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (EDUC 897)
- Advanced Internship in Education (EDUC 994)
- Doctoral Dissertation Proposal (EDUC 998)
- Doctoral Dissertation Research (EDUC 999)
- Independent Study EFHP (EFHP 599)
- Ethical Issues in Exercise, Fitness, and Health Promotion (EFHP 680)
- Project (EFHP 798)
- Thesis (EFHP 799)
- Internship (HEAL 490)
- Research Experience I (KINE 890)
- Introduction to Recreation and Leisure (PRLS 210)
- Practicum (PRLS 241)
- People with Nature (PRLS 300)
- Park Management and Operations (PRLS 302)
- Program Planning and Evaluation (PRLS 310)
- Program Leadership and Evaluation (PRLS 323)
- Human Behavior in Natural Environments (PRLS 402)
- Administration of SRT Organizations I (PRLS 410)
- Trends and Programming Assessment in Therapeutic Recreation (PRLS 416)
- Processes, Techniques and Supervision in Therapeutic Recreation (PRLS 417)
- Assessment in Therapeutic Recreation (PRLS 418)
- Special Topics in Recreation Management (PRLS 480)
- Recreation Management Internship (PRLS 490)
- Independent Study (PRLS 499)
- Natural Resources Recreation Planning (PRLS 531)
- Evaluating Recreation Outcomes (PRLS 535)
- Special Topics (PRLS 598)
- Recreation Administration and Planning (PRLS 610)
- Social Psychology of Leisure (PRLS 611)
- Practicum (RMGT 241)
- Administration of SRT Organizations I (RMGT 410)
- Assessment in Therapeutic Recreation (RMGT 418)
- Professionalism in Therapeutic Recreation Practice (RMGT 419)
- Recreation Management Internship (RMGT 490)
- Special Topics (RMGT 598)
- History of Leisure and Sport in American Society (RMGT 601)
- Thesis Preparation (SRST 595)
- Independent Study in Sport and Recreation Studies (SRST 599)
- Master's Project/Internship (SRST 798)
- Master's Thesis (SRST 799)
- Hospitality, Tourism, and Events Management Internship (TOUR 490)