CEHD's Brenda Mueller Receives Employee of the Month Award

March 28, 2012

Brenda Mueller, director of CEHD's Office of Technology Support, was honored yesterday as George Mason University's Employee of the Month in a ceremony hosted by President Alan Merten.

The recognition is a high honor at Mason, which employees more than 2,300 staff.

As director of the Office of Technology Support for the College of Education and Human Development, Mueller oversees the installation, maintenance and use of the college's technology. She not only directs the office, but often rolls up her sleeves to actively participate in maintenance and problem-solving.

Furthermore, she regularly takes the initiative in designing innovative solutions to problems and supporting CEHD offices with their technological needs on all three campuses. Her competence, vision, hard work and positive attitude are all reasons why she was named April's Employee of the Month.

Her nominators laud Mueller on her work overseeing the college's move to Thompson Hall on the Fairfax Campus: She spent the entire winter holidays working with the team installing new equipment.

"[Mueller] has worked tirelessly to facilitate that transition in terms of technology efficiency and access," says nominator Priscilla Norton, professor in the Graduate School of Education. "She has spent countless hours supporting faculty, and even more hours working in the classrooms to guarantee that new technologies are available and working."

Nominator Mark Ginsberg, dean of CEHD, recognizes Mueller's work across campuses.

"As a direct result of [her] efforts and acumen, CEHD has ‘state of the art' technology systems that are fully operational, meet our needs and have rare, minimal operational interruptions in service," says Ginsberg.

Her nominators repeatedly cite her hands-on work attitude and prompt replies to questions or concerns.

"On one occasion when I needed assistance during class and Ms. Mueller promptly arrived, a student remarked that I must be very important to have the director herself respond," recalls nominator Dawn Hathaway, an assistant professor in CEHD. "She treats us all like VIPs."

Mueller's positive attitude and friendliness are also widely recognized by her nominators.

"Brenda Mueller is a valued leader in the CEHD community, not only for her competence, but also for her collegiality and positivity," says Martin Ford, senior associate dean of the college.

Her leadership skills are also highly praised, with good reason; when asked about her award, Mueller relates it back to the team.

"I work with so many wonderful people and on such an awesome team that being singled out is a huge honor," says Mueller. "The CEHD Office of Technology Support will celebrate together since this recognition is reflective of their hard work and dedication in providing quality technical support to the CEHD faculty and staff."

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