Skip top navigation This site provides links to privately funded grant opportunities based in educational research.
While most Federal grants can be found at, this site provides a listing of individual federal agencies and private grant sites.

Private Foundations

The Spencer Foundation looks for applications that fit within one or more of four areas of inquiry. These are: The Relation between Education and Social Opportunity; Organizational Learning in Schools, School Systems, and Higher Education Institutions; Teaching, Learning, and Instructional Resources; Purposes and Values of Education. In addition to proposals in these defined areas, the Foundation provides an opportunity to submit field-initiated proposals outside these areas.

The Wallace Foundation most often identifies prospective grantees and invite them, through "requests for proposals" or other careful screening. They support and sharing effective ideas and practices in five major initiatives: School Leadership; After School; Summer and Extended Learning Time; Arts Education; and Audience Development for the Arts.

There are many other opportunities. If you have a specific type of project in mind, please contact this office for support.