College of Education and Human Development
Doctoral Students Honored with Dissertation Awards
March 19, 2015
Congratulations to the doctoral students who received dissertation honors this year!
The students are enrolled in the PhD in Education program at the College of Education and Human Development at George Mason University. The program, one of the largest and most well-known in the country, prepares students for leadership roles as academicians, researchers, senior-level administrators, policymakers, and practitioners. It is also a program notable for its individualized, interdisciplinary, and experential approach.

Courtney Baker
Courtney Baker
Courtney Baker is a doctoral student earning a PhD in Education with a specialization in Mathematics Education Leadership.
In April, her dissertation entitled "A Case Study of Novice Teachers' Mathematics Problem Solving Beliefs," received second place honors for the Janice Hooper Holt Outstanding Dissertation in Research on Teacher Induction Award from the American Educational Research Association special interest group for Research on Teacher Induction.
The chair of her dissertation committee is Margret Hjalmarson, associate professor and academic program coordinator.
Courtney Baker is also an assistant professor in the Graduate School of Education.

Michael Crochet
Michael Crochet
Michael Crochet is a doctoral student earning a PhD in Education with a concentration in Learning Technologies Design Research.
In April, his dissertation entitled "Exploring Preservice Teacher Education That Connects Technology Use and Historical Thinking in the Social Studies Classroom: A Case Study," received the Award for Excellence in Pre-Service Teacher Education from the Association of Teacher Educators, Virginia.
The chair of his dissertation committee is Priscilla Norton, professor in the Graduate School of Education.

Rory Dippold
Rory Dippold
Rory Dippold is a doctoral student earning a PhD in Education with a specialization in Educational Psychology.
In February, his dissertation entitled "Infusing Self-Regulation Learning in Project-Based Learning," received honorable mention honors for the Teacher as Researcher Award from the American Educational Research Association special interest group for Teacher as Researcher.
The chair of his dissertation committee is Anastasia Kitsantas, professor and director of the PhD in Education program.
Rory Dippold is also a seventh grade teacher at Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School in Falls Church, Virginia.

Abigail Konopasky
Abigail Konopasky
Abigail Konopasky is a doctoral student earning a PhD in Education with a specialization in Educational Psychology and a secondary emphasis in Research Methodology.
Her dissertation entitled "Linguistic Agency in Adult Secondary Education: A Mixed Methods Study," earned her a summer research fellowship from George Mason University's Provost Office for Graduate Education.
The chair of her dissertation committee is Kimberly Sheridan, associate professor of educational psychology.

Linda Mann
Linda Mann
Linda Mann is a doctoral student earning a PhD in Education with a specialization in Education Policy.
Her dissertation entitled "Restorative Justice Unfulfilled: A Case Study of African Americans from Prince Edward County, Virginia," earned her the 2015 Doctor of Philosophy in Education academic program award from George Mason University's Graduate School of Education.
The chair of her dissertation committee is Penelope Earley, professor and director of the Center for Education Policy.
Linda Mann has ten years of middle-level teaching experience and has also served in various capacities as a political activist and conflict resolution specialist within the field of education.
About CEHD
George Mason University's College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) includes two schools: the Graduate School of Education, one of the most comprehensive education schools in Virginia, and the School of Recreation, Health, and Tourism. CEHD offers a full range of courses, certificates, and degree programs on campus, online, and on site to more than 4,000 students each year. CEHD is fully accredited by NCATE, and all licensure programs are approved by the Virginia Department of Education. George Mason University, located just outside of Washington, D.C., is Virginia's largest public research university.
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