Gail Haller Named August 2011 Employee of the Month

July 28, 2011

Gail Haller, administrative assistant in the dean's office of the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD), has been named August 2011 Employee of the Month.

According to her supervisor, Martin Ford, CEHD senior associate dean, an “air-traffic controller at a chronically overbooked airport” is a more fitting job description for Haller.

Gail Haller. Photo courtesy of Gail Haller

Haller's duties include “coordinating the activities of numerous search committees, faculty evaluation committees, faculty governance committees, academic program committees and distinguished visitors to the CEHD ‘air space,'” says Ford.

He praises Haller's keen aptitude for maneuvering around “unscheduled departures and landings” and “managing the flight connections among the CEHD administrative team, each of whom has specialized routes that rarely intersect.”

Haller's peers say she consistently anticipates potential problems and always has the next series of important steps already mapped out.

“She is able to understand complex situations and then develop a plan after first considering the different facets that need to be addressed,” says Stephen White, CEHD associate dean. “Gail is truly ‘one-in-a-million,'” says White.

Haller joined Mason in July 1999. Throughout the past 12 years, she has become an invaluable asset for the CEHD administrative team — not only for her work methods, but for the sense of community that she brings, say her co-workers.

“Gail takes her relationships with people genuinely and seriously, and simply follows through cheerfully and without missing a beat,” says Becky Fox, CEHD associate professor.

“She is collegial, respectful and well regarded by faculty, staff, students and visitors to the college. She is among ‘Mason's finest,'” says Mark Ginsberg, CEHD dean.

It's no surprise, then, to hear that what Haller enjoys most about her job are the people she comes in contact with on a daily basis and how they have become part of “one big family.”

Haller admits that when she first heard she won the Employee of the Month award, she was “surprised, shocked and a little embarrassed from all of the attention.”

“It was a great feeling to know that people you work with appreciate your work,” she says.

Haller will be formally presented with this award by President Alan Merten in his office, 103 Mason Hall, at 3 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 4. Her family, co-workers and friends are all encouraged to attend the ceremony.

July 28, 2011
BY Lea Lubag